Page:A General Biography of Bengal Celebrities Vol 1.djvu/179

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170 LIFE OF BABU RAM GOPAL " GHOSE. 'will be disposed, I am afraid, to charge me with- neglect an! inattention. This, however, is not the case. Be assured that I an fully sensible of your extreme kindness towards me, which I have no claim upon for anything that I possess. The. attach- ments of generous mind are always spontaneous and warm, til) something positively offensive appears, which at once Baps 'the' foundation of friendship. You will find, I trust, ample explain* tion when I tell you that the lamented loss of my only child, mj mother's continued illness, and my own indifferent health have" combined to draw away my attention from the agreeable and profitable correspondence of my valued friends. But now let me notice few particulars, which I have no doubt will be in- teresting to you. You have, I presume, been already apprised of the progress that the new Society is making, yet I can not forbear giving you a brief account of this. I send you one of o'ur circulars. The circular was issued to the senior students of all the prin- cipal seminaries as well as to the young students of the same. I understand that about 300 young men were assembled ( on the 12th March), What a gratifying sight this must have been to all true friends of India ! What a circumstance of congratula- tion to us who were desirous of making a propitious beginning: But the proceedings were not quite so gratifying as one might wish. There was more talking than oratorical speakings Twd other good speeches were, nevertheless, made, which arc so es- sential in attaching a due degree of importance to proceedings of this nature. The following officers were chosen on this occasion. President, Tara Chand (Sikdar), Vice-President gala Chand Sett and myself, Secretaries Ram Tonoo Lahiry and Peary Chand Mitra, Treasurer Raj Kristo Miter. Committee Members are Krishna Mohun Banerjee, Rusik 1*1 Sen, Madhub Mulik, Peary Mohun Bose, Tariny Churn Banerjsa, and Ry Krishna Dey. f ' Madhub has since resigned his post. Many important points W£re overlooked at this general meeting owing to the want of