Page:A General Biography of Bengal Celebrities Vol 1.djvu/183

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174 LIFE OF BABU RAM. GOPAL GHOSE. Calcutta th August 1838. My dear Gobind, Ac &c Ac. &c. At the last meeting of our Society one discourse on commerce by Guru Churn Dutt (afterwards a Deputy-Magistrate of the 1st class) was read. It did not display much ability, though it certainly was* creditable. Our friend Huro (Euro Chunder Ghose, afterwards a Judge of the Calcutta Small Cause Court) the Sudder Ameen (who has lately been transferred to Hoogly) will favour us with an- account of Bankoora. Nothing can be more useful than collection of local information in this manner. I am glad at the prospect of having your account of Chittagong at an early date. These kinds of communications will above all make onr Society interesting in the eyes of Europeans. A PROJECT FOE POLITICAL AGITATION IN ENGLAND WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF Ma. ADAM. While upon this subject I may as well tell you of the plans which I have lately been maturing in conjunction with Mr. Adam, or rather under his direction and advice. This gentleman, you are perhaps aware has gone to America with a view to join his family at Boston, and then go to England where he will probably be settled in London in connection with a press. I had several interviews with him pre- ■ vious to his departure, and his earnest proposal was that we might set about collecting information which should guide the public and public measures. This can be chiefly done by intelligent and active men like yourself who are placed in the mufusiL And onr Govern- ment being so apathetic here, the best plan would be to transit thi* information to Mr. Adam in England, who would bring it prominent-^ ly forward in the London Press, and arouse the attention of the English public to Indian subjects. When this is once effected, Mr. Adam seems determined to do all (if we but do our duty and keep him supplied with the necessary information) whether by writing in* the papers, or by publishing pamphlets, or giving public dis- courses. When we bear in mind Mr. Adam's superior abilities, can have little doubt of the result I will mention a few of the sab * • ■ ■ ' ' : t