Wherein Mrs. Comstock Experiments with Rejuvenation, and Elnora Teaches Natural History
For the next week Mrs. Comstock and Elnora worked so hard there was no time to talk, and they were compelled to sleep from physical exhaustion. Neither of them made any pretence of eating, for they could not swallow without a great effort, so they drank milk and worked. Elnora went on setting bait for Catacolæ and Sphinginæ, which, unlike the big moths of June, live several months. She took all the dragon-flies and butter-flies she could, and when she went over the list for the man of India, she found, to her amazement, that with Ammon's help she once more had it complete save a pair of Yellow Emperors.
This circumstance was so amazing she had a fleeting thought of writing Ammon and asking him to see if he could not secure her a pair. She did tell the Bird Woman, and from every source at her command she tried to complete the series with these moths, and could not find any for sale.
"I think the mills of the Gods are grinding this grist," said Elnora, "and we might as well wait patiently until they choose to send a Yellow Emperor."