- pto
i 13 (rare custom, RS^ <•»».*«««>■«; but Klo
Bu rd. "E^ [ = 'D?] ; cf. Benz Arch - 163 ; Enc '- Blb - D "° Now Arch -'- lss ); r V as funeral rite also (obj. om., prob. spices, cf. 2 Ch 16"), tc. ? pers. mort. Je 34 s , +acc. cogn. naif 2 Ch 16 14 (cf. '">En?>); in ceremonial of P(never of burning sacrif.onaltar, I'Opn , cf. npjin , but) chiefly ( 1 4 1.) of consuming refuse, esp. unused portions of victims, etc. (to prevent use), and infected objects, Ex 29'"' + , sts. mneb pro Lv 4 I2 ( + D7jH>y), ^'"+4^ etc., cf. Ez 43*; also of burning red heifer (to produce ashes for purification) Nu 19 s ". +b. burn, c. ace. pers., (1) as penalty Jos 7 s5 (JE), Ju 14^ i5 6 Lv20 14 , cf. Nui7 4 (pt.pass.), so, E'S subj., Is 47 14 , c. ace. cogn. nB"i?> Lv io 6 (P); (2) as sacrifice, Je7 J1 19 5 ; +b dei Dt 12" 2 K 17". tWiph. Impf. 3 ms. Ilf! Jos7 ls + , 3 fpl. nzsnj&n Pre 27 , etc.;— be burned (11 t. + B*X3): of city Je 3 8 ,7 + v 2:, (read'T>B'n for ty* ©8* Hi Ew Gf Gie Du), idols, etc., Mi i 7 1 Ch 14"; ritually (cf. Qal 2 a ad fin.) Lv 4 ' 2 6 a 7 "13 s2 19 6 ; ofpers., as penalty Gn38 24 ( J), Jos7 14 (JE), 2S2 3 7 (poet.), Lv2i'(H). iVLPt. sf. iSf>pO Am 6" 1 his burner, usu. one burning him, but prob. burning spices for him, v. Dr and cf. Qal supra, +Pn. Pf. 3 ms. TV?, of goat Lv 10" it teas burnt up (and gone). fi. tyre." njn.""' 3 ,! serpent, usu. venomous (poss. from above v , from burning effect of poison); — abs. '"c Nu 21 9 (JE; on Ar. parallels v. Jacob Ar Dwriini'.iot), ap pos. t> vm Dt 8'*, pi. D'snfr? D"?* 1 ??? Nu 2 1 6 ; a flying serpent, or dragon, ^Sijrtp tfo Is i 4 =» 30 6 . tn. [*pW] n-m. 1 ' 6 -' pi. OTtnte seraphim (prob. akin to 1. "v, as beings orig. mythically conceived with serpents' bodies (serpent -deities, cf. Is 14 s 30"), or (Che Co,Bm ) personif. of light- ning, cf. arts. Seraphim, Strachan IUMI,B Che Kocy.Bi<>.j j)j ^{ ar jJ a l, C p_ a ]go Egypt, guardian- griffins, called Serref ; v. also 3TT3 ; on As. Sarrapu (-Au), epith. of god Nergal, connected by Dl™ with V*ii?, v. Tvf, Zim KAI, - 41i );— in OT. majestic beings with six wings, and human hands and voices, attendant upon Is 6 2 '. fin. FpCT n.pr.m. a Judahite ; — iCh4 B ; aia, A ©L SaptKp. TnBnto n.f. burning; — abs, "v Is9 4 +, cstr. TS~}V Nui9*+; — r vh of brick-burning Gn i i 5 ( + c n?'); destructive Am 4" IS9 4 , of land Dt 29-, of temple, Cx nsi'fi) rrn I s 64 10 , 1? Tf Je 51 s i.e. a burnt -out volcano (fig. of Bab.); of heifer Nu 19 s , cf. v 17 ; of spices (prob.) as funeral rite 2 Ch 16 14 (as ace. cogn.), 21" (obj. of nB'V), v"; of pers. (penal) Lv io 6 (ace. cogn., '■> subj.), Nu 1 7 s . t [nonto , nS T ffl P ?] n. [f.] aburning;— only pl/cstr. nisn^Q : yi*2« 'Da Je 34 s (read 'D3 ©@55GieDu al.), like the' burnings (of spices ; cf. /2 a) for thy fathers ; "?& 13 IS33 12 (fig. of ignominious destruction, cf. Am 2 ! ). TD^TO rriE"lCT*p n .pr .loc. named with Sidon Jos 1 I s 13' (appar. near coast) ; cp. (dub. Buhl G ~ tr - =») Muserfe, 14 m. S. of Tyre, v. Di andreff., Guerin e,llLle6f -. — Ma<rrp<i)i<, Maoy«<£o>fyafiii. etc. I. plttf (NH PlD,Aram.^U,PlD,allcomi, card; Ar. J>1£ slit sheep's ear, pluck fruit). '[p'HC/J adj. carded, combed, of flax; — fpl. rrtpn't? n»ri^aisi9*. II. plttf (cf. NH V}0 light red; Ptjpn Ecclus 30 - 7:A,,M ^- shine brightly (of sun); As. farku, red blood; Ar. Jj^i rise and shine (of sun), shew redness, ^ji. become red (like blood) ; Sab. jnVrise (of sun), ywoEast, JpIC epith. dei the shining Sab-Denkm."- 4 Fell*" >*<«"»■*" cf Hom Chr 1-4) fi- [p^] «U- perh. sorrel (! fr. II. f, or cf.^jLil having ruddy tinge over white, of horses
- orrd Lane '*");— pi. D'??^ D"j|rc> DipnK Zci',
of horses. fn. Lp^^-J »•[>*.] vine-tendrils (or clus- ters) (irom red colour ?); — pi. sf. fjisrisr Is 16 s . f 1. p"llTn.[ia.] choice species of vine; — abs. "V Is 5 2 , 'Vff Je 2 2 ' (both in fig.). f 11. p~y& (van d. H. 'ft*) n.pr.loc. in "& br Ju 16 4 (prop. Wady of choice vines); — © 2wp7x[«] ; prob. Wady Surdr (GASm -*'- 2 "'*), on N. side of which is ruin Surik, J h.AY. of Surah (Zor'ah), Survey" 1 - "GEM*" *-. tnp~l^ a-*"- choice vine; — Gn 49". t np^trp n.pr.loc. in Edom;— 'DD Gn "= I Ch 1 47 ; © « Mo<r«'«at (© L ** « Maatpum) ; Euseb ~-- ,d - L, » ^ Macrp,™. TW (-/of foil.; mng.dub.; Dl"«cp.As. lardru, rise in splendour (of sun, etc.), but dub., of-Hal 8 *"*" 1 *"-'*).