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? N3Xn-)b» S"=God (prob., cf. N3S lc; yet v. also ')t 1 b), so Dn'B> -jjp v 2 ->. t ["HO?] vb. denom. (Gerber 20 ) be, or act as, prince, rule ; — Qal Impf. 3 ms. "?5? ifejl ??*"3^'^ Ju 9 s2 Abim. rttM over 7«r. three years ; 3 mpl. Vl'E>< . . . a , nb'I s 32 i princes s/mM jrotwra (prj'wce it) justly flj^P^), cf. Pr8 16 ; Pt. "ns> . . . DVnp Est l 22 </<a< every man should bear rule iivaa. Hithp. Impf., 2 ms. + Inf. abs. ■n^jTPOl uby. ninfri-"? Nu i6 ,s that thou shouldst also keep playing the prince over us. — lb; 1 Ch 1 5 s2 v. ID; Qal and "V 4 b. Hiph. Pf. 3 pi. metapl. Wbn (Ges* 67 *) H08 4 they made princes (abs.; || U'pDn). f 1. [m0?] n. f. princess, noble lady ; — cstr. Vn V (Ges « M ') La 1 ' ; pi. rrilb> ^n 1 , cstr. uZ. Est 1 '" ; sf. n'ni-ib' j u 6 » Drrn. i s 49 2' ; _^ m . cessea attending Sisera's mother Ju5 c9 ; of Sol.'s wives 1 K 11 3 , other queens Is 4c/ 3 (|| D'abt?); wives of nobles Est i 18 ; fig. of Jerus. La i 1 . II. JmO? n.pr.f. wife of Abraham (prin- cess); — Zappa: Gn 1 7 "(where formal change from •<iV), v 1719 - 21 2 i ,b - 3 23 11 - 2 " 19 2 5 1012 49 31 (all P), 18 6 + 9t. 18, 2i 1,2, 24' ,6W (allJ), 2o 2 - 2141,!ls 2i 6 '- 9 - ,!! (all E); as ancestress of Hebrews Is 51 2 . "Mo? n.pr.f. wife of Abram (No 2 * 01 ' 11 "" 8 )- 494 Ges*" 1 Ko "• •■ « make = foregoing, with old fem. ending *-«-j > Lag BV92 - Anm# , emphasizing diff. in ©, der.fr. a Vij-Z,, and cp. il-i, name of a barren mt. ; cf.RS bx'W', supr., sub I.mfe>); — ® Zapa ;— Gn 1 ^(J), v 31 (P), 1 2 5 " 17 i6 , - 2 -'- 5 "« s -» (all J), I7"(P); ^ 1 1 29 (J), i6 2 (J), i7 ,3 ( p )- ]io?o?, jtro? v. tote DO? v. )"INE> sub «W p. 67 3 11 . t Qjltf vb. usu. stop up, in sense of shut — T out, shut ears against (late || form of CflD ; yet awkward; Ba" 39 cp. Ar. £^L frustrate, dis- appoint) ; — Qal Pf 3 ms. ,r ipBTI / B> La 3' (>van d. H. Dn'B») /te ('1) Wt «Am< om< my irrayer (Bu 'Fit? 1? «Au< wp [himself] from). t ["IJHli'] vb. Niph. burst or break out, of tumours (Ar. r.:_i have inverted, or cracked, eyelids, or fou/er lij)s; Eth. U»1"<J: lacerate; As. [sa<dru] 11. tear down; Syr. ifcCco destroy, so Sab.nne* Sab.Denkm." - 48 - 2 , BAram.iriD Ezr 5 12 );— Miph. 7™^/. O^ay Dr6 «T0 jSs 9 and tumours brake out to them.


ti^ Sin, 2 1st letter (with E>) ; =300 in postB. Hebrew. •p, also (tGn6 3 [? v. 4 a], Ju 5" Cti 7 Jb i'f>m) -V, f in nriNB> fJu 6 17 , and K> in KW^ t Ec ■", nrf f3 13 (elsewhere before gut't. E>, as "3KB' tCt i 6 Ec 2 18 , PSB'tf 146 3 , DnB> + Ct6 5 La 4", by& t Ju 7' 2 8 26 , 'tfbf t Ct 5 2 ), rel. part, who, which, that, etc. (constantly in NH ; Aram, of Nerab, LdzV 7 '-" 5 ; As. sha; Ph. C'N (regularly), also sometimes C (Ldzb 227 '): ace. to Ges Ew» 181b 01 ,, - 439 Sta» 176 ', abbrev. from IS*; more prob. (Sperling [v-fte], Ko"-" 23 ') an original demonstr. part.), syn. with "&&, but in usage limited to late Heb., and passages with N. Palest, colouring, viz.t Ju 5 77 [IK'S v 27 ], 6 ,7 7 ,2 8 M 2K6"(v.4c),Joni 7 - ,2 4 10 [12*Kiit.l, f 122 34 123 2 I24"-* 129" 133 23 I35 2 - 8 ' 10 136 23 I37 8 - 9 144 15 146 35 La 2 1516 4 9 5 18 Ezr 8 20 1 Ch 5 20

s7 , Ct (uniformly, except in title i 1 ), Ec 

(68 t.; 1f«8 9 t.); also (dub.) Gn 6 3 4 9 ,0 (nW © <3 $), Jb 19 29 ; and in the n.pr. (q.v.) W'i? and PNB'Wtp. — In usage, •£?* is in the main parallel with "&*, viz. 1. as pron. who, which, whom, Ju 7 12 &r nab bvf bins ( c f. i>in c), V' 122 3 124 6 etc.; him whom, that which, etc., Ct i 7 3 1 1 Ch 27 s7 Ec 1" 6 3 v;n »5J vn»3> Dni and much (vb.) is that which his days amount to (Hi De al.), v'°; -f KWl that which i 9 - 9 ; in the genit, -f nfK t^ 137 s8 146 5 .— On -^np in Ec = whatever, wliat, v. DO 1 e J. 2. as a connecting link; = where (cf.f'K p. 81, and 4b(3), •E' Dipt? tEci 7 1 ^(cf.lK/K taipo Gn 3 9 20 + : Ges 5130c ), whither +122* (. . . DBfe^'wAere Ct8 s Ec 1 2 3 • f Di>3 ( c f. ib. 4 b a). ' 3. as a conj . (cf. ">Si< 8);— a. that, after ™n Ec 2 13 3 18 , yT i 17 2 14 9 s Jb 19 19 (1 v. p. 192b), "ifn Ec 2", i»K

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