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28 , =nW$ 2 K 1 9 25 (Ges* B 'Ko U70 ,who follow 

van d. H. in giving TliNB'n? as Qr, but v. Baer Gi), to cause . , . cities to crash into ruined heaps. tniNlIJ Kt, n«itt} Qr, n.f. devastating storm;— sim.Pr i 57 (|| i1S*D). V. flNiS*, ./il. NIB*. trWWJ n.f. ruin;— Is 2 4 12 (late). t JIN© n.m."° ,0 ' " roar (of waters, etc.), din, crash, uproar; — abs. '{? Ho io" + ; cstr. liNE* Isi3 4 + ; sf. BiiNf 5 14 ;— 1. roar of water (waves), Isi7 ,2 (||nDn), sim. of noise of invading host, so v 13 , but del.DuChe Hpt Marti, as doublet; roar of this host v ,2 (|| Jinn), c f. D^ip jiNS? Jesi 55 ; of waves also ^r 65 s8 ; of din or crash of battle Am 2 2 Hoio 11 + 74 s3 ; 'B> *J3 Je48 45 (i.e. war- riors); of battle in which (Symbol missingHebrew characters) beats down his foes Je 25:31, cf. Is:66:6; of gathering hosts Is:13:4; CTH 'V 25 s (Du Marti, plausibly, D""!!^?, as 13"); id. 'V also prob. (for IJNB*, q.v.) 2 K ia™= Is 37 29 ; in mocking appell. of Pharaoh (Necho), Je:46:17 (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (G S B) (Symbol missingHebrew characters) call ye the name of Ph. a Crash. 2. uproar of revellers Is 5" 24 s . — 'B" "li3^4o 3 , j f>i< of roaring (of waters? fig., cf. D:p-"i3P5?D 6 9 where also || |V); Thes al. 0/ destruction (v. v 2), but against usage of jiNS"; > Du prop, we* -ria ( c f. we? nsj is 30 28 ). triStt? n.f. doubtful word; perh.(for ♦TINS') din of battle (= |iNB>) ; Thes a 1 . devastation, cf. n W ; either meaning suits Tftl La3 47 (|| ">5f n ; but'We Comp H "- l3il , from II. N1B>, desolation); contr. (ace. to Thes and mo^t) rp, in TIB' '03 Nu:24:17 (J) sons of (battle-)din (warriors, =(Symbol missingHebrew characters) jiNe* in || Je 48 45 ); Vim take TIB* here as n.pr.; Gray prop. nbrrnNb, pride, or reading as Je, cf. We 00 ""- *'. fll. [JlNt^] vb. Hithp. gaze (appar. || form of nyB*, q.v.); — Pt.ms.rh nNne>o e»Nn Gn 2 4 21 ( J ) the man was gazing at her (Ges * 13 ° *) . [BNtt?], 8MBJ v. II. ttft n*N© v. I. ,W. /Kti^ vb. ask, inquh-e (NH id. ; As. - t no _ t y Sa'dlu, Ar. JUL, Eth. AftA: Sab. ?NDD request, petition, Horn chrMI - 124 Levy-Os ZM0 *■ « m >- 163 ; Aram. MI, ^NB*; OAram. Zinj. W Ldzb 371 , Nab. Hiph. lend Id'";— on V cf. Jastr ,BLl " (i9oo) l8 2<r.^._ Qaj py_ 3 m g ^ J U g» +i W Ju

26 +2 t,; consec. ^ b*V) NU27 21 ; sf. ^^ 

consec. Gn 32 18 (Ges' 64 '), ^"Nfl consec. Ju 4 20 ;

s. sf. fflW 1 S i :o , VWijJNB' J u i 3 '«; 3 pi. g f. 

U1?NB> ^ 1 37 ' ; 2 mpl. Dn W 1 S 1 2" (del. ® Th We Dr and most), Jb 21 29 , "tWJ'KB-'* consec. iS 25 s , etc.; Imp/. 3 ms. •NB*Ex22 13 - r ,etc.; Imv. W Is 7" + ,wbm Ls 45 " ( < "i^NBto WeirChe al.), etc.; Inf. abs. 7iNB> Gn 43 7 +; cstr. ?NB>b Ju 1 " + , etc. ; Pt. act. bt& 2 S 3 13 + , fs. T^Ne* i'k 2 20 K , mpl. d"b0n 1 S 8 10 ; ^ass^Ne? i 2 " 2 K 6 s ;— . a. ask, ask for, ace. rei (vel pers.) Ju 5 25 8 20 1 K 3 ,0 f 1 2 2" ( = pray for) + j »d£ WsrriN 'V 1K19 4 Jon 4 s , i. e. pray for death, but Jl> 31 30 demand the life of another TyN3 by a curse; c. ? pers. 1 K 2 2222 + (? pers. reflex.) 1 S 1 2 1719 4- ; c. IP pers. Ju 8 24 (ace. cogn.), Ezr 8 K 2010' + ; sq.inf. 1K3"; sq.cl. J^HW TO '0 1 K 3 5 = 2 Ch I 7 , cf. 2 K 2 9 ; c. ace. + T1ND pers. 1 S 8'° f 2 7 4 (from '•')+; 4- DJip pers. Is 7" (from '>) + ; c. ace. pers. (from whom) + rei tV' 137 3 ; ate. om. Is 7 12 1 S 1 2 20 1 K 2 20 , c. f? pers. ^ 2 s ; abs. Mi7 3 f io5 40 (of prayer); ?iNfl> rptfjpn 2 K 2 10 , i.e. thou hast asked for a difficult thing. — iS 2 20 v. Hiph.. b. specif, ask as a favour, for tem- porary use, i. e. borrow (cf. Hip, as matter of business, v.Bu 181,28 ), Ex 2 2 13 (E; ace. rei + DVP pers.), 2 K 4 3 (ace. rei 4- JO of source + b pers. reflex.), 6 5 (pt. pass, abs.) ; so also (ace. to many), c.acc. rei Ex 3 22 ( 4- 'Q pers.), 1 1 2 1 2 :ii (both + nxp pers. ; all E), — it is, however, not clear that there was any pretext of mere temporary use ; pt. pass, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1S:1:23 (lent, granted,) made over to (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (in effect pass, of Hiph., q. v.). c. in weakened sense, seek, desire (late), c. acc. 2Ch:11:23 Ec:2:10 (subj. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)); Pr:20:4 in harvest he shall look [for a crop], fW and there shall be none. 2. a. inquire of, c. ace. pers. 4- TON? before inquiry Gn 32"* (E), 44 l9 (J)4-; c.TONI Ju4 20 ,TON>l,etc.,Gn24 47 (J), Je 3 7 13 ; sq.TONl without ace. pers. Gn 32 :i0 (J), cf. 1 S 19 22 , sq. TON.b Jos 4 6 (JE) ; c. ace. pers. 4- ^5? rei Ne i 2 ; ?y rei alone, Ec 7 10 (4-np3nD, i.e. prompted by wisdom) ; c. ace. pers. + rei (about which) 2 S 14" Is45 n 4-4 t.; ace. pers. 4- indir. quest. Ju 13 6 ; c. ace. pers. only, Ju8" 1 S25 8 Dt 32' 4-, inquire of beasts (ace.) Jb 12 7 ; c. ace. rei only, Jeso 5 ; c. b pers. = ace. 2 K 8 6 (K6 8) ' n '» 289h ) ; c. b rei about which Gn26 7 (J), 32 M (J), Jui3 18 2Sn ; Je6 16 Jb8 8 , also (4- TON? before the inquiry) Gn 43 7 (J), and (sq. direct question) Dt4 32 ; c. ? pers. about whom, Gn43 27 (J), cf. phr. of greeting, Di?^? »Tiyi|> B*^ 'B* Exi8 7 (E)