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"*W5 . be left owr(sts.||Vri3) Ex8 57 io ,9 i4 28 (allJ) > Jos ii 4! (D) > Ju 7 s 2 S 14' + ; in restrictive cl. J1?*T '3 K7 2 K 24 14 there were left only, etc., 131 DN Witp '3hN "J?^ ' 3 * ? Gn 47 18 (J); sq. ace. adv. (Ges» U8 «j,'or appos., Dt 4 s7 Ezr p 14 , cf. DVD <riD3 '3 Dt 28 C2 (Ges s "<"); sts. c. 3 loc. Ex 8" (J), Je 38 s + ; c. J1K (prep, loc.) tJos 23 712 (D); c. IP = 6e left from (of) tEx io 5 (J), Dt 3 11 Jos 13 12 (D), Is 1 1" 16 Je 8 31 (pt.; v b del. 'an ©(©HiGfGieCo), Nei 23 , riy& cyo '3 Je 42 s ; c. ? <o or /or, t2 K 10" (pt.), Zc 9 7 2 Ch 21", lian-f? D?^ 'HJ Ex io 5 , cf. 2 Ch 30 6 and (3 loc. for 7) Je 21' ; c. 3, in, among, of, 1 1 S 11" Is 17 6 Je 34 7 37 10 Lv 26 3639 (H ; pt.), 25 M (P; of years), even D^S If? 5 9 (P) </*> rest of the blood; c. 7JJ ti S5 4 ; c. inf. W#"|j> '3 tJosi3'(D); =6« Ze/t aZive, survive, tGn7 23 (J), EZ9 8 (but on text v. supr.); 'in = the survivors, iGn 1 4 W 1 Sn"Ez 17 21 ; pt.as term. techn. = <Ae (purified) remainder, remnant (cf. iw, nnge») is 4 3 (3 loc. ; II "ipton), 2 Ch 34 21 (3 loc). — '3H 1 S 9" is dub.; what is left over, in polite depreciation, Bu; read "W^n HPS. . 6e 7e/J behind, Ex io 26 (E), Nu 11 26 (JE); c.i , !3bGn42 39 (J), cf.Is49 21 Dnio 8 ; of widow Ru i 3 ^ + Jt? of the de;id v 5 . + Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. IWn Exio' 2 +, etc.; Imj>f. 3 ms.'WE': Dt 28", 1 pL"H#3 1 S U 36 (Ges* 488 ^ 09 ^©'"- 4 "'), etc.; /«/ cs<r. 1*NB'n Ezr 9 s , v. also infr.; — 1. leave over, sjyare, c. ace. Ex io 12 (E), 2 K 25 s2 Je49 9 =Ob 5 , Jos 1 i 14 (D), Ju6 4 ; 'B»K TB^ r6tpK Je 50 2 *; esp. "Pits' 'B'n SO leave no survivor, Jos io 28 , cf. v 30 -' ,; - 39 - 40 (all D), so 'fe> 'Bfrl W^-H? (sts. c. 7 pers.) Nu 2 i 3b (E)=Dt 3 3 , cf. Dt 2 34 Jos 8 12 1 1 9 (both JE), io^D), 2 K 10", and ^30 73 17 'eft Dt 28" (in all these rd. Inf. cstr. 'tin , v?Dr Dt3 ' 3i7 ' 24 ); c. 3, among, of, 1 S 14 36 , 3 loc. 1 K 19 18 Zp 3 12 (in both of preserving a pious remnant, cf. "Wf, nnsp), also 2 K 3 s5 (Bur rds. r.'33 for n*33K, Kit D'VjX, cf. KloBenz); c. b pers. Dt 28" iKi5 9 i6 u 2Ki3 7 En-9»; e.P, from, of, 2 K 10", ft? part. 1 S 25 s2 2 K 2 5 ,2 = Je 52", Je 39 10 . 2. Zetn-e or keep over (fl? part.) till morning Nu 9 12 (P). 3. HND V% Am 5 3 the city shall Jtave 1 00 left, cf. v 3 . 4. Zeai* as a gift, .1313 .nriN 'tym Jo 2 14 .— We Now read "1KB'?. Mai 2", v! "IKB*. ' t-»Ntt} n.m I» it, 14 rest, residue, remnant (=inj, esp. Is. and late ; on form Ko"- 1,141 No B«u.«. 8 . ln .w. 3 o)._' E? abg Isi 4 -" 2 + , cstr. Is 1 o" ■+■ ; — rest, residue, remainder, of trees Is 1 o 19 , silver 2 Ch 24 14 , city 1 Ch 1 1 8 , territory Est 9 12 ; rioV *3?1 'b 2 CI19 29 (1TIJ in || 1 K 1 1 41 , and usu. in like phrase, v. p. 451 f.); of men 1 Ch 16 41 Ezr 3 8 4 3 7 Ne 1 o 29 1 1 120 Est 9 16 ; of Moab Is 1 6", Aram 17 3 ( = last remnant), archers of Kedar 21 17 ; Uposterity, T$}} J" 2 } '^ 00 Is 14 22 (of Babylon); ?5?3n 'tS> Zp i 4 ,"i.e. Baal, to the last remnant, vestige (so We al.; © DB*, cf. Schwally NowGASm); term. techn. = purified remnant of Israel (Gie Be,,rt «'""-) Is io M (|| HD^B), v 21 - 21 - 22 jjn.ie 28 5._^ nn 'W Mai 2 15 is obscure; read vfy 'I Wl We Now, cf. GASm. ta^tth "TNtt5 n.pr.m. of Isaiah's son Is 7 3 (=a remnant shall return, cf. io 21 ; ® 6 Kara- ct(f>d(t 'l<X(TOVp. T fP'INtt) n.f. rest, residue, remnant, re- mainder (=:"IKB>); — 'gj abs. 2Si4 7 + , cstr. Ez 3 6 3 + , rnr (Ges* 231 ) 1 Ch 12 39 (van d. H. v 38 ); sf. WV8? Is H 30 Ez 5 10 , in- Is 44 17 , on. Je 15 9 ; — 1. rest, what is left, of wood IS44 17 , land 15 9 (||nC^B), Je 47 4 - 5 EZ25 16 ; nbn 'tS> i/'76"isdifficult(Gr[cf.Che]prop.nDn//aTOfi</i, Dun'BN<«6e«); r«s< of princes Je39 3 , of nations ( = the other nations, Toy) EZ36 3 ' 45 ; of Israel 1 Ch 1 2 s0 (van d. H. v 38 ), 2 Ch 34 9 Ne 7 71 (van d. H. v' 2 ); =lait remnant of people, Philistines Am i 8 (cf. We), Is 14 30 , Edom Am 9 12 , Anathoth Jen 23 , Ashdoc^s 20 , Babylon 50 26 , Amalek iCh 4 «( + nD^Bn), Isr. 2K21 14 Je6 9 15 9 ; remnant left after catastrophe Am 5 15 Je 8 3 24 s 40 1115 I 10.16 4Z W3... 43 o 44 l=14.28 Ez 5 10 9 8 j j 13 Hag 1 ,214

2 ; even 'vh ny.WnS "Rtpbl Mi 4 7 (as promise, 

|| D«J! "ia, cf. Gie B<!l,ri " ,e ' 42, •); = survivors Je44 7 , 3 inn T -|» 'm 2 Ch 36 20 ; = faithful remnant of Israel or Judah (term, techn. of proph., cf. 1XB' ad fin.), 2 K i 9 4 =Is 3 7 4 , 2 K 19 31 (|| ncbs)= Is 37 3i (|| id.), Mi 2 12 5 6 - 7 7 18 Ezr 9" (|| id.), Is 4 6 3 Je 23 s 3 1 7 Zp 2 7 - 9 (|| in;), 3 » Zc 8 "- 12 . 2. remainder = descendants (= _ WB' Is 14 22 ): Gn 45 7 , 'B* QB/ 2S14 7 . II.nKt^'('/offoll.; cf.As.*«rM,Pun.nNB', o flesh, At. *U blood-revenge, so Sab. isn, Sab. Denkm. No • 6 • 1 ' 7 ; perhaps orig. blood (cf. Je 51 35 ), Nb zMGx.(if).723 and Id* 101 , who cp. Mand. Nm , n = )U!L conscience, mind, etc., perh. prop. midriff, cf. Hoffm ""'•). tlMtp n.m. ^"• 26 flesh (perh. orig. the inner flesh, full of blood, next the bones, cf. Hoffm ZAwiiKiwxHW and nb> 3 =(orig.) flesh next the skin);— V abs. 1// 78 2027 , cstr. Mi 3 s + , sf. '1W