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yitf Ne io 30 <1] '"&?), Ec 9 2 , of covenant with '» 2 Ch I5 15 , D'nSs njnaB' Ec 8 2 (prob. of oath of alle- giance to king), ->pS> n$?3f Zc 8 17 ; of threat Ju 21 s 1 S 14 26 (© " ni)2W);keep, discharge the oath is (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Gn:26:3(J), Je:11:5; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) be free, exempt from an oath Gn 24 s (J), cf. Jos 2 17 - 20 . b. =curse, Is 65^ and (|| nW) Nu 5" 1 (P), Dn 9". 2. oath of '», in promise, Dt 7 8 ("OP in rel. cl.), || covenant (Tina), pnx^ iWl3B> V io 5 9 = iChi6 16 .— "top ntof Hb3 9 verydub.: AV oa<As of the tribes; oaths, rods of the word, Hi- St. ; sworn (pt. pass. JOE') were <fo rods ( = chas- tisements) of (thy) word, GesHiRVm; heptads of spears Ew, cf. Da ; text prob. corrupt, Now prop. OlflBtPS) nitSD n?3'e> thou hast sated with sltafts thy quiver; Marti (after © CwW -) % tow was satiated with shafts; GASm tlwu gluttest (1) thy shafts.— Ez2i M v. V. t [tOt£^] vb. Pi. prob. weave in chequer or plaited work (NH Y1& ornament a vessel with a pattern ; Syr. (lexx.) JL». immiscuit, )'•*- commixtio : v. also Lag BN143 ) ; — Pi. Pf. 2 ms. P8W Ex 28 39 (P), and thou shalt chequer (or 2>lait) the tunic (in) byssus. Pu. Pt. mpl. 3uT D'SatPD Ex 28 20 (P), inwoven (i.e. set in a chequered or plaited mounting) with gold (-thread) shall they be (of gems). TynO n.m. (meaning and connexion with above V^dub.);— '#? ^N 1 S i 9 '#? liath seized me, i.e. perh. cramp (Ew<"" 147 ThKe, cf. Dr); al. giddiness (Thes Klo HPS), as intricacy, confusion ; Kit Bu Now leave undecided. tn(i)22CJn n.f. E,28 - M pi. chequered (or plaited) work, usu. of settings for gems; — 3nt 'D (i. e. plaited with gold-thread) for two gems on high priest's ephod (P): Ex28 1113 39 s "- 16 ; / D abg- 28H.2b.39 39 M. hb*c6 'T ISO + 45 > 4 her clothing is oi chequer work inwrought with gold; <KrochmGr Che 0om "- , t rfxaeh?a D*yjB HB^ap (v. np'JS p. 8 1 9 supr.) pearls in plaited settings of gold (-thread). TySttJri n. [m.] chequered (or plaited) work;— 'nn3h3Ex28 4 . D2ttf (-/of foil.; cf. BAram. X, Plf let go, leave, so .n-^o, ; Ar. j£,l outstrip). tpIliU} n.pr.m. one of those sealed Neio 23 ; ZwfiqK, ©L 2<o/3<i/). tp3t2T n.pr.m. son of Abr. and Keturah, Gn 25' i Ch i w ; i«r/3<» (B Soft* Ch).


""Qt£^ vb. break, break in pieoea (NH - T 148 X id.; Sab. nan break, destroy DHM H ° tMus ""°- u - 26 Mordtm BI ' 4 ; Ar. JIo restrain, destroy; Aram, "tan, tal; As. sabdru, break, break in pieces; Eth. (ttd.i break) ;— Qal„ Pf. 3 ms. 'v 1 K 13 28 Isi4 5 ,etc; 7m;>/: 3 ms.l'a^ Jei9",li3-Is42 3 ; 3 f s . "t3B>ri Pr 25 15 , etc.; Imv. ms.Taf ^ io 15 , sf. D-iaB>Je 17 18 ; Inf. cstr.^fb Gn 19'+ 2 t., liaB' Je 28 12 ; Pi. act.™ Ez4 16 +2 t. ; j)ass. "lO^Lvaa* pi. cstr. T^f fi4f;— break, lit., obj. earthen vessel Ju 7 20 Lv n 33 (P), Je i9 n (in sim.), cf. v 11 48 3S Is 30' 4 , flask Je 19 10 , gate-bar Am i 5 (in metaph.), bowHoi 5 Je49 33 , and sword Ho 2 20 (n? n "iP), bone of lamb Ex 12 46 Nu 9 12 (P), and (Yn metaph.) Pr 25 15 , of."Wf> i.e. frac- tured of limb Lv 22 M (H), yoke Je 2 8 1012 -' 3 , and, in metaph., of deliverance ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) subj.) v:24.11 38:8 (c. -^P), + 4 t., of rebellion Je 2 20 5 s , so staff Is 1 4 s +5 t., reed Is 42 s , arm of Pharaoh Ez 2 2i.22.24 c £ ^ I0 i5. t rees (subj. thunder) fr 29 s ; break in, down, door Gn I9 9 (J); rend violently (of lion), man 1 K 13 s6 , ass v 28 ; wreck Tyre (as ship) Ez27 26 ; fig.6rea& pride Lv26 19 (H); crush (fig.) Is 14 25 (cf. Je 48 2S supr.), La i lb Dn n 26 ; 'B> $"($& HJB'p Je i7 is ; break, rupture, heart (fig.) ^ 69 21 + Ez 6 9 (v. Niph. ad fin.), 3? TCf? f 147 3 ; 'ipn vby "13BW Jb 38 10 broke for it my boundary, of sea, ref. to abrupt ending of main- land ; = quench thirst (frangere silim) 1^ 104". Niph. „ Pf. 3 ms.13^3 Ex 22° + , etc.; Impf. 3 ms."OB* Lv6 21 + , 3 fs.">ai>ni Eci2 6 , 2 ms. "la^Pl Ez 2 9 7 , 13- 32™, etc. ; Inf. cstr. "0#n J n i 4 ;' Pt. -OBO ^5i 19 , fs. rrafj v' 9 , rraao Ez

3, + , etc.; — be broken, of neck 1 S 4 18 , bones 

1//34 21 , gate-bars Je5i 30 , rod (in fig.) Is 14 21 Je 48 17 , idols Ez 6 46 , horn Dn 8 s , cf. v 22 , arm Jb 3 1 22 (njijp), and (in metaph.) Je 48" Jb 38 15 yfr 37 17 , cf. Ez 3 o 22 , bough Ez3i 12 Is 27", cf. (fig.) of wickedness, like a tree Jb 24 20 , other things 1//-37 15 Je5o 23 Ez 29 7 ^ 1 24' ; cisterns Je 2 13 (id.), pottery Lv6 21 i5 12 (P), Ec 12 6 (in fig.); = be maimed, crippled (have limb broken), of animal Ex 2 2 913 (E), and (fig.) Ez 34 416 Zc 1 1 16 , so (fig. of men stumbling) Is8 15 28' 3 ; be wrecked, of ships 1 K 22 49 (rd. QrVOBO), || 2 Ch 20 37 , Jon I 4 , metaph. of Tyre EZ27 34 ; fig. be crushed, de- stroyed (pers., warriors, kingdoms, etc.), Je 14" 22 20 48 4 51'+ 10 t.; fig. be broken, of heart t Je 23" Is 61 1 f 34 19 5i 19 , cf. 'B-? DTI v 19 .— Ez 6 9 rd. prob. "rnaB-'l (We Sm Berthol Toy Krae) ; Co n^a. Pi.' , 6 Pf. 3 ms. 13E» Is 2 1 9 + , iatf Ex 9 25 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. 13^ ^46'° + , 2 mpl. |ri3B>ri Ex 34 13 , etc.; Inf. abs."^W Ex 23"; Pt.