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WJ fr. ["fitf! dub. word, only pi. sf. W Barn •n«>3 f 92", read *$&* (Bae al.) v. foil. ["^"?.^] n - m - (insidious) watcher, (prop. Pol.P^ ( 1?om.,Ges' 82 ■);— pi. sf. irf&+B&, 'TV® 5* 2 7"> 'T}® 54 7 59 11 ; 9 2 ' 2 v - foregoing. III. Tlt# (/of foil.; Ar. jI (j) is ftecome raised, excited, leap, spring ; NH "W = BH, = Sab. (I)iin SabDenkm N ° 12 - ,s DHM z,, °""" (iK>».3«. Ar. p, Aram. K"!^, )»oL"; Nab. Klin as n.pr.m. Lzb 384 (Gk.TaCpos, Lat. taunts, Eng. steer); As. Mrw, Eth. AC:). "TTO„ n.m. Ne518 a head of cattle, bullock, ox, etc. (oft. + lion , nf, etc.) ;— 'e* abs. Is i'+ , cstr. Ex2i li + , sf. ,-rie> 2o 17 + , etc.; pi. &"))& Ho 1 2"; — usu. a single head of cattle, without emphasis on sex (opp."ip,a coll.Ex2i 37 Nu7 3 ): as property, spoil of war, etc.Ex2o' 7 (E; Gi v 14 )= Dt 5 19 , cf. Dt 5", Ex 2i 33 (E) || Dt 22', Ex 21 3737 (|| TJ3 of five head), 2 2 3MW 2 3 12 (all E), Dt 22 1 Gn 4 9 6 (poem in J), Dt 28" Ju 6 4 1 S 1 2 3 Jb 24 s ; as licking up (^l n ?) grass Nu2 2 4 (J), feeding ■<r 106™ (in ref. to golden calf), cf. Is 7 25 32 30 ; lowing Jb6 s ; as intelligent Is I 3 , vicious (goring nj}) Ex 2i 282828 +n t. Ex 21 (E); used in ploughing Dt22 10 , threshing 25 4 , cf. Pri4 4 ; drawing wagon Nu7 3 (P; opp.l^a coll.); '& 'JB Ez i 10 ; specif, of male t Jb 21 10 (opp. n-)B), of female tLv 22 s8 (H), perhaps also Nu i8'"(P), appar. generic Dt 15" 33 17 (poem, fig.); rarely coll. Gn 32" { + t&), Ex 34 19 — cf. Lv 27 M (P)— Jos 6 2 ' 7 24 (all J), 1 S 15 3 22"; fas slaughtered Pr 7 B , for food 1 S 14 3434 (but v b read T^NfnK) with ©ThWeDr al.) 1 K i 1925 Dt 14 4 Lv 17 3 (H), cf. Ne5 ,9 0ns '{?), P r 15' 7 ; for tsacrifice Ju 6 B ('B'n-iS, text strange, cf. GFM), ^ 69 s2 (IB lie', but join IB to v b Bae), 2 S 6 13 Hoi2 12 , Lv 9 4l8 (P), 22 23 - 27 (H), Nu i5 n (P), Dt 17 1 18 3 , cf. LV7 23 9"; nai "nBto Lv4 ,0 (P); illicit sacri- fice Is 66 3 .

11. "VUE n. [m.] wall (Aram, VTM>, )»o».);— 

Gn49 K (poem in J), 2 S 22 30 =i 1 / 18 30 ; pi. sf. DrhlE> Jb 24" their walls De Di De, cf. Bu ; but v. iTJIE* infra; yrpf Je5 10 =t'<« walls, ace. to Vrss AV RV Gf Gie, read then % but v. id. f in. "VttE n.pr.loc. SW. of Palestine, on E. border of Egypt;— Gn 16 7 (J; 't? lyvn), 20 ' (E), towards Egypt 25 18 (J), 1 S 15 7 , TTV& 2 f; 'B'-BTDEx i 5 M (J)._Oft. supposed to denote properly the ' wall ' or line of fortresses, built NHB 462 ff. ■cT^- by Egyptian kings across isthmus of Suez ; but dub.: cf. Dr H *" DB8U0R . T [m^ltS] n.f. prob. row of olives or vines (so DuBuhl al.; cf. NH n-JH?, J Aram. Vtyf* row, whence mod. Ar. i.^i, as loan-word, cf. Vogelst 1 *'" 1 -""" 01 "* "'•); — pi. sf. D^W* Jb 24" (al. 11. 11^); Bu and Du del. sf. ; here also Je 5 10 (reading 'B*) Du Buhl Dr, her (v e-)rows, but Nlptt? n.pr.m. 1 Ch 18 16 , v. nn^. ti. )UriP, Wfitti n.m. TOBfiBj n.f. usually Illy, prob. any lily-like flower (Tristr Post"" t - I>BL,LT Low" 0323 ; NHnSE'iB', Ar. (Vulg.^1), esp.ms, Aram. KHJE-'lB', £jJiZ (PS 4344 ), Gk. <tov<to V Lewy Fremdw - 4; '; orig. loan- word from Egypt, sssn, sosen, Erman ZMQ,,, ' (1892, • u7 );—lily: insim., njtfWj niB;Hoi 4 7 (ofIsr.), D'ninrt pa 'it?a Ct 2 2 (aim. of bride), so cstr. cpovn njtpie' v 1 (cf. n^san); p i. B»jgW 2 16 4'

2,3 7 3 and (fig. of lover's lips) 5 13 ; of flower- 

shaped capitals of pillars, WW riVVQ 1 K 7", |^W '» v 22 ; cf. )fV nna f brim of molten sea v* || HJjW 'B 2 Ch 4 6 ;' elsewh. only ^-titles : B*jeW-^g ^45' 69 1 , rrnj? fgW^j 60 1 , U ' flft^«f WHf 80 1 ; meaning not clear, v. Bae et Comm. al.; yet cf. nnjJ, sub my. f 11. WW n.pr.loc. Susa, winter residence of Persian kings ; 'S.ovo-av, h Xova-ots (cuneif. &&san Dl p * 326 COT*""' ' Billerbeck SuM Say HMt - DBSB ° a " AS );— m;an 12? Ne i 1 ( 9 th month, |>D3), Dn 8 2 (in Elam), Est i 2 - 6 2 3 - 5 - 8 3 16 * 8 14 9 «-"- ls (i 2th month, TJK, v'); 'an m., f& Est 4 916 and (month inN) £»»"•■*». 'b> "pfn gi^b gis tp^W? n.pr.m. 1 K M^Kt, Qr P^ q.v. ftW v. TT'B'. TriT^© n.pr.m. in Ephraim, Nu 26 s4 I Ch 7 21 , f^B* v 20 Nu 26 M ; 2o«raXa, 2a)^aXa, etc., @L 2ovdaa(an). T^VorW adj.gent. of foregoing; cart. 'tfn as subst. coll. Nu 26 K . t[*lT»3^] vb. catch sight of, look on (of eye);— -Qui Pf. 3 fs. sf. pers., subj. ft, IRBTf Jb20 9 , so (rei) 28 7 ; cf. tWB*n «jn|WW Ct i 6 because the sun hath looked on me. pTttf] vb. Hoph. be twisted (NH "i]E> twist; cf. Ar. jj-i, look askew at, also twist cord