pttrty t ptl l, iL 1 king of Egypt, Solomon's time(ioth cent. B.C.), iK i i 40 i4 2 ' v Qr(KtpB'ltJ>), = 2 Chi2 2 , 2 Chi 2°, PV^ v" 7 ; =&eSonk I, first king of 22nd dynasty, Blau ZMG " (,86,, - 233,r - Steind BAS L »j = Sosenk WMM AJ »• Eur - ,M " ■ E ""- Blb - B.SHA. . cf> Griffith H»t. DB S.IMA^ t JTttf vb. put, 8e t(Nb^' tr ' 2 - 8em - 8pr " h " ,M - 39 ; cf. Ph. TW Lzb 375 ; Ecclus TW Pt. pass. 31" (); v. also (No 1 - ' 41 ) Syr. )L'cbJL quality, ap2>ear- ance);—QplPf. 3 ms. Tf Gn^-h, 3 fs. n^ 1 S 4 20 +, 2 ms. nne> ^ 8 7 , w 90 9 , sf. ^ntf 88 7 - 9 , 1 s. ;W73 S +; apL*^Ex33 4 +3t., inetapl. flB* >// 49 15 7 3" (other forms not found) ; J»W/: 3 ms. rVB* Ex2i 22 + , juss. ngjj Jbg 33 , n$$ Gn 30*+ ; 3 fs. sf. *nnern r u 4 16 , ten^n V 2 1 10 + , 1 s. sf. «n$« 1K11"; 7m«. ms. IV? Pr 27 23 , nn^ f 9 21 141 3 ; fs. *n& Je 31 21 , etc.; /n/. a6*. nb> Is2 2 7 ; cstr. rPB 1 Jb3o' + ; i°<. pass. JVEh (J e 1 3 16 Qr, but rd. Kt JVC 1 ;); sf. 'W Exio 1 ; — 1. put, lay hand upon, ?y, Gn46 4 (E), 48 1417 (J), Jb9 33 i// 1 39 s ; c. D? in evil partnership, Ex 23'(E); put ornaments, ->y pers., 33 4 (J); cf. 1 S 2 8 Is 15 9 Jb 22" Eu 3 15 ; lay child into (3) bosom Ru4 16 ; put wisdom, 3 loc, Jb38 36 , cf. Pi-26 24 ; <tfa33 nixy ireta ^i3 3 ,i.e. takecounsel, plan; "2 'DrilO,/^ 28 ; put things tfyfl nnn 8 7 ; lay (penalty) ?V pers. Ex 2i K (E), sin Nu 12 11 (E),ct.(c.~WX = ivhere)ylr84; nearly = give(]T), ace. + b pers. Gn 4" (J ; explan. of name TY&) : appointing 3 '. 2. a. set, station, sheep Via? Gn 3 o 40 , cf. ^ CriE' &6 v 40 (J); ace. pers.= appoint (^ over) 4i 33 (E); set iob pers. (? 3 b) + 3 loc. V'73 18 ) s0 (ace.) 88" and (obj. pers. om.) 12 6 , set crown teW"!? 21 4 , set one (J? partit.) KB3^ 132 11 ; seJ pers. among (3 pers.) 2 S 19 29 Je3 19 , cf. (W) Jb3o'; set watch 'ob f 141 3 , snares V 140 6 , enmity, T? pers. Gn3 15 (J); iniquities T^W? ^ 9° 8 > cf. 101 3 ; set, direct face, b« loc. Nu24 l (J), eyes fl? 3 n,B ^ *i7 n - b. in phr. p 3? '!? se< one's mind to, give heed, attention (cf. D*> 2 b), Ex 7 23 (E), 2 S 13 20 Je 3 1 21 f 48" Pr 22 17 Vj*, c. b« Jb 7' 7 , abs. 1 S 4 20 f 62 11 ; Pr 24 s2 / reflected. C. *««, /x, b*33 Ex2 3 31 (E; c^y . . . Jt?), pi! ^ Tl^n Jb i 4 13 wouldst/x me a limit, 38" (T^ P*"? H^ liBI De al. here shall one fix it [the boundary, pn, v 10 ] = it sftaZ/, be fixed against, etc.: but explan. very forced: Me Kau '3 1?^, Bi Bu '3 nae*). 3. constitute, make one something, 2 ace, 1 K
34 / ivitt make him prince, Is 5" 26' Je 22"
f 21 7 84 7 88' ( + i»b ind. obj.), no' 2 S 22'= ||^i8 12 ; D?^ ierwri 2 i u = thou unit make them (all) shoulder, make them turn their back, flee (cf. 18 41 ); acc.-f b ma&e something t'nfo Je2 is = 50 3 , 13 16 ^45 17 ( + 3 loc); acc+3 comp. make one like Ho 2 4 (|| &T), Is 16 3 1// 2 1 10 83 ,: ,4 ; ace. only, make, prej>are, feast Je 51 39 , cf. 'H? * |, V r J i" 1 ?* Ho 6" (rd. poss. JVC*, pt. pass.), make darkness jr 1 04 20 ; ^-.perform signs, 3 loc. Ex 1 o 1 (J ). 4. internally trans., = take one's stand (cf. D , B' 4 a) rrjy«0n ine>rie> trepan Is 2 2 7 ; c. '""by (against) ^ 3 7._-3Sp IVB" Jb io^Kt; >Qr /mv. flW) is dub., n , B'J = nB'J : De direct (attention) away from me, cf. Di (ellipsis of T, D'JB, or 3.?), Du (sc. TJ; reads 7mc); Lag (so Bu) prop. fiaE*?, Siegf(iT T ) 3B*;, © Beer (best) nya* (7 19 ), with ^bn ^D> (©Bu BeDu) forbirv *B» prob. rightly. Hoph. (or Qal pass. Ges i53u ), /mp/. 3 ms. W Ex 2 1 30 (E) if a ransom be imposed V7V, v 30 . garment (Nb Be,,r,|!,, ' 41f -, cp. Syr. jL'ciJL appearance, and qu. IW?); — cstr. TV& IVfH Pr 7 10 ; fig. Don 'V f 73 s (v. II. ejoy). f 1. ntt) third son of Adam; Gn 4" (where expl. from «/rC#), v 26 s 3 "" 1 Ch I 1 ; T-riS. — In nE'" , 3a-?3 Nu 24 17 (poem in J), read prob. nSB' tumult (cf. La 3 47 ), or HKE' (v. sub KB>3), cf. Gray. — 11. T&, v. II. nJlK ; . t[] n.m. (Albr ZAW " 1(1896) ' 84 ) foundation, stay (of" society) (vW Thes Ko"- '■ 172 );— pi. (W1|T> nine'n ^ i z 3 (prob. fig. of established usages, laws, etc., 23 Zegw, Sym. Btapol, so Hup- Now Bae Che <1888) al.; >Thes al.of «o6/«s); Thes puts here also yTp® Is i9 10 (so MT probably intends), which Ew Di Kit then interpret of working-classes, "^ "®V; butperh.opp.of this, the upper classes, so as to include all ranks of society.Thes De Che Comm -; Che — Buhl al. i^n't? weavers of it (cf. Du Marti), v. III. nntr. TJTrJO n.[m.] coll. thorn-bushes (connex. with above -/dub.; Dietr Abh ' 3 cp.(improb.) HNir devastate, H'NE' ruin, whence 'Vf wild, rough growth);— alw. c. TDB> : abs. 'tf Is 7 s324 9 17 27" (cf. Du); n^ 5 6 j»; sf. in^ io' 7 (fig. of Assyr.). DDttf(Lag BN63 ) vb.Uedown(NH = BH; - T 212 x C Ecclus 47 ra (in death), 33CTD 6«d 40 5 47 20 ' 1 , = deathbed 46"; Ph. 33^, 33CD (v/d 1 infr.), Lzb 37i ; Eth. flhfl: Zte, so Aram. 33f,
T 2