t[^12C?] adj. childless (through bereave- ment);— 6. n ^F lM9 21 (fig- of Zion);— on form v. Ba NB47 . t^Stt? adj. bereaved, robbed of offspring (Ba ,5,c ); — esp. 'B> 3* 2 S 17 8 Ho 13* Pr 17 12 (aim. of fierceness); n%> Dm Je 18 21 ; fffla* DH3 p« Ct 4 2 (of flock, in sim.) = 6 6 . t[0 ,, ^3UJ] n. pi. abstr. bereavement, childlessness ;— V&0 "2? Is 49* 1 >••• sons °f thee, the bereaved. tnf?|ttta ace. to Thes n.f. abstr. barren- ness, 2K 2 21 (||njO); if so, read <r6'3- KloKit; but probably Pi. Pt. as v 19 , cf. Bur. DOt£^ ('/of foil., meaning unknown; NH Hiph.=BH ; Eth. has denom. flhen>: carry on the shoulder; Ar. 15LL is take short steps, from weakness (Kam Fiey)). . D-CJ n.m. Zp3,9 shoulder;— abs. V Gn 4 8 M +, 03?* 33"+, B?£ //2i 13 (whence orig.
- afon'infbrred01 U47 *' i " a - Sta* 199 '; but _ der.
from- before 3, Ba NB104 Ko" 1,i7 - 506 ); cstr.Djf Gn 9 a ; sf. to??' 49 15 + , nco?' (for iTO3?' Ges ! 91e ) Jb3i M ,etc; — 1. shoulder (sometimes incl. back of neck; e)n3 = shoulder-blade): a. as bearing burdens, ^3D^ 'B* B» Gn 49 15 (poem in J; Issach. under fig. of ass), cf. 2 1 " (E), 2 4 15 - 45 Ex 1 2 M , also Gn 9 *>(all J), Jos 4 5 (E), Ju 9 48 Is 10" (|| IK}*), 14 s (both fig.), ^ 8 1 7 , so, metaph., of responsi- bility of rule Is 9 s 22" (symbolized by key), of accusation as (easy) burden Jb3i 36 ; fig. also im 'V i"l?yi> Zp 3 9 to serve him (with) one shoulder (as one man), cf. Syr. [al>~s <►-. b. in statement of Saul's height, ?33 nbjOT toatST) DVn-^30 1 S 9 2 , cf. io 23 and (with play on n.pr. loc'. D?V) TyrW "IW f l|> 'WM Gn48 22 (E; cf. Dr). 2. in gen. 6ac/fc : D?» "?# ta ?^ <ini ?^? 1 S io"; so 'B* torPB'n ^21", i.e. make them turn (in flight; cf. »rjS> ^ nnnra^ 18"); as beaten 'B> HBO Is 9 s (||13 fe#n Dais') ; more anatom. ?^Sn 'Cto 'Dn? Jb 31 22 ?e£ my shoulder- blade fall, from its back.— Ho 6" v. II. D?f. rTO2© v. foregoing. f 11. D3B5 n.pr.loc. 4 , ct m. I4 (Sux'M; ® l oft. 2<«fia Lag BN 57 ) : 1. district in N. Palestine (prob. shoulder (saddle 1) of mount.); — 'V tfipD Gn 12 6 , noa?* 37 14 ; = city (D??*, nD3?>, Ho 6" TO?B : ) J0S24 1 ; 'V ty Gn 33 19 Ju8 31 + 20 1. Ju 9
(t^ ^>3 v 2 + 1 2 1., 'B^Jt? '3 v 46 - 47 ), Ho6 9 + 2 1 1. ('B i l , ?Gn33 18 ); city of refuge Jos 20 7 2 1 21 1CI1
5S . WMM""' 111 "'™ cp. Egypt. Sa-ka-ma (cf.
Jen ZAl(1896)3i6 ); mod. Nablus (from Rom. name Neapolis); v. Buhl 0200 '- GASm 0532 "' 345 Wilson lust. dbsheche». 2. n.pr.m. (on connexion with 1 cf. Ju 9 28 ), ' son ' of Hamor, also Gn 33 19 34 s 4- 10 t. 34, Jos 24 s . TD30J n.pr.m. in Manasseh (2i»x<m) : Nu 26 31 iCh7 19 ; 'B^a: 1 J0S17 2 . t^ptt) adj. gent, of 03?/, c. art. as n.coll. 'B'n Nu'26 31 . [02t?j] vb. Hiph. denom. start, rise, early (prop, load backs of beasts for day's journey); — Pf. 3 ms. consec. C'fB'rn 2 S 15 2 Jb I s , etc.; Impf 3 ms. 03?*?. Gn i9 27 + , 2 ms. D'SB'n J u 9 :t3 , etc.; Imv. 03?>ri Ex 8 ,6 + ; Inf. abs. Bffo Je 7" + , ^3- Je 44 4 Pr 27", erron. DVDfK Je2 5 3 (Ges S63k ); Pt. VapO Ho 6 4 + , etc.; — rise early, make an early start, of journey (Hex only JE); D3fn!> J u 19 9 ( + " 1 ™), cf. Ct 7 13 ; +vb.of going Gni9 2 (J), standing 2 S 15 2 , encamping Ju7', etc.; +inf. 1 S I5 12 (cf. Dr), 29 11 2K6 15 (tfip^), Dip VVfo Vi27 3 (°PP- ra& nnsc); usu. Opal Gni9 27 (J; DipBrr^t?),
S29 1010 +27 t., +(nyperbol.)i:? i '33 W2&Q
»V]j is 5" (II *f& *iq»tD); c. rrjniso Ex 3 2 6 (E), Ju 6 28 + 3 t.; c. t#n nfe;a Jos 6' 5 (J), 1 S 19 26 ; W^l TO , 3? i >l Tinpjl Jos 8 14 (J) tftey Tnarfe a quick and early start, and went out; tlnf. abs. (Ges 5 1,s ') as adv. 31.1|ni 'E>n 1 S 1 7 16 at early morning and at evening; esp. of , in Je : tPH -TV— speaking early and often 7 13 35 14 and (of Je) 2 5 3 , cf. II 7 32 s3 ; oft. Tfhfl 'Cn = sending early and often 7 s5 24 4 26 s 29 19 35 14 44*, also
Ch 3 6 15 ; so vb. fin. VW#n Wtyn Zp 3 7 =
with eagerness they corrupted (Ges 5120s ); pt. 7]Vn 'Bto ?tf J H06 4 like the dew departing early, 13 3 (Ges 1 ").— 1 S 9 26 read 3?f!l, v. a3C Oti^, IDti' vb. settle down, abide, I - t " I A - T 129 dwell (NH id.; Ecclus 43 17d +; Ph. J3K» Lzb 3 ' 3 ; Aram. T??*; Syr. ^a», all dweZZ; Ar. ^i rest, dwell, cf. As. Sakdnu, set, lay, deposit, set up (a dwelling), intrans. be situated (of city), matkanu, place, dwelling-place); — Qal Pf.
ms.'B' Ex 40 33 4- 5 t.; ]*f Dt 3 3 12 + 2 t., etc.;
Impf. 3 ms. frf* Gni6 ,2 + ; 'W. Nu9 17 + 2 t.; 3 mpl. US?* Je 49 31 ; 3 fpl. nabB'ri Ez 17 23 , etc.; 7mr.ms.I3B' Gn26 2 f 37 s7 ; "Jtf v 3 ; mpl. "?{?