Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1053

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yTtttf 1029 TyT'CttJ in Manasseh (the name knoweth t cf. Sab. lDODyT DHM ZMQ """ (1883) - M ) ;- Nu 26 M (Svpaip), Jos 17 s 1 Ch 7", Svpaptip, etc.; ®L 2a M (<)«8a(«). t^Tptp adj. gent, as n.coll. / #n Nu 26 s ". TniO~TOttJ (here ace. to Thes who qu. nom. altitudinum, i.e. perhaps of Jteavensi : Levites, 2 a/ «(<) wu <? : 1. 1 Ch 15 1820 16'. 2.

Ch 1 7 s Qr (Kt monoB'). 

NEttf (-/of following). trUStC© in Benjamin 1 Ch 8" <paa, 2apaa, etc., = following. taWDttJ =foreg., 1 Ch 9™, 2apa(a). NStTJ v . not?, ynoe*. "ONE© v. DB>. T - T ... •- ; V T~l3TpC? a 'judge,' son of Anath, Ju 3 31 5 6 , Sana[f]yap (on this name (Hittite t) cf. GEM'" 3 - 31 ; N6 ZMG,l " (I888, '- ,;9 ^j. iit^). [1?21£t] vb. Niph. be exterminated, destroyed (NH der. spec; Aram, tfff Pa. cause to apostatize (Jastr) ; Syr. ,^- seems disputed (in Lexx.); No Eu,Nab - 32 cMrse; Ba Eslc cites As. asmud, I destroyed; Gerber 112 thinks vb. denom.) ; — Pf 3 ms. consec^PBty Ez32 12 +, etc.; Impf. 3 ms.ipB* Is 48" Pr 14"; 2 mpl. JTIDpn Dt4 M ; Inf.abs.1VfT} v 26 ; C str. sf. T&fa Dt28 20 , etc.; — tl. of pers. be annihilated, exterminated, G11 34 s0 (J), Ju 21 16 2 S 2i b ( + a arnnp ; _ but rd. uyv&rb @ e w We Di- al-),' *37 :a (II n ^??), 83"; 'of people Dt 4 26 (tin npgn), 7 « 12 30 ( + T??P), 28™ (pax), v «.«. 5 ..6i > Je 48 « ( + DJID)', T Ez 3 3 12 ^ 92' ( + "!r^S), cf. also ysk) «j> T$£ i&) Is 4 8 19 (4-n-iy/ ip, etc?' in || clause). >2. 6e destroyed, of bamoth, Ho io 8 , cf. (p s ]>Vh Nty Pr 14"; 6e devastated, of land, Je 48 s (|| lax). Hiph. . Pf 3 ms/TO^TI Dt 2 22 + , etc.; Impf.

ms. TOE>: Is i 3 9 + ,ipf>1 1 K i6 12 2 K io 28 , 

etc.; Imv. ms. ipf n Dt 33 s7 ; /»/. a6s. iBE'n Is 1 4 a ,1V Am 9 8 ; cstr. TJJfta£ Jos 9 24 + , also tlTDf n ny Dt7= 4 , i- 2S 49 , D_ J°s 1 1 14 (but rd. in all 'B»n, as Jos 23 15 , v. Dr Dt7 - M ), nni^b fls 23", etc.; — 1. annihilate, exterminate: ace. pers. vel gent., subj. *» vel pers. hum., Dt i 27 2 K ( + '3BD pers.), 6' 5 ( + r^pTtfll "JB^yp), g^-f 1 6 1. Dt, Jos 7 ,2 (ace. Dinn ; + daa-iisp), 9 « + 4 1. j os (all R D ), 2 K 14 16 1 K 13 34 Am'9 8 Is 13 9 26 14 Est 3«- u + 23 1.; ace. venen ins (fig.) Am 2 9 , cf. Ez Ttt>

16 (but Vrss Co Toy al. [not Hi Krae] "* 

'pf-nK 'B*n 1 S 2 4 w (Gi v 21 ), 2 S 22 s " 1 K i6 12 f i45 M 'i "'PF? as subst., Is 14 23 besom of earfer- mination; ace. -'yanTlK 2 K io 28 , of extirpating Baal-worship ?X"lB>»p. f2. destroy, cities Mi 5 lb , fortresses Is 23", bamoth Lv26"(H), Nu 33 s2 (P; || isk), n^an nisjnpp pjh Hg 2* no© 1 Ch 8 12 Gi Baer, v. *«#. [i"TOCf| whence t^nop in Caleb, c. art. as n.coll. 1$ I Ch 2 s3 ; Hoap.a6tipy], 6 2< V ia&. nQt^'(appar. -/of foil,; Sta' 32 "; so Thes, cp. Ar. L^JL be high, lofty (or is this secondary?); Jen *»»... o«»).« cp . As. Hamti, id. {>Umu= sparkle, Id" <»»>•»); cf. Dl™ 8 ). [TOtf] n.m. mss - S8 onlypl. D^B^ (Sta' 324 *) heavens, sky (NH id.; As. Hamu, pi. same, lamtitu, also samdmu, cf. Ph. DOC ; Sab. HDD Hom chr«,>«. Ar -l-jv Eth _ rto?ift . Aram x T *Pf , > on «. ; Palm. Nab. |( , )Dt5' in (cpd. with ^>yn) Lzb 1M GACooke 45 ; on pi. form v. Ba 2 " " 1 " 1 ^ 34 ");— abs. V Oni' + , D^O- Gn 2 4 + ; np^pB'n Ex 9 8 + ; cstr. "DB* Dt 1 o 14 + 9 t.; sf. 1 , »B' ^ 8 4 + 2 t., VDB* Dt 33 s8 , Da'pe* Lv 26 19 , c. vb. pi., H02 23 ; — 1. a. visible heavens, sky, where stars, etc., are Jus 20 Gn T 5 5 (J), Dt4 19 Gn i 14 - 1517 (P), hence '#3 '3313 22 17 (JE) + 9 t. (usu. as countless), 'E'n K3S(-b|) Dt 4 19 Je 8 2 + ('V 1 c ; rarely of angels, 'S 1 b); before which fowl fly Gn i^P), cf. Dt4 17 Je8 7 Pr 3 o 19 , 'tfn ffiV Gn 2 ,9 ( J ), 1 19 (P) + (5|iy 1 ), 'V l'B2f f V' 8 9 , 'V ^#3 + La 4 19 ; as ^i?") (q.v.) Gn I s (P), ^ 19 2 , with waters beneath and above Gn i 9 (P, cf. v'), V' 148 4 , darkened with clouds 1 K 18 45 , cleared by wind Jb 26 13 ; whence comes rain Gn 8 2 (J), Ju5 4 Dtn n + , and dew Gn 2 7 28 (J), v 39 (E), Dt S3 28 (poem) + , cf. 1 nb-|3 f Gn 49 25 (poem in J),'B* 1M +Dt 33 IS (poem), but also (destructive) fire 2Ki 1010 Jbi 16 + (v.also2ainfr.); 'V ^2n Is 47", i.e. astrologers, cf. 'B'n niniN J e io 2 ; as high Gn 1 1 4 (J), Am 9 2 (opp. fop), v 6 (opp. H«) + , 'tS'n 3.b-iy Dt 4"; as over all the earth, 'B>n(-i>3) nnn Gn 6 17 7 19 (both P), Dt 2 a Ec i 13 '131 nnnp ( f extermination) Ex 17" (E), Dt 7 24 9 14 + ; specif, of Israel, I'DB* Dt 2S 23 , D3 , 'DB' Lv 26 ,9 (H); HW r*3»'W0 pa'aSiS* (hung from tree), i Ch 21 16 (of angel), cf. Ez 8 s (Ezekiel in vision), Zc5 9 (flying ephah); nsp-iyi '&n nspp