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yno? tL c. ace. per». in polite address, hear us (me)! Gn 23 6 - 8 -" 13 - li (all P), I Ch 28 2 2 Ch 13 4 15 2 20 20 . j. listen, give heed (sts. || 3 , ?'i?n), abs., Gn 42 21 (E)+ 18 t., +(usu. 1| JW fipn), Je 7"+ 14 t. Je, + (opp3in)Ez2 5 +3t.Ez;+3.^yi3 , fe'Mal2 :: ; liear + do Dt 5 24 2 K 18 12 , etc.; = consent, agree, Gn37 w (J), grant request Ju u 17 ; c. 7 pers. (mostly late) Ju 1 9 25 1 S 30 24 Jb 1 5 17 + 1 6 t., '^ H09 17 Lv 26 141921 - 27 ; " v 3?l|> 1 S 15 1 , n$$ Pr 1 2 U . k. c. ?£ pers. + 7<is<e»i to, yield to Gn 49 s Ju 2 17 + 69 t. ("-bit 15 t., esp. Je f 6 + 10 t. Je), 73? pers. 2 K 20 13 ; ^T^ etc., Dt 18 19 Je 2 9 19 + 1 4 t., , "!?T^y etc., 2 K 2 2 13 + 3 1. ; very rarely ace. rei 1 S 24 10 (Gi v 9 ). 1. bipb 'tf=td., obey, Gn3 17 (J)+nt, + r ^)Ju2 M Exi 5 26 (JE). m. very oft., Tip? 'V=obey 1 S 8 7 + 25 t., + V

  • bipa (V 8 word! etc.) Dt 4 30 Je 3 13 + 65 t, (Dt

18 t., Je 18 t.). n. obey, c. ace. (D , )"ai Jos i 19 + 2 1. + ('» 'l) Je n 3 +5 *• Je, 1 K i2 24 =2 Ch 1 1 4 , etc.; ace. pers. Ex 6 12 (P), 2 Ch 28". 0. abs. be obedient (esp. to *») Is i 19 Mi 5 14 Je 12 17 + 4t. Je+7t 2. '< (God) subj.: a. ace. 7ip, Dna-I, etc., Gn 2i 17 (E), 2 K 19 4416 , usually with favour implied Nu 20 16 Dt33 7 + , so esp. ace. n^on, nsnri, etc., iK8«f 6 10 + . b. obj. cl. '? Gn zg 33 (J), c. no obj. (32 t.) Is 59 s Je 22 s1 , usu. hear and forgive, help, etc., I K 8 30,32 Is30 19 + ; hear and be angry ^ 78 59 , cf. 55 20 . d.=6e able to hear Is 59 1 f 94 9 . e. ^ip? t?= hear (and grant) Gn 30 6 (J) + 6 t. f. Aear a?id answer, c. ?? of cry, etc., Gn 21 7 16 11 1 K 8 M + 8t.; c. bn pers. Dt3 M +i2 t. g. c. |> of utterance Jei8 18 ^6i 6 ; b pers. Jos24 10 (E). h.. hear, ace. pers. + "ITfaipp Je 3 1 1S ; favourably, c. ace. pers. Mi 7' + 3 t., so, + 7 concerning, Gn I7 20 (P); obj.om.2K22 19 V'22 25 + 3t. + V'34 718 (hear and deliver); c. cl. temp. Jen". Niph. 42 Pf. 3 ms. VDfi Gn 45 I6 +, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. J»9^ Ex 23"+', yo^ 1 S i 13 , etc.; Inf. cstr. VP# n Est 2 8 ; P«. f. nypf J Je 51 46 , etc.;— 1. be heard, of voice, sound, etc., 1 S I 13 1 K 6' Jb 26 14 (or 1 pi. Qal Impf.1); of a report, -ibK 1 ) . . ,'V) Gn 4 5 16 (E); subj. cl., "?, Ne 6 1 (7 pers.), cf. cl. MB71 OHWni Ne 6 6 ; v 7 be reported, (■$$) n^KH D«T?*}; 'be heard, *}?b T$8 Dn 10 12 . 2. 6e U 0/ inbs Dt 4 12 . Z.beregarded, o&ewed, EC9 17 ; in2S22 45 =i^i8 45 it is be obedient (y), si vera 1. (read perh. Qal, cf. Now). 4. D?ip3 tfo 2 Ch 30^= (favour- able) hearing was granted to their voice, t Pi. Impf. 3 ms. J'lSB'M 1 S 1 5 4 he caused the people (ace.) to hear (and respond, i.e. he assembled them), so 23 s (v. Hiph. 1 c). Hiph. 63 Pf. 3 ms. ywn 1 K i5 22 + , etc.; Impf 3 ms. sf. ^ypf : Dt'30 1213 ; 2 ms. juss. ypfn Ju 18 25 , etc.; /mk ms. sf. ^JWDtfri ^143"; fs. sf. ^Pfn Ct2 14 8' 3 , etc.; Inf. cstr. $#2 ^26 7 (Ges' 63 "); P<. prpB'p Je4 15 + , etc.; — 1. of man: a. cause to Aear,acc.pers. + rei Dt30 1213 Ct2 14 8 13 +4t-; obj. rei om. (=make proclamation to) 1 K 15 22 ; obj. pers.om. Je5 M + ; ace. tibf tls52 7 Na2* i.e. proclaim peace; ?}K tJe4 15 (IP loc); pip 't?n wMer a sound Jos 6 10 (J; || ri"), cf. Jui8 ffi (rfpp, + UBJ/), Is 4 2 2 58 4 ; taVnn 7ip 'B>n ff 66 s , rnfrl 7ip3 126 7 . b. abs. as musical term, sound aloud, y'Pfni) Dw|>XDa r Ch is' 9 (perhaps to mark the time, Gr* 67 De: cf. 16 5 ; also fi5° b yof fybyq), teyyfQ is 16 - 23 i6 42 ,*tn*< 7ip'e>r6 CI15 13 i.e. prob. in unison (Prince KB1 " 3241 ), Ne 1 2 42 . c. abs. make proclamation (oft. |p , ? i ! , ) ) Am 3 9 4 6 Is 4 1 26 Je 4 6 + 6 t. Je. td. V?fn, ace. pers. + b$ loc. = summon Je 50 29 , ?y loc. 5 1 27 (cf. Pi.). 2. subj.: a. cause to hear, ace. pers. et rei Dt 4 1036 (IP loc), 2 K f+ 4 i; ace. pers. om. Is3O 30 +3 t. ; ace. rei om. 44 s 48 s . tb. =tell, ace. pers. + nW3 Ju 13 23 ; ace. pers. only,Is42 9 ;acc.reionly,48 3 Ez36 15 (T3«). tc. abs., make proclamation Is43 ,2 62"(?K loo.). fi. [yttC] n.[m.] sound;— ^^3 w£j*fl ypE*^i5o' V (||w^)- til. J?P© n.pr.m. usu. 2apa(a), 2e/iaa (cf. Sab. n.pr. VDD Hal 509 );— 1. in Judah 1 Ch 2", ypB> v 43 . 2. in Reuben 5*. 3. in Benj. 8 13 (=^0^ v 21 ). 4. post-ex. Ne 8 4 , Santas. TJ^^CJ n.[m.] hearing, report (on form cf. Lag BN143 );— 'B> abs. Is 23 s ; cstr. v 5 +; sf. ^pB* 66 19 , etc.; — report, usu. c. genit. obj.: ace. with ypt5* Gn 2 9 13 (J) lite tidings about Jacob, Is 23 5 + (c. sf.) Nu I4 15 (JE), Dt 2 25 1 K io' = 2CI19 1 , Na3" Hb3 2 Je37 5 50 43 Is66 9 ; c. 7 genit. Is 23 s ; Dn"7J?p Ho 7 12 usu. according to the report (heard by) their congregation (I), but inexpl. and prob. corrupt, We Now; Marti (cf. Oettli) DnjT)-7y (VOt?? as gloss) according to their wickedness; KW 'E» NBO Ex 23 1 (E) take up (utter) a false report; JW '&b f 18 46 i.e. aa soon as heard of, =mere report Jb 42 s (opp. personal knowledge), cf. HVpE' 28 s2 .