vast Pi. Pf consec. T?.?|» Dn ???i Dt 6 7 i. e. teach the words incisively, Germ. ' einscharfen.' Hithpo . Impf. i s. V' 73 21 in my kidneys pine's / teas pierced (of poignant envy). fi. W n.f. ls2 - ,3 (yetm. iSi 4 5 cf. Dr)tooth, ivory ;—'v abs. Ex 2i 24 + , cstr. v 27 + , ~)f Dt 3 2 54 ; sf.^Ex2i 17 ; du. CMS? Pno* cstr. *?* Je 3 i M + ; sf. Qnw ,/, I24 6 , iDW 5 8 7 , etc.;— 1. tooth: a. of man, Ex 2i 27 - 27 - 27 (E), Nu n M (J), Gn 4 9 12 (poem in J), Am 4 6 Ct 4 2 6 6 , npi 'B* Pr 25", v. II. yjn 2 ; of tec talionis, 'V DH? 'E> Ex2i S4 (E),Lv24 ;o (H),'E'3 ?TDti9 21 ; irritated hv acid Pr io 26 , dulled by it (in proverb of inherited guilt) Je 31 2930 Ez 18 2 ; '0 Pin La 2 16 Jb 16" f 35" 1 1 2 10 , v. PI? ; >j^b nba Kt?K Jb i 3 14 =re«fc my life (del. nO"^, dittogr.; || T??
- 333 D'B'K); 'J0 lija ig 20 , v. B&J Hithp. (other
conj. v. Di Bi Bu Du). b. of beasts : Dt 32 14 , crocodile Jb4i 6 , locusts Jo i 6 (teeth of lions); esp. fig. of false prophets Mi 3 s , of foes Zc o/, oppressors Jb 29 17 , wicked 4 10 ^3' 58' 124 6 ; of their weapons Pr 30 14 i/c 57 s ; of Isr. shattered by c. tooth of a fork, tine, 1 S 2 13 (cf. Dr Sm - M1 ); of cliff, J^BTJ p i 4 « c f. Jb 30 28 , Ufa 1 S 1 4 5 . 2. ivory, of commerce, ft? ni3"lp Ez27 15 (i.e. tusks 1); as material, 't? niBD Am6 4 , tt^KB? 1 K io 18 = 2 Ch 9 17 , fn n>3 1 K 2 2 39 , cf. Am 3 15 , 't? •JoVJ ^ 45 5, also Ez 27 s Ct 5 15 7 5 . . jtt? n.pr.loc. '#n 1 s ;» v . n?E» p. 446*. Tn2 , 2tpn.f.sharp(cutting) word, taunt; — Dt 28 s7 1 K 9 7 = 2 Ch 7 20 , Je 24" (cf. f 6 4 4 140 4 ). tD^niCJ appar. n. m. j pi.], in list of Solomon's imports, 1 K io 1K = 2 Ch 9 21 , AV RV ivory (elsewh. f?' alone); hence ^3.^ = elephants ace. to Ges (in Thes) Ew Hi Sclir ZMG " ,ll(,8,3) - 709 COT 1 K , cf. ® (2 Ch, and A in 1 K) <58<Wa.i> A*- (fximvav, 33 (in i K) dentes elephanlorum, £ ; but this very dub.; < rd. Rod" 1 " Th Be Che m. M tnanQ) ft? i vory (and) ebony (Ez 27 15 ). t[DJt^] vb. Pi. gird up (si vera 1.; in Talm. (Aram.) Ylf=bind sandals; NH fJB' thong); — Impf. 3 ins. fjfl VjnD D3t?jl 1 K 18 46 . J"0ttj ^ 132 4 v. nit? p. 44 eo. tlWC? n. pr. loc. Shinar = Babylonia (=Bab.£umer acc.toCOT G " »• ' al.,> denied by Hal*"- *"•««.«« Jen 2K »<>^ 4 "; Egypt. Sangar (WMM A ^ 1 »'™),Te]A m .£ari7<ar(Wkl T ' ,A,n - 2S ) identif. with 't? by Mey Ew,,tl * c * 63 ; cf., further, Pinches u " u DB s " s ") ;— 't? fy$ Gn 1 o 10 1 1 2 Zc 5 11 Dn i 2 ; '&ift (Amraphel) Gn 14 29 ; 't? alone Is 11" (as place of diaspora); U> nviK Jos 7 21 ; © USU. 2cv(v)aap ; Zc 5" (eV yfi) Ba/3i/Xwvor. n3tp sZeep, v. njt?' 8U b !?* . ('[nDlC'] vb. spoil, plunder (rarer syn. of&t?, m; with this -/WMM A!uKur131 con- nects Egypt, name of Beduin plunderers Sds [$a-su, sa-sa]; connex. doubted by Jen ZAl(1895) - w ) ;— Qal Pf. 3 pi. te^ 1DB> f 44 » f&y gander /or themselves ; Impf. 3 ms. 'U1 "ISIS npt?^ Ho i3 16 ; elsewh.P*. D'D'B' plunderers Ju2 14 2K17 20 ; c. ace. loc. 1 S 23 1 ; c. sf. (as obj.) Wp't? 1 S i 4 48 (prob. pl.=*Tgy, so Sta p3i5 Dr Bu, cf. Ges S9,k ), «'pit? Is 17" (|| W'Tja), Dn"pK' J u 2 16 ; ^DtS* Je 3 o 16 Qr (Kt v. DDt?; || Tjnp); cstr. "r6m 'DB> 50"; ^a«s. ,! lDBi n»3T>Jf Is 4 2 m . P5'. = Qal P/. 1 s. »tfrW (Ges 56 ") Is io 13 , c. ace. rei ; read also prob. Pt. nplBTD Is 4 2 24 (|| &$&), for nD1B»D Kt, npBTp Q r; so Du Klo Che Hpt " Marti. t [DDUf] vb. id. (|| form of nDB>);— Qal Pf. 3 pi. 'nBB 1 if, 89 42 they Aa«e plundered him; Impf 3 mpl. 1Bb*Jl Ju 2 14 (ace. pers.) ; 1 S 17 53 (ace. loc); Pi. sf.TJ'DNt? Je3o 16 Kt (Qr v. not?), Aram, form, Ges* 67 '. Niph. be plundered, rifled, of houses : Pf. 3 pi. consec. 'BtWI Zc i 4 2 ; Impf. 3 mpl. *B$] Is 13 16 . tnDtiJQ n.f. booty, plunder ; — abs.'D 2K 2i 14 + , S0IS42 24 Qr (not?D Gi, nffB Baer; Kt CtDWD, usu. read nErttyO, <read nDitW, v . riDB> Po); pi. abs. niDB-D Hb 2;— plunder, spoil, prey, usu. 'O? Hfl (and || 13) 2 K 2 1 14 Je 3o' 6 Hb 2 7 Zp 1" (|| noot?), cf. Is 42 21 (v 24 see above). t JJVVf] vb. divide, cleave (NH Pi. tear apart ; X la Pa. La 3 11 tear in pieces (for >§ DB*)); —Qal P<. (c. ace. cogn. »DB'): ms. l?Dt!n npns ypB' Lv i i 7 (P; on V cf. Lag iiN64 ) cleaving the cleft of the hoof i.e. having cloven hoof, so fs. nypb* v 3 , cf. Dt 1 4 6 ; nyp't? ns?^ 9Q0 Lv 1 1 26 (P); pass. nflUfn nDnan Dt 14 7 . Pi. tear in. two, a lion, kid,' Impf, Inf. cstr. VBB'3 ^DB^l , l? i ! 1 Ju 1 4 6 ; a bird (by, or at, its wings), Pf. 3 ms. consec. ink VBKh Lv i 17 (P); Impf 3 ms. (Dnaia VB'jK-nS) J?B^1 1 S 24 s gives too violent a meaning; prob. crpt. for word — restrain, or the like Dr HPS, cf. BuNow (hesitantly).