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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1073

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-[DC) of series of decisions 21 1 24' (JE) Dt 7 12 (D 2 ); in covt. code and D, collection of pentades in conditional or temp, cl., c. *3 or DX in D, and subj. in combination, D'OBtyOl D'pn 4>- 68 - 14 « + ; in code of H and after, in combin. D'CSBiS! T)pr, L v 1 8 4 ' 5 " 6 1 9 3 ' + ; (the specific type of these laws in H is '3 tt% over against "3 B»Q3 or '3 DIN in code of P, v. Br"" 2 "'); other combin., re- dactional and later, Lv 26" Nu 36 13 Dt 30 16 2K17" 2CI133 8 Neo 13 + 18* 89 31 147". 5. one's (legal) right, privilege, due : D"3n3ri 'O Dt 18 3 due of the priests, m,33n 'D »i»; ' D rn>t«n J e fright of redemption ; ^^n 'D v s ; 'D nbn Ex23 6 (E) wrestright, so Dt 16" 23? 24 17 27" 1 S 8 3 La 3 K , cf. Pr 18 5 ; Dirv 'D Dt io 13 ; |tO« '» Ex 2 3 6 (E) Je s* + i 4 o ,s ; D"3y 'd Is io 2 Jb 36 s ; 'D TDH 27 2 34% cf. Is 40 27 49*. 6. a. proper, fitting, measure 1 K 5 s ; fitness Is 28' ;r ', 40 14 (of fitness in the order of nature ; cf. Di). b. custom, manner: D^nsn 'o 1S2' 3 custom of the priests (rightful due, ace. to ThWe Dr and most); toee>0 27" his (David's) custom; 'd ClJil 2 K 1 7 s3 manner of the nations, cf. 2 K l7 26 - 27 (RS Se --'^' 2 " de< '- 23 ); 'D3 after the manner, custom, fashion (of) Gn 40' 3 Ex 2 1 9 (E) Ju 1 8' 1K18 28 2K11 14 17 34 iCh6 17 EZ42" yfr ii 9 ,3:! . + C. tiStyD HD Ju 1 3 12 tt)Aa£ manner of a boy, cf.

K 1'. td. plan . . . of the tabernacle Ex 26 30 

(P); temple 1 K 6 38 ; palace Je 30 18 . t (l)n ,, I2D , vP n.pr.m. ('■> hath judged, vin- dicated); — usu. 2<i0aTta(r) : 1. PIJ-; a. fifth son of David 2 S 3 4 = I Ch 3 3 (2a/9<zTfia, A 2a<j>a6ia, ©L SatfxiTias). b. contemp. of Jerem. Je 38 1 (B 2a<t>avias). c. man of Judah Ne 1 1 4 . d. chiefs of families of restoration : (1) Ezr 2 4 =Ne 7', Ezr 8 8 ; (2) 2 57 =Ne 7 s9 . e. Benjamite 1 Ch 9 9 . 2.'H*-: a. son of Jehosh. 2Ch 21 2 . b. hero of David iChi2 5 . c. Simeonite 27 16 . T^JOEU. n.pr.m. (judgment); — prince of Ephraim Nu 34 24 ; 1afia6a(y), ©L ta(f>arav. . Cttj v. I. nae*. 11. "WJ v. iaip sub I. nae>. □""Etp v. eiDB'. "TTStf vb. pour out, pour (NH id.; As. sap&ku, pour out, esp. (D1 WB Jen K °*■ ,,0, • 41 ) earth, to form mound ; Ar. ctLLl pour out, cf. isLLL melt and pour into mould; Eth. flQh: Aram. Wf> ?**■ (rare)=BH);— Qal P/ 3 ms. 'e> 1 K 2 31 + ; 3 fs. sf. Wn3Qf Ez 24 7 , etc.; Impf.

ms. ?Bf) 2 K i9 32 + ; 2 ms. sf. 3 ms. 133SOTI 

Dt 12"' + , etc.; Imv. ms. 7|iBB> Ju 6 20 +, TUf' ^ 69"; fs. "3DE' La 2 19 , etc.; Inf. cstr. TJSB' 1 K i8 28 + , ^'90 Is59 7 + , etc.; Pt. act. ^V Gn 9 " + ) f. nsafe' Ez 22 3 , etc.; pass, ^SB> f 79 10 , ■13*B£> Ez2o U34 ; — 1. lit.: a. pour out, pour water Ex 4' (J; ace. loc), 1 S f (+ ^K unique, symb. of contrition), H.? n '?.?"'!? (subj. ) Am 5 8 9 6 ; blood like water (to flow away and be absorbed), fyfifii Dt I2 16 - 24 15 s8 , cf. Lv

7" (H) Ez 2 4 7 ; also + W loc. Ex 2 9 12 Lv 4 7 - 18 - 
5.3o.m. + t,y pers> reflex j K l8 28. p(mr out

broth Ju 6 20 , libation (TJD3, to (j>) false gods) Is 57"; dust Lv 14 41 (P; % loc); c. ace. f£?b mound (in siege), = make by pouring (earth, orig. from baskets, see esp. As. lapdku, Dl WB m b Jen* """- 41 ), +-i>5?ofcity 2Ki9 32 =Is37 33 , Je6 6 Ez 4 J 26 8 , -b$ 2 S20 15 ; abs. Ez 1 7 17 2 1 27 Dn 1 1»; nX-lN VVD T^ 2 S 20 10 (by a sword-thrust in the beliy), cf. Vrnt? H$ '^ Jb 16 13 (metaph., '1 subj.). b. techn., ace. D'l shed blood Gn 37 K (E) 9 6 (P) 1 S25 31 Ez 22 4 + 9 t. Ez, + 15 t. (pass. ^79 I0 )+Ez36 ,8 (c.H? 1 "^), iCh2 2 8 (c.nriK); ace. DW f 1 K 2 31 1 Ch 28 s + 79 s (DMM). ' 2. fig.: a. '* subj., pour out anger, etc.: tPK D^VK <ni3y d^33 Ho 5 10 ; bj? 'non ts> Ez 1 4" + 8 t. Ez," Je io 25 Is 4 2 2S Vr 79« (ty et 5>3?) ; ace. 'n om. Je 6"; c. 3 loc. La 2*; n'ziStf 'n Ez 20 3334 ; ace. ia« [inn La4 n ; acc.D5?!(5>ypers.)Ez2i 36 +3t.; ace. T^3 contempt, ?5? pers., Jb 12"=^ 107 40 ; pour their own wickedness DHyJj Je 14 16 (i.e. requite it); pour out ?5? ,n n Ez 39 s9 , cf. Zc 12 10 J03 12 . b. hum. subj.jpowr o«^ one's heart, etc., qjj) D^3 La 2 19 , D333i) Vjsji ^, 6 2 9 (i.e. bef. '■•),

  • »jp{l ^ams 1 S i 15 , ^V (reflex.; v. i>5? 1 d)

f42 i ; n **P? ^brnN ^, I02 i (title), cf. 142 s ; in bad sense, "^5? ^I!DW"riS ^SEW Ez i6 15 , cf. 23 s . tNiph.P/. 3ms.^Sf?La2",etc.; Impf. 3 ms. 1®$] Gn 9 6 +, etc.;' Inf. cstr. ^n Ez 16 36 ; — be poured out: of ashes iK 13 3 ' 6 , blood (bl loc.) Dti2 27 ; be shed, of blood Gn 9 6 (P) Dt 19 10 ; in fig. La 2 11 my liver is poured Y'Vf? (cf. Qal 1 a ad fin.); ^ 22 15 / am poured out like wiater (nerveless, helpless) ; subj. 'n^E'na Ez 1 6 36 (v. 11. [n^na] • c f. v 15 Qal 2 b). t ¥n. Pf 3 ms. consec. "^0 Zp I 17 be poured out lays, of blood; •qae' Nu 35 33 (P) be shed, of blood ; 3 fs. nsaE* 1^ 7 3 2 Kt my steps were caused to slip (Qr ttSB-). +Hithp. Impf. 3 fs. ty "VS) ^SRipn Jb 30 16 my soul pours itself out upon me (v. Qal 2 b); 3 fpl. B'np-'jaK nasariB'n