Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1083

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TUB +pttJ© (BaerGi; van d. H. P&f, P$f>) in Benjamin, i Ch 8 I4 ' :3 ; SwieiiX, Iom^k, A Suo-i/k, ©L 2urax (ace. to Simon. (Thes) = pB/pB> one longed for (•/ppB')). r["Wi2?] n.[m.] red colour, vermilion (etym. unknown); — vermilion, formerly gained from kermes insect (vermiculus): "IB'B'3 niCD Je2 2 14 (© fiiXros, red ochre; 95 sinopis [from city Sinopis, whence the colour came Plin NU ""•I 8 " 3 ], cf. Thatcher DBC0t0I '" a Canney KBU> ) ; •WVfa D'ppn Ez2i 14 . [rittj], i. rm v. m* ii. nttj v. nst? sub i. [ntw]. in. n© v. II. nne*. I. nntC vb. drink (NH id.; As. wKii, T t 217 Eth. rtt?: OAram. fine, Aram. Wtf, Wat, [J*s»], -*W; Sab. TIB' DHM ZMO ""■ l < ,, * 3l • 4 < ,3 Hom Chrlw );— Qal sie Pf. 3 ms.'E>Ex34 !8 -f, 1 s. VpNf 1 S 1"+, etc.; Impf 3 ms. Ntf Gn44 3 +, nm> 1 K 19 9 , usu. ri^'l On 9"+; juss. flf*)

K i3 ls ; 3 is. Wni Nu 20 11 ; 2 ms. apoc. ROTi 

Ju 13"+, «$*» 1 K 13 22 ; 1 s. flB'W Gn *4«; 3 mpl . P$?fy 7 8", etc. ; 7m». ms. nnf Gn 2 4 u + , etc.; Inf. abs. nhB/ Is 21 5 Je 49 ,2 (in iS I 9 after prep., anom., Ges 5 " 3 ', om. ©ThWeDr and mod.) ) inB/Je25 23 +,ninB'Is22 13 (Ges' 75 °);cstr. W tPr3i 4 , ninf Je 35 s14 , Itap? Gn 24"+, sf. ininf 1 K 13 33 , HllV$ Is 51" etc.; Pt. act. nnc*Is29 8 +, f. nriB* Jb6 4 , etc.;— 1. a. of man: drink, water, wine, etc., Ex 34 28 (JE), cf. 15 24 (J), 1 S 3 o 12 Am 2 8 4 9 5" Is 5 M 6 2 M Pr 31 4 , Ju l3*M*+oft. ( 2 t. JE; 6 t. D); by measure (short allowance) Ez 4 1116 ; milk tEz 25 4 , cf. Ct 5 1 ; blood 1 Ch 1 1 " (fig. of water gained by hazard); fig. W1 nns> Dnon Jb 6 4 wAose venom [of arrows of'] my spirit drinks up; ace. + V? of source tEx 7 18 (J), v 21 (E), 15 23 (J), Pr 5 13 (fig.); ace. (of wine, water, etc.) om. Gn 24 1414

7 23 4 3 34 (all J)+ 1 1 t. J, Ex 7" 17 s (E), Nu 20 5 

(JE), v" 33 14 (P), Ju i5" + oft,; ace. f0 f«K i8 ;7 =Is 36' 2 ; D^nop Ne 8 10 ; abs. Ec2 24 + ; + JO of source 1 K if 1 ^ no 7 , 1D3D 2 S 12 3 ; P! "p-11133 'V fAm 6 6 , cf. Gn 44 s ; P;a 'B> tPr 9 3 ; c. IP partit. Gn 9 21 Ex 7" Ru 2 9 , also (fig.) Je 5 1 '• (and Jb 2 1 20 infra), tb. pt. as subst. DV? *rfe> Ez 3i 1416 , r: fflW Jo i 5 ; "VJg' 'niB 1 ,/, 69". c. drink wine in sacrificial feast Dt 32 s8 (poem); blood of sacrificial victim -^ 50" (fig. of '">). d. subj. animals Nu 20" Jon 3' (both + men), also (fig.) Ez 34 1 ""; ace. (water) om. Gn 24 19 - 22 30^^. e. fig. of drinking cup of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s wrath, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 51 17 (+ (Symbol missingHebrew characters)),cf.v17 v22, v. also Ez2332.34 and'( Je25 ,6M27 +8t. Je, Hb2 16 ; abs. Ob' 6 - 1616 ; acc.D , "!p?'i//75 9 ; npnoriQ'e>Jb2i S0 . ff. drink blood, fig. of slaughter, Nu 23 s4 (JE ; of lion, metaph. of Isr.), Zc 9 13 (read Op*J for (Symbol missingHebrew characters) GCodd. Sta Now Marti); so (blood of(Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s sacrifice) Ez 39 17 -' 819 . g. fig. of wicked deeds : ME* D^DOn |» Pr4 17 (|IVB>-l Qnb XOrb ; these are their food and drink), cf. Jb 15 16 34", but Pr 26 s appar. = suffers violence (cf. DeToy). ta. late, = feast Est 3 1S 7 1 (cf. nFlBto). tNiph. Impf. 3 ms. nntS^ Lv I i 34 (P) all which is (may be ) drunk, c. 3 of vessel.— HlRipj Pr 27 15 v. I. niB* ad Jin. For cause, give, to drink v. npB>. fi. **TW n. [m.] drinking, drinking- bout ; — Ec io 17 . Trr'ntp n.f. drinking (mode or amount) Est I 3 / T11WQ n.m. c . feast; 3. drink; — abs. 'o Gni 9 3 +; cstr. niRB>D iS25 36 + ; sf. vriB*pDni 5 +(Ges ! » 93 "),etc.;— . feast, banquet (occasion for drinking,drinking-bout), 1 S 25 s6 - 36 Is 5" Je5i 39 (fig.), Jb i 3 Est2 18 5 14 8 17 9 19 ; lasting seven days Ju 1 4 1217 (wedding-feast, cf. Gn 29 27 , and v.Benz Arch - 143:E " w -'" b - 2949 Now A,,:hi -" i3 ); HB'y 'D give or make a feast (sts.-f? pers.) Gn 19 3 26 30 (both J), 2 1 8 40 20 (both E), Ju 14'° 2 S 3 20 1 K 3 13 Est i 3 + 8 t.Est, Jbi 4 +2 S I3 27 - 27 © Th WeDr and mod.; P>n nnB»t? Est 5 s 7 2 - 7 , TV3 nriB>D Jei6 3 Ec7 2 , P!n nwp n'3 Est7 8 ; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Est 917.18, cf. v22 ; of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s banquet for all peoples Is 25' (fig. of Messianic blessings); fig. also in TO? 'O S^SlD Pr 15 15 . ta. drinA (late): qf 1M i>3Np Ezr3 7 ; sf. WfO ^ Dn i 5 - 3 ; DfiwH? v 16 ; UySp'l? v 10 . II. nnii' (Vof foil.; II Vof n^; =*««, sit). fin. rrtfj a.[m.] seat (of body), buttocks (cf. NH TWf, Aram. UL foundation; cf. [nB»] p. ion; No" 98 );— abs. 'v Is20 4 ; pi. sf. DnviiriB' 2S10 4 . III. TTW (7of foil.; Aram, 'n? , ..fc^' weare (Ju 1 6 13 X <5); ]&L*^j^e textura; cf. Ar. i-.l, t5J^l, se< i/i« warp). u."*Tyti n.m. warp (NH id.; Ar. ^Ll, t^S-^ «£?.); — always 'b* abs.; — warp, the set of

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