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rhi abs. t^n Pr 30"; pi. D't^n Gn 30* (J), 32 15 (E ; + &*$> she-goats), 2 Ch 17". "jp v. -pn. t [ll JJm] vb. meaning wholly dub.; — Pu. p f- 3 PL i$$ ,3r ). B™ Dt 33 3 ; were led or as- sembled would suit context ; v. esp. Dr Berthol. rn'Ori v. |13. TO^Sri n.m. peacocks (ace. to 3! ©Jerome Rabb.; perh. = Malabar logai, togliai, peacock Thes ,S02 );-iKio K =D»?Vl2ChQ 21 + ivory,apes. ]DJn (-/of foil., cf. pi.; Ar. eu overcome (of wine), tread under foot; akin to Aram. JC, X 7|Vl (rare) injure, |ool. N3V1 (rare) injury). T"i|P, 11. Ijiri a.m. injury, oppression; — abs. 'nil, + HD-iO f io ; 55'= (so Gi ; Baer Tjin); rfm, + Don (gloss) 72 14 ; pi. D'san &rx p r 2 9' 3 oppressor (53 creditor ; cf. D'DCn B^N 2 S 22'" ^ 140" 5 ).— 1. 'nin v. ■qin. □•om v. qfc rtan, m^n v. nfe . • t : t : • • : - ri?3n n.f. violet, i. e. violet thread and v • : 48 stuff; ® usu. vukiv8os, vaxlvBtvot ; v. Thatcher But. db ceo™ / NH _ BH <j. j^n N t, 3n ^r 31 ?) >' — !■ CT '^e< </trea ( Z (spun, Ex 35 s5 ; woven, 39 s ) : a. in Ex (P) of hangings of tabern., ephod, etc., 'n + JOflK, *ff nj&H (q. v.; oft. also Bft 3™), Ex 25 4 '26' 2 8 ; '- 6 28 M 3s 25 + 20 t.; of temple hangings ( + fffltt, Qfft , ^VHS, ya) 2 Ch 2 6l3H ; loops or cordsof'n(alone)Ex 26 4 2 8 28 - 3137 36 11 39 2 >- 2 «> Nu 1 s 38 (all P) . b. palace hangings in Shushan, +nn Est i°. t2. violet stuff, fabric ; 'n -Btoi) Ez 23 s , Tl *#{>} nopni 27- 4 ; DKnab fenKl '" Je io 9 ; also" in trade Ez 2 7 7 (+?9?"^> ni?i?"!3 VV), cf. 'D n;3 for covering sacred utensils Nu ^waimi ^p^_ t [JJJ-I] vb. regulate, measure, estimate (cf. Aram. Pa. |?n (rare) prepare (=| , 3n j f313); ace. to Ky •»■«•*»■«■•.*•»■ a BeC ondary V from fia); — Qal Pt. estimate, fig.: * Tlinn J3hl Pr 16 2 , so (n'isb) 21 2 2 4 12 . Mipb. 1. Pf. 3 pi. n^i)5| ttpnj [£] N^ 1 S2 3 6y fern ('<) are ac^'wis estimated. 2. Impf, be adjusted to the standard, i. e. right, equitable : subj. 1f^ (of '> and of Israel), 3 ms. f3IT Ez 1 8 2 " 5 29 - M 33 1717 - 20 ; 3 mpl. «an? 18 29 , «3l?: v 25 . Pi. Pf. 3 ms.: mete out, HTO3 fan fi'D Jb 28"; 'D r*nj3 D?pe>1 Is 4 o 12 (||T!»3l3); * nn-ns'n"Ov 13 '(v. Qal; read poss. P3H r f3n); 1 8 . rniey win ^ 75 < I regulate (or adjust) her pillars (i.e. of earth). Pu. .ft. fsntpn fn 2 K 12 12 the silver which was measured out. fi. ]DF n.m. Fl45n measurement; — cstr. D'jap 'n Ex 5 18 (J) tJie measurement, tale, of bricks; abs.Ez45"capac%(of ephah and bath). fn. jDFI n.pr.loc. in Simeon, 1 Ch 4 s2 ; Ookko, A Qoxxav, ©L EpStKfft. • rP23.FI n.f. measurement, proportion; — abs. Ez 43 10 (<read WJan @ Ew Hi Co Toy al.); 'n Dnin 28' 2 thou wert one sealing up (the) measure (RVm), i. e. exhibiting perfect pro- portion ; Codd Sm al. Tl Dnin the seal of (perfect) proportion ; but dub., v. Comm. TrOSriTp n.f. measurement, tale, pro- portion;— 1. cstr. D , ?3i>ri 'D Ex 5" (J) the tale of bricks (cf. 1. |?n). 2. sf. ^3- measure- ment, proportion, of eph'ah and bath EZ45"; of composition of sacred oil Ex 30 32 , nri- v 3; (P) ; of temple, its measurement, proportion in. 2CI124". "j)' , ")?ri v. "pa. 7rjandcpds. v. i>i>n. ts'rri vb. hang (|| form of n^n.Ges' 78 ");— Qal Pf. 3 pi. sf. D1*6n 2 S 2i' 2 Qr the Philis- tines had hanged them (Kt Dl^n ; v. Dr); Pt. pass. D'K^H Dt 28 M thy life shall be hung up before thee, i.e. be in suspense, each moment uncertain. — , n_*E i Di> D'K^n npyi Hon 7 my people is hung up to my backsliding is certainly corrupt (AV bent to backsliding from me, i. e. hung or swung toward turning from me, cf. GASm, but very dub.) ; Marti conj. D^b? tffflr^J ; Oettli Now 2 Harper n*6? or ♦J&jtfl has wearied itself [me] in backsliding. [m^br.] v. 2t6. n^Vn v. nt6. t  : - J t t : T^toNbri n.pr.loc. appar. in Mesopot.; — 'n 2 K i 9 ,2 =-i^ri Is 37 12 (abode of HP?. 3 ); cf. As. Til-asuri (Esarhaddon) Dl Far - 264f J near Edessa Wkl Ge,ch - B,b - u - A "- 269 ' 335t ; v. Schr KGF199f - identification not certain, cf.Johns EncrBlbTELASSA *. ntfi^n v. a& 'bz nihn v. 1-699. tJl7jTl vb. hang (NH id.; As. Pi. tullH, hang up; Ar. J.; let down, dangle (a rope, etc.); Aram. SOn, Jjll, hang; perh. OAram. rbr id.,