TEUTM 87 source in " Je 13* Is 54" ^ 109 s0 , cf. Jb 2 10 ; ^ 2 2 M 'npnn iriKO /rom <Ae« cometh my praise (thou art the source of it); Is 44 s4 Qr ^XD of myself {cL an i/iavrov John 5 30 ; Kt is WK 'I? who was with me 1), 54 15 'HiKO DSK not at my in- stance (cf. '3D &6 30 1 , ^BD t6 Ho 8 4 ). d. of a place tiK6 s (corrupt : rd. with © © 33 [partly] flftT] mm, & cf. Ez 41 21 ). iVote. OX expresses closer association than DJf: hence while DJ» sts. denotes hardly more than from the surroundings or belongings of, nXD expresses jfrora close proximity to. Thus Saul asks, UBjtt ?|pn ^D who has gone from (those) about us ? but Jacob, speaking of the loss of Joseph, says, Gn 44** WKD iriKn KS>1 and the one is gone from with me. J"IKD is accord- ingly preferred to DJrtD in the sense of origina- tion or authorship; DND is not usual in the sense of DJ>» c, nor DV» in the sense of OSD b. t^ynriK n.pr.m. Ethbaal (with Baal, i.e. living under B.'s favour; '106paos, EWafidKos j 08 A M .,iii.i 3 ,i. 2 .cA P .i >18 . on later king of li]£e name, in As. Tuba'lu, v. COT Gn io 15 ) king of Sidon, father of Jezebel 1 K 16 31 . "HriN n.pr.m. (perh. from rH with=com- panionable) — 1. one of David's captains, a native of Gath 2 S 1 tfw* 1 8 2 - 612 . 2. one of David's 30 mighty men, a Benjamite 2 S 23 M (in iCh n 31, nt<). t^NVVN 1. Pr 30'-' bwt6 -nan dnj
- b3N1 Vn^b, in MT. n.pr.m. (iprob. with me
is God: v. 01 S82c ) usually taken as name of a son or pupil of Agur; but most moderns read ibffi b« V*k % TNJ& I have wearied myself (v. ^S?), God, I have wearied myself, God, and am consumed. 2. a Benjamite Ne ri 7 . in. nN v. nnx. nnns, n«, vw v. sub nan. trT Db$ vb. come (in Heb. only poet.) (Ar. J , Sab. VIM DHM ZMG m *- *"• 1883 - 343 , Aram. SriS , Wr)— Qal Pf '« Dt33 2 J Nn ? Is 2i 12 v. Ges S75R22 ;ipl.«nKJe3 22 ;/M^/.nnKyb37 !a Pri 27 ; ww Dt33 21 (=nnK;icf.Di Kb'- 677 ), nm is 4 i 25 ; sf. wikji Jb 3 2S ; 3 fs. nntw Mi 4 s ; 3 mpl. vnsj Jb i6 22 + 2 t.; JvriKjl Is 4 1 5 ; Twmj. mpl. VTO Is 2i ls +2t,; P«. fpl. nVnk Is 4 1 B + 2 1.;— come, of men Dt33 21 V'68 32 L341 25 56 12 Am. =come now, with hostile purpose Jb 3c- 14 , of men unto * Je 3 s2 (sq. b) cf. Is 21 12 ; of "• Dt 33 2 ; of ends onnn of earth, etc., personif. Is 41'; of time, morning Is 21 12 , years Jb 16 22 ; of weather 3h-tf n ; of beasts, to devour Is 56* (sq. inf.), of calamity Pr 1 s7 Jb 3™ come upon, c. sf., of dominion Mi 4 8 (sq. IS). Pi. pi. fem. as subst. things to come, future things Is 41 s3 44? 45 11 . Hiph. bring, Imv. D*> Vnn I s 21" bring water (on form, for V1KH c f. Di Ew' 14 " Ges'"-" 1 - 1 ); Je 12' bring beasts, to devour. tpiTN Qr, pi-IN"' Kt, n.m. entrance, fWH Ez 40"; Co rds. [rm ; cf. Sm 01»"". ""jflti "TIN, i ?N ,, rT , N v. sub II. m. + Dn!SI n.pr.loc. (perh.= Egypt. Chetem, cf. Ebers 08821 '- but ® 'O0op,'od<o», cf. Lag 8 "") Ex 13 20 in Egypt, place on edge of desert, so Nu 33 w ; Dm nana Nu 33 8 . DriS v. sub riJN. btoriNt v. sub i>on. j/lfc 1 ? ( mn g- ' Thes comps. Ar. ^y take short steps, hut this appy. only by-form of JJI). tpJ-lK n.f. °" 45 ' 23 she-ass (Ar. £lfl, Aram.
- f&, MX}', As. aidnw)— JTT1K Nu 2 2°+ ro t.;
yhVL Nu 22 30 - 32 ; WHj Gn 49" + 2 1. ; pi. abs. nahK Gn i2 w + 2 t.; rium J u 5'°+ i 2 t.; niaint* Jbi 3 42 12 ; — she-ass, as dam Gn 49 11 Zc 9'; as pro- perty (constituting wealth) Gn 1 2 16 32" Jb i 314 42 12 cf. 1 Ch 27 30 ; so of the asses of Kish 8 t. 1 S 9 3.3. 6 . 2 o io j.j.h.i.. as beastg of burden Gn45 B ; for riding Jus 10 Nu 22 2122 2X4"; of Balaam's ass
t. Nu 2 2 S1 ' 22 ' 23 ' 23:S ' 25,27 ' 27 ' 28 ' 2930 ' 30,32 ' 33
]ni*, rnjwi v. sub nat njHN v. run. t : v ' PHN n.pr.m. an ancestor of Asaph iCh6 28 apparently identical with I™) v 6 . gnK v. II. pn. T [p^ri^] n.m. gallery, porch (deriv. un- certain) Ez 4 1 16 Kt KiTpiJINI, Qr KJUWl- Co (q.v.) r»Wt»P». tp^lN n.m. id. Ez 42 s .- 3 ; pi. D-p^K EZ42 3 ; 41" Qr, v. pin« Kt; T M DWWJ (Co del.) t CnnN n.pr.loc. only Nu 2 1 ' tH} •'jjj ; so ©, perh. (Di) name of a caravan-route, cf. j 1 vestige, footprint; others (after X@) transl.icay of the spies (cf. 13 22 ); but D^riKn for D*TW1 is highly improbable, and a locality would hardly receive its designation from the spies.