a. Dn 2 18 nn Kn this secret, v 282930 + , Ezr 4 11 5 3.4.9 + . naT^S Dn 5 -:; b nj-i npK o/ier this tDn a' 2945 ; so nf=j nns<3 t7 67 . c. nj"|3 Zeyte this, thus, tJe 10 10 (=Heb. nfc), Dn2 10 nfJJ KTik) a word ?t/fce ffa's (cf. riKTS Est 4"), 3™ Ezr 5 7 . d. n ?T^5> ow account of this tDn 3'" Ezr 4" 5 317 6"; as conj.= therefore (cf. Heb. flNH.'JJ) Ezr 4 14 -'— Vid. also 5>3P t and iTD"]P. t [pp*^] vb. be shattered, fall to pieces (BH);— Pe. Pf. 3 mpl. IPJ Dn 2 3 Haph. ?-ea& tre pieces : Pf. 3 fs. JljWn 2 31 ' 43 , 3 mpl. fPOT 6* (all sq.acc); 7mp/. 3 fs. Pin 2 40 (abs.), v 44 (acc); sf. nsp?n j»j Pt. act. p}0» 2 40 (ace), f- "P,? 1 ? (K' 4 *'") abs. 7 719 .
v. "W .
T < ttri^l n.pr.m. (BH id.; Eg.Aram. pinm KES 36T 'S-C H ' + );—l. Darius Hystaspis Ezr 4 54 + 8 1. Ezr. 2 . ' Darius the Mede ' Dn 6 W -* M *.
(-/of following; BH Il.jnt, jfrl]).
t'ftn?] n.[f."J arm (so S Syr.);— pi. sf. ^nisrn Dn 2 3i . tlTTTN (K' 60 ' 1 ') n.[f.] force (prop, arm, X (rare); BH J*-]?);— abs. !w) Itt Ezr 4° fey /orce and povier, forcibly. t]VT n.f. D " M decree, law (Syr.; Pers. loan-word, v. BH);— "n abs. Dn 6 16 7 25 , cstr. Ezr 7' 4 + ; emph. KTn Ezr7 12 + ; sf. fjMJJ Dn 2 9 ;— 1. decree of king Dn 2 1313 Ezr 7 s6 ; c. sf. Dn 2 9 decree against you. 2. unchangeable law of Medes and Pers. Dn 6 913 16 . 3. law of God (in mouth of non-Jews): Dn 6 6 Ezr J**** go (abs.) Dn 7 23 ; laws of God Ezr 7-'. t[«ni] n.[m.] grass (so 2 Syr.; BH NOT);— emph. KKrn Dn 4 1220 .
1 |l2rn] n.m. judge (loan-word fr. Pers.
d&tabara, law-bearer, judge (cf. K^^Andr" 39 * Mey K„t«.j.23 Dr Dn. ; n Bab a8 databarr)i Hilpr B.b. E,p.)..28j._ p i - em p hg xnarn Dn 3 s - 3 .
M iaterrogf. part. (BH n,q.v. : 2 0.; not Syr.: on the vocal., v. K ,S7 ' 2 );— Dn 2 K T^'NO art </m>m . . . ? 3 14 N^Sn (Baer Gi ; edd. rj^J), 6 21 iwn caw Ae . . . f N^>n ncmne ? ttf* 4 27 6 13 . t^H demonstr. part, lo ! behold ! (BH NO (twice); Eg.Aram. and Tema Kn (Cooke 195 - 19S ); 2 Nn ; Syr. ]o. ; Mand. Ml (No" sl ); Ar. U : in Aram, also oft. prefixed to pr. 3 ps. for greater definiteness, as 2 NVin, oo» (for hd-hu), v. No ■ 89 f. -yy ca las f. J) n o 5i . t *^n demonstr. part., prefixed idiom, to 3 for greater definiteness, lit. behold like (BH NO, v. Nn supr.), only in "^"NO Dn 2 43 ^"KO 3iynjp Kp KjriB like as iron doth not mingle with clay (cf. a. 2° N>ra Nn Gn 49*, so 2 ,on '3 Nft Is5 29 9 4 + oft.; 2 Jer '3 "0 Gn 2 6 4 - ,8K + oft.; TO * 2 9 5 1013 + , also pleon. '3 TO f 2 2 1415 - ,7 + oft. b. Palm. TO as (Lzb 239 ), as KD1D33 T" as (is) in the law (Cooke 321 ; so 2 ,w ^ 2 9 , etc.),
- 1 TO conj. (like Dn H3 NO : =Heb. "*^J>, as
K35 n T" K*e «* he levied, Cooke T * r,lr "' b,i,8 - c14 - i;.2i.26 j-j jod for igjjta have /-, ko3 t $J" 't ND3»n p
? **/']• It is dub. whether '13 NO belongs
to a (notice esp. 2 j0 ") or b : Schulth' ZAW 1902 - m ' to b,reading 1 WJ (buts rare and late: D 12 ' * 431 ); NggOLtz.im.4S3 from ^n ( v BH ) how ? y + T [*^iin J n. m. counsellor, minister (Pers. loan-word ; orig. form and mng. dub., cf. Andr" 60 * Mey EnU, - ls Dr D " 324 );— pi. emph. N>13^jn Dn6 s ; ostr. *$$! 3 s ; sf. ^n 4 33 , inn. oJ'._vid N s n3ia. T [D^TTl] n. [m.] member, limb (loan-word from Pers. -,£*£, Jii* id. Lag «*- Abh28 Fl u " chWB1 - 4Bb ); pi. abs. ^-l2VnnWrJ)n2 h ye shall be made members, i.e. dismembered, so 3 W . t[T7n] vb. Pa. glorify God (2 Syr. BH honour man) ; — Impf. 2 ms. FH^n Dn 5 ffl , 1 s. nTjO 4 31 ; P<. ac^.Tl.OO v 34 (all c. b pers.). t [TTTI J n. [m.] honour, majesty, of kg.; — emph.N-nn Dn 5"; sf.nin 4*™ (where Behrm plausibly (after Theod.) nSln [2"110. r«<Mr>i]). NTH, ITin vb. come to pass, become, be (BH'ffri);-P 8 . Pf 3 ms. run Dn4 M 4-, wn Dn 5 I9 +; 2 ms. rrjjq Dn 2 3134 , 1 s. n-in 4 i + ;
mpl. "lin Dn 2 33 + ; /mp/. 3 ms. N1.r6 (k »"•"»>
^IMik^HK. ; n jAi-am. as jussive D »•'•'•) Dn2 M -r; 3 fs. njnn Dn4 24 + , N_Ezr6 8 +, 3 mpl. fTO Ezr6 ,n +6t. >3 fpl. |^ Dn 5 17 ; /rati. mpl. 11.0 Ezr 4 s2 , fln 6 6 ; — 1. come to pass Dn 2 28 - 29M - 43 . 2. come into being, arise Ezr 7 Z1 ; become, come to be, c. n.pred. Dn 4 s1 5 N
and (=represent) 7"; c. 3 We s 33 *, c. 7 pred.
4 A