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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1120

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-.» tftay" 1 ] n.m. counsellor (prop. Pt. act.);— pl.sf.^Ezry", vnBJSv 15 . t NCy n.f. counsel;— abs. Dn 2 14 (v. DJ?t?2). N2T 1 v. *?P. tpJf^] vb. Pa. make certain, gain cer- tainty (V; cf. BH);-Pa. Inf. K3£J> Dn 7 19 , c. ^3? concerning. t y-S^ adj. certain, true (J id., firm, native (=mw')) ; — abs/< Dnz 845 , emph.ta- 3 24 (K> W - |! ); fs.83-6 13 7 !6 ; — l.c«rtatn,swr«Dn2 45 ; inexclam. 3 24 undoubtedly! ^VriP v 8 o/a surety. 2. <ru«  6"; f. as subst. 7 16 the truth concerning, ?5? rei. tnp" 1 ] vb - burn ( v - BH);— Pe. Pt. act. f. N>?"!i?; Dn 3 6'lISl--20-2113.26 t[rnj^] n.f. burning;— cstr. n#K nip'!) Dn7". '" t["»j£] n.m. Dn2 - 6 honour (v. BH);— abs. "^ Dn T 2 6 7 14 ; cstr.t^.4 27 ,nirbv 33 (K» OTAnm -Str l?-); emph. tOi?'} 2 37 5 18 , n__ v 20 . [T'jPl] adj. honourable, difficult; — 1. honourable, emph. to'!?! Ezr 4'°. 2. difficult (cf. BH133 adj. 1 d), fs. rn'i?: Dn a". □btpiT] n. pr. loc. Jerusalem (BH D^^j ; _DnV 3 6 ,1 Ezr4 8 - 12 +20t.Ezr. t[JTT] n.m. month (v. BH);— abs. nn^ TlX Ezr 6 15 ; pi. abs. ftPT Dn 4 s6 . t[H3^] n.f. thigh, or loin (X; v. BH V);— pi- sf. '"^I- Dn 2 32 . t^S")© 1 n.pr.gent. Israel (BH td., Vl. n ~$?);— '&. ^t? Ezr 5 1 6 14 7 IS ; t^ $C 5"; '{j* ^3 6 i S) >fc* t^j, 7 ]3_ tjW' n.pr.m. (BH id. 3, p. 221);— Ezr 5 2 . jt^ (-/of following; BH Jt? njp). fn. D"titt?] n.f. sleep (J Syr.);— sf. nnjlE> (K» ,2 '») Dn6".— 1. [njB>] v . [tOf]. t JT mark of accns. (=BH I. TIN ; Palm. TV ; Zinj. "^ M c. sf. Wll ; Nab. Palm. c. sf. IW (Lzb 2 " 3 Cooke' 70 ; cf.BES 468 ); 2 Sam. TV; Syr. ffci (rare); v. further p. 84 11 );— Dn 3 12 WSD «J ^Vf w bom thou hast appointed. t3JT (K 425 *>*>) vb. sit, dwell (£ Syr.; v. BH 3^);— Pe. 1. «<, 6e «ea<ed: i 5 /. 3 ms. 31V Dn 7 9 and (of judgment = the judge) v 1(l , so Impf. 3 ms. 3PI? (K' 43 - , ' B, "" , -*>, cf. BH 35?.".) <]•< 2. dweW, P<." pi. abs. fWr Ezr 4 ,r ( 3 loc -)- Haph. cause to dwell : Pf. 3 ms. 3nin 4 10 (ace. + 3 loc). T'TVP adj. pre-eminent, surpassing (v. BH -irv);— ms. abs. '> Dn 2 31 ; fs. trrjv 6 4 , usu. H__ 4 33 5 1214 ; as adv. exceedingly 3 s2 7 7l9 (cf. "W Tnano Eut 8,n - 498 wh. Lzb 401 reads t-o rwrv).


part, like, as, about (BH S, q.v.); — 

like, as, Dn 2 40 K^fl ? ? W& > 4" 2 5 1 + i accord- ing to 4 :i2 1?y rl*2Xl?:n and according to his will he doeth, Ezr6 9ls +; about (as BH 1 a: cf. Zinj. Lzb 444 [j]ai»D |»i*o), Dn 4 16 nnn nyE>3, 6 1 ; with inf. (BH 3 b), 6 21 N3jj> BJTfDa and as he drew near, etc. Cpds. : — ,- ll and nj"l3, v. 'I and niT ; rnn? together, v. nn ( 8 ub ins). t[n*T3] adj. false (£ Syr.; v. BH 3T3);— fs. abs. ni-13 nj?p Dn 2 9 ( > n. appos. K ,75 M 66 *). "HS v. "!. tH3 adv. here (BH n'S; $Mand. tO; Chr-Pal. o ; Syr. with prefixes, as ),aS. hither, £*1' where ?);— Tin 1™ W})fir* ND 5 © n*T| hilfterlo (cf. Je48 47 5i 64 ) is the end of the matter. t[/H3] vb. be able (X id.; Eg. Aram., S . c r.p.A6. 8 .W. Eth _ j,y rt . cf syn _ ^ ._p e _ Pt. act, usu. sq. inf. : abs. bnB Dn 2 26 4 15 (inf. om.); pi. abs. rJwj|J 5 815 . t[]PI3] n.m. priest (v. BH pa); — emph. tons Ez^ 12 - 2 '; pi. emph. NJ3- 6 9lcl8 7 1624 ; sf. (of'lsr.) Vrti. v 13 . [TO N6 GGA,884 ' ,( " 9 ] n.f. window (S NHp, Syr. Jl'oa, cf. Schulth 1 ^ 1 - 91 (sub *oa), hence Ar. CS, iS id., as loan-word Frii 13 ); — pi. abs. P'S ?n»na Dn 6" (cf. S-C ,s ). T [li3j n. [».] k6r, a measure of wheat (BH IS p. 499);— pi. abs. rii3 Ezr f 2 . erVi3, n.pr.m. Cyrus (BH to'.);— Dn 6 s9 Ezr5' 3 +6t.Ezr.