t DiT n.m. Elr,U2 people (v.BH I.QDJ>, Dy);— 'y abs. Dn 2 4 ' 3 M Ezr 6' 2 , cstr. Dn? 27 ; emph. noy Ezr5 ,2 ,NBy7 13 ' 6 - 2i ;pl.emph.N;OK>y(K» ls ' 1):l * 8 ) ) DJ7 prep, with (BH Dy : s0 X Syr. (pL) and general Aram.) ;— sf. 'B? t Dn f, 'HBy t Ezr 7 13 , nay tDn 2= 2 , ?inBy tEzr 5-;— 1. Altogether with, Dn 2 ,8 « 7" NW ^rDy, Ezr 5 2 + ; whose dwelling, portion, etc., is with Dn 2 11 - 22 4 12 5 21 . b. to speak with Dn 6 s2 , to make war with 7 :l ; to do with (-towards) 3 s2 'By my 1 (cf.^86 17 ), cf.Ezr6 8 ; Dy W to make like to Dn 6 21 . +2. of time, Dn 3 33 =4 : " TJ) "VfOJ (co-exists) with all generations (cf. BH 1 g) ; 7 2 N^'Dy during the night. t[p»D3?] adj. deep (v. BH poy);— fpl. emph., as n., N^P/By Dn 2 22 the deep things. t~Wp_y n.m. wool (X Syr.; Eg. Aram. ney S-C Q7 - ,0 ,'ncp Id." 5 ; cf.Mand.NiOxpN, No" 72 ; v.BH lev);— abs. Dn 7 s . fl- [HJ^] vb. answer (v. BH I. njy);— Pe. Pf. 3 fs.'wy Dn5 10 ; 3 mpl. i3J| 2 7 + ; P<. act. (vy N6 GGA - 1 ' 88, ' 1 ° 2 ') my 2 5 +, pi. ?:?y (K* 47 E " ,p -' ) ) 3 24 ;— alw. + 1DK Ft, answered and said (? [or ffjg] pers. usu.foll.iCK; foll/y 2 10 - 27 - 47 ):— 1. ansiver, make reply, to something said : Dn 2 r,.-. s .io.w 3 i*«* 4 i6b gH 6 a.M a> respo ^ to occasion, speak in view of a situation: 2 15 - 20,26 ,9.H.19.21.C6.IS .16».27 -1(1 t]l'3 adv. now (so Eg. Aram. (CIS"" 7 = Cooke*'"- 73 RES 561 " S-C p * pC5 ); %, e.g. Nu 22 4 : ?y prob. a subst. fr. [n:V] the •/of nj? (p. 773a), <z'»n« ,• so IS? lit. a< (this) time = Heb. nny j K »<"•");— Dn 2 23 "oriy-iin jy^, 3 " ^ 5 «.is.m 59 Ezr 4 13 " 21 5' 7 6 6 ; m m iy until now Ezr 5 16 (so S!Gni8 22 + ). Trij]y3 and (Ezr4 17 ) contr. Py3 adv. now (f.of |J3 ; so first SSTorrey JB, ' M < 18 ' 7 >• ,66,, •; now confirmed by Eg. Aram, njy3 Cowley PSBA '"■ 264 - hi,m ( = RES 492 - 4 = S-C M ' ! '- ); '31 formerly taken to mean and so forth) ; — alw/31, and alw. in aletter,introducing the business of the letter, and to be connected with what follows, not, as MT, with what precedes : Ezr4 10 (del., as in- troduced by error from end of v"), v 11 (joining to v 12 ) and now, let it be known, etc., v 17 and now, the letter which, etc., 7 ,2f - and now, I make a decree, etc. (cf. HTiyi similarly in letters 2 K 5 6 io 2 , and kq vvv 2 Mace. i 6 ). rrny II. nty (/of foil.; v. BH III. nay, uy, My). t[*3» K* w<,, «Str,or TTjV cf.Buhl.M] adj. poor, needy; — pi. abs. fjy (Baer Gi K' c ), or ]]iy (van d.H. Buhl M 77 *^ cf. D' 391 ) as n. Dn 4 24 the poor. I}}? (/of following ; v. BH My, Ty). t [ty] n.[f.] (she-)goat ;— pi. H? Ezr 6' 7 . t[]3y K*« 7 «>* 1 ] n.[m.] cloud (v. BH I. py) ;— pi. cstr. NJD?> MJjj Dn ^' t [F)3y] n. [m.] bough (v. BH e]jy);— pi. sf. iiQjy Dn 4 »-"-"-'». tr:y (K*"" , °>) n.[m.] amercing, confis- cation (not X Syr.; v. BH);— cstr. I'M? 'V Ezr 7 2C . n:y v. rujs su b i. [njyj. tt££? (/of foil.; X NSy Pa., Syr. |l^X Pa., enwrap, 'BfJ foliage, (_Lr»a_i. flower, etc., BH D'NDy, D^D}> as loan-word ; cf. perh. As. up4, cZowd(-mass)). tf'Dy] n.m. Dn4 ' 9 leafage, foliage; — sf. n"Dy DnV"-' 8 . f [32^/] vb. pain, grieve (X (rare) ; v. BH I. 3*y);— Pe. Ft. pass., as adj.: TSy i>j?a Dn 6 21 a pained voice (cf. X Est 4 1 , $ J Ex 1 2 31 ). tlj?y (<"l— K* 59 ") n.[m.] root, stock ( /"Ipy, v. BH, and, on meaning of/, Schwally 2mg 111 0888). i«. cgtr.VtiKnB' 'y Dn4 12,20,23 . ["^py] vb. denom. Hithpe. be rooted up ; —pf 3 p i. ( m .j v . k* 23 - 2 ) ripynx Kt, fpl. n> Qr, Dn 7 s . [~y], fny v. nny. + P"Un vb. mix (S (oft.); Syr. (rare); v. BH I. 3ny); — Pa. Pt.pass. 3"iyo mixed with (3) Dn 2 41 - 43 . Hithpa. Pt. id. : aiynt? v 43 (Dy), pl.r3n-v 43 (3). t[-ny K' 67 '■ , * , ] n.m. wild ass (S Syr.; /my, perh. = Ar. ^i (/t're a cry NoSbwak. "in. ». "• ,90 °, v. BH nny as loan-word (K Ar • m * 1,,m,!,,72 , but dub. No ZMQ,, "< , » 03, •• m ));— pl.emph.S)T!J| Dn 5 21 . ttfrTiny] a.f. dishonour (/my, BH 6e naked (q.v.), Hl"iy nafeine«s);— cstr.ni"iy Ezr 4 14 .
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