t[t£HS] vb. make distinct (cf. BH (chiefly late)); — Pa. Pt. pass. Ezr4 18 made distinct (BH Ne 8 8 ; % NH). tjatthfi n.m. E ' r4ffl oopy (X *&-, Syr. Jo^Liii ; Aram, loan-word in BH, where also pem? id.; loan-word from Pers. (Thes nS3i Aia - 108 ), cf. Armen. patgen, copy, Gildemeister ZK " lvSI " Lag Ge1 ' Abb ' 79 ; Atmea - s,u|i - * |838 Me v EMt ' J ' " Hoffm ZA "• M , Olran. 'paticayan, id., ace. to Andr MT9 *; not clear whether 'IS is text. err. for 'ns (Hoffm l,c ), or from diff. orig. (Andr 1 -"- paracayanl parica- yan ?), or from same -/ in diff. stage (so appar. Scheft 52 , citing, for both, OBaktr. fra-senhana, announcement, Olran. praiamsana, praiasana, command, Ar.frasasti, command, patisenhana, answer, OP. * patithaiihana, announcement, an- swer)}; — cstr. 'b Ezr 4 1123 5". t["lt^2] vb. interpret (a dream) (X id., Syr.»ia,perh. Eg.Aram.ne>B Lzb 355 SAC ,00 (Ar. jZi loan-word, v. Frii 263 ); As. paSdru); — Pe. Tn/.-iB'BDJs Dn 5 16 , ace. cogn. HBte. p a . Pt. act. -|E>BD Dn5 1! , ace. pD^n. tt?S 3i n.m. Dn2 ' 45 interpretation (of dream) (cf. BH as loan-word) ; — cstr. 'd Dn4 3 1** 7"; emph. tnf B 2 4 + 7 t. Dn, + 4 1516 Kt (Qr H^); H_ 2 7 5 12 ; sf. K- 2 5 - 6 - 6 -r 11 t. Dn, +Qr 4 1S16 (Kt N_); p l. |ntfa 5 >«. t D3fi2 n.m. Ezr "• " command, word, affair (Pers. : v. BH);— abs. 'a Dn3 16 ; emph. NO- Ezr 4 I7 + ; — command Ezr 6", word, by missive 5', from king 4 17 (both c. fw), in answer 5 11 (c. 3*nn); weakened, thing, affair Dn 3" 4 14 . t [17,712] vb. open (v. BH);— Pe. Pt. pass. fpl. in'ri? Dn6" opened (windows). Pe'il (W CG22i ) Pf. 3 mpl. WiB 7 '» books were opened. NJ"I2 (-/of foil.; SSyr.; BH HDB (rare)). t [""flE] a. [m.] breadth (X Syr.; Eg. Aram. KES^S-C 1 * 4 );— sf. iWiB Dn 3 1 Ezr6 3 .
t[Nji] vb. be inclined, desire, be pleased (X Syr.; cf. BH II. rux);— Pe. 1. desire: Pf. 1 s. rP3X (K S47B,! '* p • 1,a, N6 GOA ' 1984 > 1019 pf. intrans.) Dn 7" (c. inf.). 2. be pleased, will (without hindrance), abs., of God : Impf. 3 ms. N3X? 4 1UU »; Inf. sf. WJ3XD v 32 ace. to his willing; of Neb.: Pt.act. N3X g»*M.» TlSJ} n.f. thing, anything (orig. purpose) (Palm, m Lzb 367 SAC' 00 Cooke 266 , Syr. JL'cus,, all thing; cf. NH }*BPI thing, from fBH <&%& ire, crave); — Dn 6 18 . !• [^?^] vb- dip, wet ($ Syr.; cf. BH I. 3D*) ;— Pal Pl. act. pl. ftfPp Dn 4" «*< thee (i>), + W. Hithpa. 7ot;>/ V?Or (also I>3-), 6e itW, c. ^03 4 12 - !0 , i>BD v 30 5 s '. II. y2)£ (-/of foil.; cf. BH II. pax). t[l?22N] n.f. 1. finger; 2. toe (SSyr.; BH irf.) ;— pl. 1. abs. JJJ3XN Dn 5 5 . 2. emph. Nn_ »«; cstr . y__ v « ' ' T"I^ n.[m.] side (very rare in Aram.; perh. Hebr., v. BH id., -/mx);— cstr., c. prep.: '5fi> wby DU7 25 , i.e. against; NnttJ>D 'X? 6 i.e. arising from, touching. + TN12J n. [m.] usu. (malicious) purpose (Hebraism from BH n>"lX, ./I. mx); — c.n in- terrog. N^Xn Dn 3 14 ; < read N^jSn BevDr Kmp. tnj?ia n.f. right doing (Talm., OAram.; v. BH njjnx, y pix);— 'x Dn 4 24 . t[-lN]12] n.m. neck (X Syr.; v. BH sub I. nix);— sf. TJN1X Dn 5", BTKj* v 7 *>. I [N 72f ] vb. Pa. pray (orig. bow in prayer) (X id., bow, Pa, pray, so Syr. JJ. and Pa.; As. sullA, entreat (a,j>ipa,r. not of prayer to gods Ziin KATieior.) . Ar fo middle oftlie back, X* 11. pray, Eth. RrttD: 6ow, RA?; pray; Sab. ni^X s/trme Hom chr,B:AA,! *);— Pt. N>XD Dn 6" (abs.); pl. i^XO (K * 47 »<) Ezr 6 10 (c. b in beJtalf of). t[TT«] vb. prosper (v. BH II. rfof);— Haph. Pf. 3 ms. n^>xn Dns 30 ^ 29 ; /»<. r£xp Ezr 5 s , pl. pn?- 6 14 ; — 1. cai^se <o prosper Dn 3 30 (c. 7 pers.). 2. s/teM> prosperity, be 2>ros- perous 6 29 (of pers.); Aat>e success (in building) Ezr 6 14 ; be successful (of work) 5* (D'nT3). ta l 7!: i7 n.m. D " 2 - 31 image (v. BH Q^x);— abs. 'X Dn 2 31 3'; cstr.'x 3", D^v 5 +; emph. KDi)X 2 31 + ;— image Dn 2 31 - 31:l2 - 34 - 35 3 1 + 10 t. 3 ; 'niBJN 'X 3 19 i.e. his expression.