Pf. 3 ms. sf. '"TO^n Dn 5 :6 God has finished it (the kingdom ; brought it to an end); Imv. ms. D.X'n Ezr 7" render in full, ace. rei (cf. Syr. Aph., Be-Ry Berthol), sq. D"^ dei. "0~>?j n.m. Dn3sl welfare, prosperity; — t : in greetings : abs. Ezr 4 1 ' prosperity / emph. «ob& 5 7 ; sf. K'S'f ! l^f Dn 3" 6 M . ta© n.m. name (v. BH DB>);— cstr. 'b> Ezr 5' + ; sf. WQf Dn 2 20 + ; pi. cstr. nnDB* Ezr 5 4 , sf. D'nn- v 10 ;— name, dei : Dn 2 20 4 s Ezr 5 1 6' 5 ; vir. :'Dii2 M 4 1516 5" (all Dan.), Ezr 5 4HUU also v 14 , with which cf. S-C K4 - 6 ' 8f - ,2f - t [*ipt^'] vb. Haph. destroy (X Pa. make apostatize; cf. BH);— Inf. rM#r$ Dn f° (obj. om., = dominion). t[p0] n.m. pi. heavens (BH [Vf], BV&, 'jnov);— alw. emph. KJJf': 1. visible iy Je 10" Dn 4 11M ' JU «* 'B> <<V 2 3s ; V TSfl 4 ».«s. <£ t,Q Y iMMWga. 'e> <nn f winds of the sky; '& ^JV v 13 ; Jieavens + earth = universe Je 10", where God shews signs Dn 6 23 . 2. Jieavens as abode of God Dn 2 2s 4 : ", hence, fig., as rulingv 23 ('B'sometimes= God inNH JArani., D Wor te J«um i Kn,.Tr.218t^. ftg abod(J of ange}s y 32 (Dr); elsewh. in phr. 'B> ?6k a 1 " 1 *- 41 Ezr 5 111 - ^uf^tttma /# t|^ d Dn 4 34 , 'r too 5 r! . t[Dpttf] vb. Ethpol. be appalled (£ (rare); v.BH; Chr-Pal. p*, Schulth 2 " 9 );— Pf.
ms. npine'S (K t36 ) Dn 4 16 .
t^Dty' vb. hear (v. BH);— Pe. />/. 3 ms. 'V Dn6'>; 1 s. nj?DB> 5 14 - ,6 ; Impf. 3 ms. SOB* 3 10 , 2 mpl. |«t#n 3 -> 3 ; Pt. act. PJW 3 7 5*;— hear : =have sense of hearing Dn S a ; c. ace. of sound 3 5 ' 10l5 > word 6 1 *; c. cl. *1+ ?y pers. ccra- cerning, 5 14 ". Hithpe. «/(ei« oneself obedient : Impf. 3 mpl. pVOriB^ Dn 7-", c. *? pers. (prob.). t]*n*Otf (BH fntiv, 1. "ipB>);_ Ezr 4^.' ' T I. t£*'Oti*° (-/of following; BH Btotf, EtoB 5 ). t[tt)t:©] n. [m. so D WB ] sun; — emph. NB>pB> Dn 6". fll. [t^'P^'] vb. Pa. minister (X Pa, id., e^Ofri use; Palm. BW, B^DETl, SAC 114 - 11,12 Lzb a; »; Syr.*sfti,] 4 sl*sft-.r; Chr-Pal. *ia«. Pa, -ua-.L ; NH B*pB>, B-'DBfl ; Egypt, sms, ser- vant, Kopt. lemie, cf. WMM in Buhl 14 ) ;—Impf. 3 mpl. sf. ftV&IXP Dn 7 10 were ministering to him. t^;— always *nao '&>: Ezr ' (Andr ' conj. Olran. caritative , DB'B», conformed to B'DB', cf. Scheft 92 , who, however, prefers OBaktr. simezhi=simaezhi, ]© v. tJB*. [NJttf] vb. change (v. BH I. me>);— Pe. Pf. 3 mpl. S& Dn 3 " 7 , sf. "tfaf 5" (rd. prob. W -ni^K) ; Impf. 3 ms. «?* 7 24 , 3 fs. Wfn 6' 9 f<; Pt. act. fs. RW 7' 9 ; mpl. fifa 5', fpl. £# 7 3 ;— intrans. change, be changed : of garment, by fire Dn 3 27 , brightness (VI) of face 5 69 , purpose 6 1S ; be different from (IP) 7 3 -' 9 23 24 . Pa. Pf 3 mpl. V3B> (K 547e) -*" dBel,|> - 3 ) Dn 3^; Impf. 3 mpl. ?13B^ 4™; Pt. pass. fs. X ^B*Q (Baer) 7' ; — trans, change Dn 4 U (NB i 3K-;p *q$) ; = frustrate word of king 3 is ; pt. pass, intrans. different 7' (IP). Ithpa. P/. 3 mpl. i3J?B*K Dn 3 19 Kt (K 547 '""'^ 4 ; »J_- No GGA ls ' 4 ' 1019 Str « ad M 24 *), > 3 ms. "antpK Qr; Impf. 3 ms. N3J?B^ 2 9 , 3 mpl. 'J- (t om. in pause, K' 26 ' 1 , but modus apocop. No OQA1334 - 101s , as 11^ Je io", tfaft Dn 5 1C ; v. also Cooke 166 ) 5 10 , ji> f*-—be changed: of V] Dn5'°7 ls (y. Pe.; ^? pers.); 'HiSJS D7S 3 19 (iV/.) ; of time, conditions 2 9 . Hapb. Impf. 3 ms. M^ Ezr 6"; /w/. n^nf) v 12 + ; P«. ac<. N?.B i np' Dn 2 21 ;— trans. cJiange, alter, times, etc. (v. Ithpa.) Dn2 21 "j 2i ; ace. om. 6 9 - 16 Ezr 6 ,_> ; frustrate edict (v. Pa.) 6". fi. [n3tp] n.f. year (v. BH n}E>, ^ I. [nj^; — Mtr. DJf: nin 'V=first year Ezr5 13 6 3 Dn 7 1 ; paTB 'B* Ezr 4 24 secowrf year; TVf 'V 6 1S ; pi. 'T priB' pif Dn6' fo years; t?W 'V Ezr 5".— 11. [nif] V. fB^. pt^' (</of following ; v. BH [ffifl, 1^). t []tij] n.[f.] tooth ;— du. (of rows of teeth) abs. PJB>Dn7 7 ;— sf. rtW Kt (K* 85 ' 2 -"), nSB* Qr, v 519 (all of beasts in vision). Tnjfty n.f. brief time, moment (X id., W^B/, NH nyB* time, hour; Syr. JfcLiX moment, thenhour Brock 369 , but Chr-Pal. |jlL» moment, hour Schwally Id,0,w Schulth L "- 2 "; perh.=As. sattu, duration; TelAm. 91 ' 7 ' se-ti, time, hour (as Canaanism) Wkl KAT3 - 33i ; Ar. J.S-., lill portion of time, Eth. flO: d'me, AOfc /towr, <tm« (Buhl calls Ar. Eth. loan-words, but v.Wkl Lc -); -/unknown : poss. As. loan-word (v. Wkl ,c ); pji'rwt. con j.*y»{»; = n^B'Zoo^, hence moment = './lM</e?i& 7 ic&,' but vb/e' rather of steady gaze); — moment : usu. emph. Nnjffi^na (rd. poss. 'p as