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•naa cf. Di in loco Ko 1182 ) garment, covering — Gn 28 s + 36 t.; sf. i1?3 Ez 9 3 + (i4 t. without dag. lene Ges Lgb - 94 ); pi.' B^gS Lv 6 4 + 32 t.; cstr. H?? Gn27 ,5 +39t.;sf.T13?iK 2 2 !0 + 8it,;T 1 ?' 1 ?? ^45'; — 1. garment, clothing, raiment, robe of any kind, from the filthy clothing of the leper to the holy robes of the high priest, the sim- plest covering of the poor as well as the costly raiment of the rich and noble, used throughout Heb.Lit.: Gn 2 4 63 (J), 28 20 (E; 14 1. JE), Ex 2 8 2 +(P 90 t.),Dt 24" Ju8 26 + 4t., 1 S 19" + iot., 1 K i>+ 23 t., 2 Ch i8 9 + (Chr gt.), Est 4 14 Jbi3 K 22 6 37 17 V.22 19 45 9 102 27 109" Pr6 w 2o' 6 25 20 27 13 Ec9 8 Is 2 24 16 36 s2 37 1 Is 3 5o 9 + 10 1., Je 1 2' + 3 t., Ez i6 16 + 13 k, J02 13 Am2 8 Hg 2 12 Zc 3 3 -« i 4 M ; VlJ? NTO his lap-fid 2 K 4 39 . 2. covering, wrapping, of furniture of taber- nacle Nu 4 6 " 13 (6 t.) ; coverlet of a bed 1 S 1 9 13 . T' , ^2 n.pr.m. (cf. Skr. bhagavdn, happy f) 1. a companion of Zerubbabel Ezr 2 2 =Ne 7 7 ; perh. = head of a family of returning exiles Ezr 2 14 ("m) =Ne 7 19 , cf. Ezr 8 14 . 2. a chief of the peopleinNehemiah'stime Ne io 17 ; cf. Sm L! * ,TO ". T^rOS. n.pr.m. (Pers. cf. N1 P-'?S) a eunuch of Ahasuerus Est 1 10 . T]rU21 n.pr.m. (Pers. bagaddna, gift of God f) a eunuch of Ahasuerus Est 2 21 = W^JS 6 2 . < X2Jn32 v. foregoing. tl. "13,12 »•[«*•] white linen (deriv. un- known) pi. 0^8— 13 liBK 1 S2 18 (Samuel), 22 18 (priests of Nob), 2 S6 14 = 1 Ch 1 5 s7 (David): in P asmaterial of diff. priestly vestments Ex 28 42 39 28 Lv 6 33 I6 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 23 - 32 . PI. DT8(n) E?13?(n) clad in (the) linen garments, of angel Ez 9 2311 io 2 - 6 - 7 Dn io 5 12 67 . , in. "IS v. sub I, II. 113. T N13 vb. devise, invent (bad sense) (Mish. id., Aram. N13, ]^ invent; cf. Ar. IjJ begin, make a beginning) — Qal Pf N13 1X12"; Pt. sf DNlb (instead of DN"]i3) Ne 6 8 — Jeroboam devised a feast in 8th month 1 K 12 33 ; invent accusation Ne 6 8 . •fl. [*7*1Z11 vb. be separate, isolated (Ar. jj cause to withdraw; 11. separate, disunite, Gnu'Saad.; iv. divide into parts; x. go alone, act independently), ojiy P<.11^3 Is 14 31 (of strag- gler in army), Ho 8 9 v 1113 NIB a wild-ass (sim. of Ephr.) going alone for itself (i.e. wilfully: v. sub ?), ^ 102 8 (of bird sitting solitarily).


. T3, "T3 n.m. separation, concr. part (jj, sJJ portion) — sf. (always with p)*" 1 !?^, i ,, ?p etc', 3 f" pi. tGn 2 1 28 jni3p, v 29 njfap,-— 1. with ?, only in sg., 13? prop, in a slate of (v. sub ?) separation, alone, by itself (Fr. & part), a. Ex 26 s (= 36 16 ) five curtains 13? by tfiemselves, and six curtains 13? by themselves, Ju? 5 him shalt thou set 13? apart, Zc 1 2 1W4 . b. with sf. (89 t.) to express the idea of by oneself, alone (prop. in his, thy, my separation), Gn 2 18 it is not good for man to be il3? alone, 21 28 and A. set the seven lambs ID!?? by themselves (lit. in their separation), 32 17 43^ 2 S io 8 Is 5"; Gn 42 s8 tob HOT he alone, Ex 1 8 14 T^p ,in« thou alone, Nun 14,| 13p'3bN I alone, 1 K 19 1014 ; Dt8 3 not upon bread alone, 29 13 2 S 13 32 18 24 Is 44 s4 49 21 63 3 + ; after an oblique case, as a dat. Ex 22 19 Ju 3 20 yjr 5 1 6 113? 1? against thee alone have I sinned ; a genit. 7 1 16 1 will make mention of

113? 'jriij'iy the righteousness of thee alone.

C. as adv. of limitation, tls 26 13 only through thee do we celebrate thy name, Ec 7 s9 . d. followed by Q it becomes a prep., apart from, besides,Ex 1 2 37 Nu 29 s9 Dt3 5 i8 8 (rd. V13BO with ® @ X Aq Ew Di) Ju 8 M 20 15 al. (1 5 t.)'; once, Ezr i 6 , with ?J? instead of [p. e. "OpO^ (prob. inverted for JB 13? besides) (chiefly P and late): Gn 26 1 4 6 26 Lv 9 17 23^(4 t.) NU5 8 6 21 17"+ 12 t.Nu 28-29; Dt28 69 J0S22 29 1K10" iCh 3 9 2Ch9 12 i7 19 3i 16 Ezr2 66 =Ne7 67 Dnn 4 . With sf.tDt4 35 113pO Ity p« there is none else besides him (cf. *T$89 Is 45 21 ). t2. concr .;>art Ex 30 34 (P) WT 133 13 part for (i.e. like; cf. 3 HI, 3. end)^jart shall it be. f3. D^l? parts, spec, extended from some- thing, i.e. (a) of a body, members, limbs Jb 18 13 (of man), 41 4 (of crocodile) ; (6) of a vine, rods or shoots Ez 17 6 19' 4 ; (c) of^>ofe«or staves used for carrying the ark Ex 25 1314 15 35 12 37" 39 s5 40 20 Nu 4 6 1 K 8 7 - 88 (=2 Ch 5 8 - 99 ), or table of shewbread Ex 2S 2 ™ 8 35 13 37 1416 Nu 4 8 , or altar of B. O. Ex 2 7 6 - 6 " 35 16 3 8 5 - 6 - 7 39 39 Nu 4 14 , or altar of incense Ex 30" 35 16 37 s7 - 28 Nu 4"; (d) more gen. bars (of fortress) Ho 1 1 6 , (of a gate) Jb 17 16 fig. 5*f> *& (v. Is 38 10 ). TTD n.[m.] isolation, separation : Is 27 10 113 i"n*X3 ~V)S the fenced city is isolation, i.e. is solitary (subst. for adj.: Dr' 189,2 ); more usu. as adv. accus., to signify alone, Dt 32 12 ; esp. with vbs. of dwelling, Lv 1 3 46 3£* 113 he shall dwell alone (lit. in isolation), Je 15 17 La I 1 3 s8 : fig. of freedom from attack, security Dt 33 s8