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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/143

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ites fa 'a Nu 22" r + 37 1. Nu 22-24 (all JE) + J0S24 9 (E) Jui i 55 Mi 6 5 . nsNttna,TStfNVa v. h sub bvx T|tp73 n.pr.m. (=inquirert NH & Aram. £93; cf. sub p) an Israelite who returned with Zerubbabel Ezr 2 2 =Ne 7'. [rhi], *rhz v. sub ,-63. T nOS ^ n.f. high place (-/appar. qu on account of firm — ; cf. As. bdmdte Zim BF48 , Moab. no3 MI 3 ")— Je 48 35 + 18 1.; nncsn 1 g ,1»

13 ; pi. ni»3 Nu 21"+ 62 t.; cstr. W3 Jb 9 8 

Is 14" Am 4 13 ,; T% Dt 32 13 Is 58 14 Mi i 3 (Ew ,ald Ges 587,6 archaic fem. cstr. with retracted accent before monosyl. in poetry, bdmo-the not &wi);sf. , nb3 2 S22 :,4 +3t.; , niD3^ I 8 34 + iot.; — 1. high place, mountain: 1^ l"liD3 forest mountains Mi 3 12 = Je 26' 8 ; D^IJ? ni»3 ancient mountains Ez 36 2 ; JJIN J11D3 Nu 21 28 (E poet.) 2. high ])laces, battle-fields, the chief places of the land giving possession, victory, dominion: TJTID2 b]} on thy high places (Gilboa, the battle- field) 2 S i 19 - 26 (in v 19 ® has a doublet T™? thy dead, v. We Dr). a. of Israel: TID3 by 331 pK ride upon the high places of the land Dt 32 13 & Is 58" Cf. ~Dt3f> ^l8 34 =2S22 34 , Hb 3 19 . b. of God : p« <noa by -JIT fr-ead wpora «Ae %/i places of the earth Am 4 13 cf. Mi i 3 ; D' TI03 Jb 9 8 ; 3J? TID3 b]l rb$ (aspiration of the king of Babylon) Is 14 14 . 3. high places, as places of worship, at first on hills and moun- tains, later on artificial mounds or platforms, under green trees, and in cities; still later for the chapels erected thereon, and once appar- ently for a portable sanctuary (decked with diverse colours) Ez i6 16 . The ancient worship of Israel was conducted on these high places. In the times of Samuel and David they as- cended to them, descended from them, and offered sacrifices on them, 1 S 9 12 " 25 io 513 (HD3D for nrV3n We Dr). The custom continued in the reign of Solomon, but Gibeon was D03n rbrm i K 3 2 - 4 cf. iChi6 39 21 29 2 ch i 313 . High places of Baal were also used Nu 2 2 41 (E) Je 1 g b 32"; of Moab I SI 5 2 16 12 Je48 33 (cf. MI 27 ); these must be demolished Nu33 62 (J). Solomon built J1103 (platforms or chapels) to Chemosh and Milkom on the Mt. of Evil Counsel op- posite Jerusalem 1 K 11': Jeroboam made temples on the ancient high places of Dan and Bethel 1 K 12 3132 2 Ch u 15 ; they are called JIN m»3 Ho io 8 , pl-lb" H1D3 Am 7 9 : the kings of Israel built niD3 and niD3n TI3 in all their P cities 2 K 1 7 9 , and the people worshipped there 2 K 17"; these were also used by the mixed population after the exile of Israel 2 K 1 ?*■**: these various idolatrous high places were first destroyed by Josiah 1 K ttf- 3 *-* 2 K 23"° 2 Ch 34 3 . The worship of Yahweh on high places con- tinued in Judah until the exile 1 K 22" 2 K 15 36 ; the sanctity code predicts that Yahweh will destroy them Lv 26 30 ; they were regarded as the reason for the rejection of Shiloh ^ 78". The compiler of Kings, writing from the point of view of the Deut. code, complains ntosn pn rq l6 2 K 12* 14 4 15 4 * cf. 2 Ch i 5 17 20» and praises the few pious kings who destroyed them. a. Rehoboam built ni»3 with ni3VD & Dnt?X on every high hill and under every green tree

K14 23 . h. Asa did not remove the high 

places 1 K 15" (2 Ch 14 24 is incorrect unless ?V3 niD3). C. Jehoshaphat in his reform on the basis of the covenant code did not remove them 1 K 22 M (nirarrnK Tpn liy 2 Ch 17 16 is doubtless incorrect, possibly rd. ni3SO); Jeho- ram, his son, made high places in the cities of Judah 2 Ch 21 11 (@ $ j not mountains $); and Ahaz sacrificed on high places on the hills and under every green tree and in everv city of Judah 2 K 16 4 2 Ch 28 425 ; cf. Mi i 5 (rd. flNUn? so © @ X Che al.; yet cf. JBL 18 " ™') d. Hezekiah removed them 2 K 1 8 421 2 Ch 3 1 ' 3 2 l2 Is 36' ; but Manasseh rebuilt them 2 K 2 1 3 2 Ch 33 319 , and the people continued to sacrifice thereon to Yahweh 2 Ch 33 17 . e. Josiah, in his reform, based on the Deut. code, defiled them and brake them down from Geba to Beersheba

K 23 s - 8 - 9 ; but subsequently there were D1D3 

nann in the valley of Ben Hinnom Je 7 31 , and niD3 throughout Judah Je 17 3 cf. Ez 6 3 ' 20 29 (questioned by Ew & Co). 4. funereal mound(t) EZ43 7 (Thes, but in their high places AV RV; in their death % Theod Ew Hi EVm), Is 5 3 9 (Lowth Ew Bo Bodwell Orelli ; but in his death A V RV, or martyr death De Che Br). T]"n^3 n.pr.loc. (high place or great high place) place in Moab Nu2i"- 20 =:?y3 J"liD3 Nu 22 41 Jos 1 3 17 possibly on Mt. 'Affords cf. Di. T7HCj1 n.pr.m. (='D~|3 son of circum- cisionl cf. sub |3) descendant of Asher 1 Ch 7". iQS. v. sub 3, p. 91. JTIOS v. sub H03. ]2 ^n.m.son(MI Ph.p; so Sab. CI S^', cf. ^3 DHM Bm - sp^worKh.e . At ^i . As Hn^ Lyon 8 * 180091 - 67 ; esp. in bin-bin, grandson COT Gl0M , cf. Dl infr.; Aram. 13, -J,, pi. pJ3, ^.la; cf. Palm., esp. Vog ""• a - "• * * *'■ ; possibly orig. con-