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1.; 2 ms. ruan Jb 22 s3 , njat< Gm6 2 , ruato Gn 

30 s ; 3 fpl. nrjan Ez 36'°; 2 fpl. nraan i 8 44 ™ ; Inf. ntani) H g i» Zc8 9 , "iniana /k.6"; Pd. n333 iCh 22 19 ;— 1. a. be built, (lit.) of city Nu 13"; of temple i K 3 2 (" B$) 1 K 6 7 " (c. ace. mater.); Pt. = do be built (gerundive) iCh22 19 . b. be rebuilt: of city of Sihon Nu2i 27 cf. Is 25 s 44 26 , of wall of Jerusalem Ne 7 1 , of Jerusalem Je 3 o 18 3 1 4 - 38 Is 44 M cf. Dn 9 25 rm2: awn, & Ez 26" (c. TO*), of ruinous places (J^nn) Ez 36 1033 , of a devoted city Dt 13 17 "(c. "W), of temple Hg i 2 Zci 16 8 9 , indef. subj. Jbi2 14 . 2. a. (fig.) of restored exiles, = established Je 1 2 16 , of prosperous wicked Mai 3 15 , of repentant offender Jb 22 s3 . b. established, made perma- nent, subj. iDn f 8 9 3 (c. abv), subj. rva p r 2 4 3 (by wisdom), c. of childless wife, by means of concubine H3BD '"I33K Gn 16 2 30 3 I shall be built up, i.e. become the mother of a family, from or through her; cf. Qal 2 a. ■•2R3 v. ^3 infr. T ""1 3S n.pr.m. 1. head of a family that re- turned with Zerubbabel Ne 7 15 (="33 || Ezr 2 10 & perh. Ezr 10 34 cf. Sm L '"" n "; but BeEy prop, here ^33). 2. a Levite of Ezra's time Ezr 8 s3 Ne io 1 ' (prob.^33 8 7 , <?» 9 4 ) 12 8 cf. 3* OH, text. err. v 18 ) v. BeEy; also Ezr 2 40 =Ne 7* *J$ rd. perh. *K?|> cf. Sm L " tra16 but BeBy otherwise ; cf. further 'Gr GMCh -" 1! ' 38 '. 3. Israelites of Ezra's time, a. Ezr io 30 ; b. Ezr io 38 . T^ja n.pr.m. 1. one of David's heroes 2 S

36 Tfb "33 ( II 1 Ch 1 1 38 has TpT?, but v. Dr Sm ). 

2. Levites, a. 1 Ch 6 31 ; b. Ne 3 . i? cf. 8 7 (="«a io 10 ) o/- 4 (repeated prob. by error, cf. BeBy) v 5 io" 1 1 22 . On Ezr 2 40 =Ne 7 43 cf. Gr GMOh "- 2SS9 ; he reads 133 btVKTIp for *sb btfnip, taking <33 as n.pr., as 3 Ezr 5 26 KaS/urjXov km Bai/»ou. 3. a man of Judah 1 Ch 9 4 ( JO) ^3 Qr ( > Kt JEM3). 4. Ezr2 10 rd. ,! B3 c f. ||Ne7 15 . 5. heads of families of Isr. a. Ezr io 29 ; b. Ne io 15 ; c. Ezr io 34 but perh. rd. ^33 or 'ya cf. supr. 6. an Israelite Ezr io 38 . — ('33 as n.pr. Palm Vog NoS4 .) t^SS. n.pr.m. 1. Levites, a. Ne9 4 , but rd. perh. ^33 cf. BeBy & vid. io 10 12 8 Ezr 8 s5 ; b. "31a (J3) Ne 11* but rd. perh. "33 JO etc. cf. BeBy. 2. a chief of people Ne io 16 , perh. repetit. of ^3 v 15 cf. PeRy. tn^S n.f. structure, building EZ41 13 , cf. also £33.


t^n^aSl, PPI3 n.pr.m. {Yah hath built up, cf. i>t03Sab.Vw3 DHM 2 * 01883 ' 15 )— 1. one of David's captains and heroes, son of Jehoiada, IT33 2S8' 8 21 20 ' 22 t K I 9 ' ' 25 - 323638 - 44 2 25M - 3o - 30 - 34ai ' 46

4 1 Ch II 24 18" 27 56 cf. V s4 (v. Be); =,T33 2 8 

20 23 1 Ch 1 1 22 . 2. one of David's thirty, irP33 2S2 3 30 =iT33 iChn 31 27 14 . 3. a Simeonite, TO3 1 Ch 4 30 . 4. Levites, a. ffa 1 Ch 1 s 1820 - 24 ; b. (id.) 2 Ch 31 13 ; c. n>33 2 Ch 20 14 . 5. Is- raelites, rWS, a. Ezr io 25 ; b. v 30 ; c. v 35 ; ,d. v 43 ; e. Ezii u =WJ3 v l . Tp2!21 n.m. structure (loan-word = J*is> ace. to Lag BX206 ) applied a. to enclosing wall of Ezekiel's temple Ez 40 5 ; b. to rear-building of same 41***, but rd. prob. HJ33 q.v. ; so Sm Co; c. appar. to whole temple 42 110 (Co rds. HUH); cf. v s (del. Co);— Sm refers v 1 to en- closing wall, vid. a. T7SCIT n.pr.loc. (El causeth to build, cf. »», n33!)_l. town in Judah Jos 15" (®L 'Ia3>^X) = n3T (q.v.) 2 Ch 26"; =Gk. Iamnia, mod. YebnaBd 1 "* 1 161 . 2 . town inNaphtali Jos 1 9 s3 . Tn2^ n.pr.loc. (he causeth to build) a Philistine city 2 Ch 2 6 6 ®L 'IajSi^B fcwnp) cf. 'U h va6 ®L Jos 15 46 (A V<") =^3! 1, q.v.

1. ^ ,, ^' , n.pr.m. (Yah buildeth up, cf. 

VTO3) a Benjamite 1 Ch 9 s *® Bovaa/i, @L 'ufipaa. fn. TVSS n.pr.m. (id.; al. HJ33? but v. Baer's n.) a Benjamite 1 Ch 9 8b ® Bavata, but ®L 'If ovtov. t[rtnn] n.m. structure, cstr. ^JTmaoa Ez 40 2 like the structure of a city. t ^2i2"0 n.pr.m. one of David's heroes 2 S 23" rd! prob. *?3p ||i Ch 11 29 cf. Dr 8 ° t rMlH n.f. construction, pattern, figure — 'fl abs.'i Ch 28 19 ; cstr. Ex25 99 4- 14 1. + Ez8 10 (del. Co); < m , ?3Ti a K 16 10 , BTMan Ex 2 5 40 ;— 1. app. originally construction, structure, yet only P & late: " nsfl? IWan Jos 22 s8 ; cf.'f 144 12 in sim. byn 'n Drono rfna vntfay carved ace. to the construction of a palace, palace-fashion. 2. pattern, ace. to which anything is to be con- structed (P & late), of tabernacle Ex 25', uten- sils of tab. v 9 - 40 ; an altar 2 K 16 10 "W> W33F1 Vijlflp (disting. fr. IW^); temple 1 Ch 2 8" cf. v 12 ; chariot, i.e. cherubim 1 Ch 2 8 18 ; 'Wj ni3S<pn

Ch28 19 i.e. objects of which the pattern is 

given. 3. figure, image, Hex only D, of idols in form of animals Dt4 16171718 ' 8 ; elsewhere late Is44 13 Ez 8 10 (del. B Co) ^ 106 20 ; cf. TJ 'n Ez 8* io 8 i.e. something like a hand.