rina in ^18" cf. De Che etc.; '3 nn*1K Jb 38", nwpi ate '31 eta ^ 148 8 , '31 ppr Hg 2 17 ; b sim. Is 28 s -lye* '3 BTrt; fig. Is 28 17 30 s0 ('3 |3S) — fig. of judgment of t~TO vb.denom. haU, Tfijn rn?? TOI consec. Is 32" r'< s/wW /wi7. T["V13] adj. spotted, marked (as if sprin- kled with hail? soKicf.Lag BN29 ; Syr. JJU, i.e. grandinatus, grele, PS), mpl. of sheep & goats D'TOI Dnpa D^pg Gn 31' 012 ; horses Zc 6 3 - 6 . t TCI 1 . n.pr.loc. "HS Gn 1 6" near Kadesh. v V K VAT . n.pr.m. "H3 an Ephraimite 1 Ch 7 20 . tl. HIS vb. eat (As.-iard & deriv. Zim BPS1 )— Qaliy. 2S12"; /»»;>/ rrGK 2 S is 810 eat irearf (D3p~V13 1 S 1 7 8 scribal error for yiro 133^ 1 K iS^Dr 8 "" 07 ). Pi. Inf. rfna La 4'° for devouring. Hiph. Impf. l '?13FI 2 S 1 3 s ; Inf. J"IV13np 2 S 3 35 cause to eat bread. trP-Q n.f. food 2 S 13 5710 ; Ez 34 20 v. «na. t [j"Vn3] n.f. food; 'nrns ,/, 60 22 m (or a*) «iy food. II. 7T13 (cf- As. hard,, bind, whence birttu, fetter Zim BPMfB , & treaty, covenant D1 K7 ). jTP"G ^ n.f. covenant (|| Aram. B$, 8m- tfijici;; constitutio) — '3 Gn o 13 + 199 1.; sf. W")3 Gn6 18 + 5 ot.; ^nn3Dt 3 3 9 ; n3^ 44 >8 + lit.'; nsrina i 82 8>»; -inna Ezi6 61 ; inn3Ex2 24 +
t.; — pact, compact, covenant. X. between
men. 1. treaty, alliance, league: Abraham and Amorites Gn 14"; Edom and its allies Ob 7 ; with Philistines Gn2i 2732 (E) 26 s8 (J); Jacob and Laban Gn 3i M (J); Joshua and Gibeonites Jos 9"" 1516 (J); Israel and Canaanites EX23 32 34 1!15 (JE) Dt f Ju 2 2 ; Ammonites and Jabesh 1 S 11 1 ; Solomon and Hiram 1 K 5 s6 ; Ahab and Benhadad 1 K 20 34 ; Syria and Israel 1 K 15"= 2 Ch 16 3 ; Nebuchadnezzar and Zede- kiah Ezi7 13 " 19 ; nations against Israel ^83 6 ; nations with EgyptEz 30 6 ; Ephraim and Assyria Ho 12 2 ; Judah and Israel Ez 16"; Judah and Tyre Ami"; Assyria and Judah Is 33 s ; JTn3T33 a prince in league (with him) Dn 1 i 22 (so He Ew ; Hi Meinh Bev ref. to h. p. Onias III, & translate prince ofcov't, cf. AV RV); fig., with death Is 28' 618 ; with stones of the field Jb 5™. 2. constitution, ordinance, between monarch and subjects : David and Abner 2 S 3****; David and the elders of Israel 2 S5 3 =iChn a ; Zede- kiah and his people Je 34 8 " 18 ; hostile prince and Israelites Dn 9 s7 . 3. agreement, pledge: Jehoiada and captains 2 K n'= 2 Ch 23 1 ; with oneself Jb 31 1 ; with Leviathan to be a servant Jb 40 28 ; between man and man Ho 10 4 cf. TV-O hv3 Ju S 33 9 4 =nn3 bx Ju 9 46 . 4. al- liance of friendship between David and Jona- than 1 S 18 3 20 8 2 3 18 cf. ^ 55 21 . 5. alliance of marriage Pr 2 17 Mai 2". — In all cases ma ma is the technical phrase for making covenant except Je 34 10 nn33 1N3; Dn 9 s7 *? nna TOM. Various preps, are used, most oft. ? Ex 2^+ , butalsoDVGn26 28 +,n8 2 S3 12 - r ,'p3 2 Chi6 3 . XI. between God and man. 1. alliance of friendship (|| *liD) yj, 25 14 . 2. covenant, as a divine constitution or ordinance with signs or pledges (vid. nSti). a. with Noah Gn 9 9 - 17 (P) Is54 10 Je33 20S5 ; a divine promise that there would be no other deluge, b. with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Gn i5 18 (J) 17 2 - 21 Ex 2 24 6 4 ' 5 Lv 26 42 (P) 2 K 13 23 1 Ch 16"=^ 105 810 , Ne 9 8 Je 34 18 ; a promise to multiply their seed, give them the land of Canaan, and make them a blessing to the nations, c. with Israel at Sinai=Horeb, with a covenant sacrifice EX19 5 2 4 78 (E) 34 ,0 - 27 - 29 (J) 3 i 16 Lv2 13 (P) 24 s 26 91525 - 44 - 45 (H) Dt 4 13 ; renewed in plains of Moab Dt 28 s9 ; with blessings and curses Dt 29 20 ; frequently referred to in other books 2 Ch 34 32 i/<- 25 10 44 > 8 50 516 74 20 78 1037 103 18 106 45 in 6 - 9 Is 56" Je i 2 - 3 - 6810 i 4 21 22 9 31 32 Ez i6 8Ma) 44 7 Dn 9 4 „ 28.30.32 Ho 6 ? 8 i Zc 9 n ! !io. a dlvine constitu . tion given to Israel with promises on condition of obedience and penalties for disobedience, in the form of tables of the covenant Dt 9 911 - 16 , in- scribed with theten words, placed in('<)jVO (TIN the ark of the covenant Nu io 33 +40 t. (vid. piN; in 1 S 4 3 - 4 " om. m3 after }ViN ® We Dr); set forth in TVQn n3T words of the cove- nant Ex 34 s8 (J) Dt 28 s9 29 s 2 K 2 3 3 ( = 2 Ch 34 31 ) Je 11 2 " 8 ; written in m3n 1BD the book of the covenant Ex 24 7 (E, cf. 34" J) 2 K 23 221 (cf. 2 Ch 34 30 ). d. with Phinehas Nu 25 1 '--' 3 (P), a constitution, establishing an everlasting priesthood in his line ; cf. D'oron JTH3 Ne 1 3 M & MPn ma Mai 2 4,8 . e. with Joshua and Israel Jos 24 s4 (E), an ordinance or constitu- tional agreement to serve Yahweh only. f. with David + So 4 - 29 - 34 - 39 1 32 12 Je 33 21 (cf. 2 S 7 =
Ch 1 7) ; a divine promise to the seed of David
of an everlasting kingdom, the relation of son- ship, and the superintendence of the temple (cf. )r 2). g. Jehoiada and the people 2K11 1 ' = 2 Ch 23 s , a constitutional agreement to be the people of Yahweh. h. Hezekiah and. the people 2 Ch 29 10 , a constitutional agreement to reform the worship, i. Josiah and the people
K 23 s , a constitutional agreement to obey the
book of the covenant, j . Ezra and tine people