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■>ia pass by, over; Aram. N3 cross, J^^ ass away, fail) — Qal P/ T3 f 90'°; /mp/ WJl Nun 31 ; —pass away, of the life of the aged, -^ go 10 B*n 13 ; trans, fo-in^r over, suhj. wind, obj. quails fr. sea, Nuxi 31 (rd. perh. Hiph.WJl cf.Ko U42 Di). t^a n.pr.loc. (As. Guzana COT 2K 17 6 DP* 184 ) city and district of Mesopotamia, on or near the middle course of the Euphrates, through which the river Chabur (inn) flowed ; thither some of the exiled Israelites were brought [bySargon, B.C. 722-21] : ftte 2K19 12 =Is 37 12 ; |tia -

-fan 2 k 17 6 18"; inn) -fan 

ftla -in?* r Ch s 26 where Chabur is separated en- tirely from the river of Gozan (v. inn). nia v. m. ^3 v. sub iTU. n^2 v. sub rvo. tcpia n.pr.gent.Gni4 L9 ,in phr. ^D ^yiri D?i3 TW fenj- 0/ Goim; prob. a Babylonian (Elamitic, etc.) name corrupted ; H. Rawlinson prop. Guti, a people NE. of Babylonia, COT on Gn 14 1 ; also KGF 258 "-; cf. also DP* 233 '- hft v. W

  • ]7ian.pr.loc. (1 connected with -/^J,Ar.

JLi g>o aoow<, around; jji. circuit; cf. Ph. ^J n.pr. insul.; also ^S>3, H^^cityof Manasseh in Bashan, named as a city of refuge Dt4 43 cf. Jos 20 9 2 1 27 both Qr (Kt ybi); given to sons of Gershom son of Levi ace. to iCh6 M ; Euseb. knew it as a very large village TauXii/ 7) ra>dv Lago*-..*,— .». digtrict of game name . b ^ Josephus A ° tvlll - 2 ' s «'«- Gaulanitis, mod. Jaulan Rob BB "- 432 Bd Fa,27 ° Schumacher ZPVIe86 = J «"»-"88 8 , ace. to most, name applied first to city, thence to district, but perh. otherwise if above deriv. be correct. jlil ( m »g- dub., cf. perh. Aram. )l tinge, V^»» V ***' Ar ' U*°r re dd™h black, cf. Hommel SSugethlere 64 t^Iia n.pr.m. 1. a Naphtalite Gn 46 s4 Nu 26** 1 Ch 7 13 . 2. 1 Ch 6 w a Gadite. "P3MI adj. gent, of foregoing 1 ; c. art. as n. coll. VfiK) NU26 48 ; also of individ. 2 S 23 s2 ace. to @L (ifo-o-at o rowi) Klo Dr; rd. ft?" •JWJ ; also 1 Ch 1 1 34 where rd. id. for Dt?n

  • 3BOT (®L Ei'patrai o Towi).

M 1* **> expire, perish, die (cf. Ar. cli be empty, hungry)— QelPf V13 Nu 20 » J og 2 ,«  WjJJ La i", Uya Nu 17* 20 3 ; W ]W Jb 34» TO Gn6>', WW Jb 36", W Zc 13 8 , rfo + io 4 » etc.; 7n/ cstr. Via Nu 20 3 , $ri3 Nu 17"; Pt. JJ13 V' 88 16 ;— expire and die, only'? & poet.'; no'l ': Gn 25*" 35 » (all P); ||niD Jb 3" i 4 '» c f. Nu t?*(P)j lh3XNui7 27 toeeayi r «,wej9er?"«/t(l : '); || '?V ^88 16 (progressive parall.) distressed and about to die; || yrrOX bit S|DN» Gn 49 s3 ; -e>y-<?V 2W Jb 34 ' 3 cf.f 104 29 ; ||in-13:Zci 3 8 ; abs.,both prose and (esp.) poetry Nu 20 33 M Jos 2 2 20 Gn 6" f l (all P) Jb 10' 8 13" 27 s 3 6' 2 La i'»; Jb 29" van 'jp-Dy ^th my mist ghall Idie> ie in ful , possession of what is mine, cf. Di. t[*fl3] vb. shut, close (NH id., v. NHWB ' * 4 ^—Hiph. Impf. juss. *fy Ne 7 3 close (doors, ram). T[nDH2] n.f. body, corpse (late; NH *f», Aram. NB13; Ar.Ii^)— cstr. sg. nM3 r Chio 12 ; cstr. pl.nfaW 1 Ch xo' 2 , cf. Be (|| 1 S 3i 12 has nj13). t 1 - lli) ▼»• sojourn (cf. Ar. '}JL turn aside, tarry, v. esp. 111. iv. vm. x ; Aram. *i Eth in der.)-Qal /y.13 Gn 35*+ 3 t , 131 consec. Isil 6 ; WTJJ GH2I 23 ; WS Gn 3 2 5 yf, 120 5 ; V13 Ex6 4 ; /mp/ "^ Ex 12 48 + 12 t., "$j Gn 20' + 2 t.; sf. T£ V 5 s ; 3 &■ ^ 2 K8 2 ; 2 fs. TttM 2 K 8 1 ; cohort, nnpx ^. d^ rWSJ I s j6 4 ; Imv. -A3 Gn 26 3 , n« 2 K 8'; /«/ c«<r. 113 Gn i2 ,0 +i7t.; Pt. 13 Dt 18 6 Ju i7 7 +i 7 t.; f. cstr. m_3 Ex 3 »; pi. tTM Lv25"+8t.; cstr. ]13 Jbi9 16 ;— 1. sojourn, dwell for a (definite or indef.) time, dwell as a new-comer (cf. 13) with- out original rights, v. esp. Gn 19 9 (J) Dt 18 6 & cf. Ju i7 7M 19 1 ; also Gn 12 10 20 1 2i 23 - 34 3 2 6 47 4 (all JE); of patriarchs in Canaan Gn 26 3 (J) 35" Ex6 4 (both P) cf. Vio 5 12 = rChie 19 , Ju 19 16 2 S 4 3 2 K 8 ,u (seven years) Is 16 4 Ilu i 1 Ezr i 4 (in exile); cf. further Ex 3 22 (E) fpa JT13 of a woman in another's house as lodger or guest (v. Di), n?3 n.3 Jb i 9 is ; so (poet.) of worshipper in Yahweh's house ^15' 61 6 cf. Is 33 14 - 14 ; fig. of evil VI rg 1$ ^ 5 5 evil cannot be a guest of thine (Che ; sq. ace, as in Ar. SjjU. 111); particularly of the 13 (q.v.) in Israel Ex i2 48 - 49 Lv 16 29 (all P) ifS-'o-n-u x$«  19 3334 20 2 25 645 (all H) Nu 9 14 x5w.u-u.M-0 x 9 i» Jos 20 9 (all P) Ez 14 7 47 22 - 23 ; of Ephraim and Manasseh sojourning with Judah and Benjamin 2Chi5 9 ; of Bechabites sojourning in Judah Je35 7 ; of Israelites sojourning in Egypt Dt26 s Is 52 4 ijr 105 s3 ; so of Judah, to escape from