rta Survey '•"»">■» a l. ; b. E. of Jerusalem = Foun- tain of the Virgin, Furrer Sche "'" ,1Bl "- 46S B^Paira or Siloah water-system G u the zpv ^~ I88i! ' 3 *" lr ""trna v. sub K£. t[7' , il] vb.reaoicefNb 2 " 01888 - 557 ; cf. Ar. JU. go round or about, beexcitedto levity, etc.) — Qal Pf.lfy IS65 19 ; Impfb^, bw ^2i 2 + 4t. (f 21 2 Kt b**, Qr b.£ with retracted tone); bv, ban yjr 1 3 8 + 1 1 1., bw yjr 1 6 9 , nb"3K. H^JJ ^ 9 15 + 5 t., ^^i3 s +5t-, i^^8 9 17 , n3b3Pl^ 4 8 ls +2t.; bfr Pr 23 s4 ; Imv. & ^ 2" + 4t., ?♦? Is 4 9 ls + 2 t. ; — 1. rejoice, a. abs. ^ 1 3 6 5 1 10 Zc 9" ; || nDB>
- i4 7 16 9 32" 48 12 5 3 7 96" 97 18 Pr 2 3 24 - 25 1 Ch
i6 31 Hbi 15 ; ||tnb',{r'B'Is35 1 65 18 . b.c.3f 149 2 Pr 2" 24" Is 9 2 ; D^Brva Is65 19 66 10 ; "]njnt5»3 ^9" 13 6 21 2 ; nvTaV'35 9 Is4i 16 Zcio 7 ; DTibsa Is 61 10 Hb 3 18 ; '» DB>3 ^89 17 ; b^OB" Bhnp3 Is 29 19 ; '3 ra'en h f 31 8 118 24 Ct i 4 Is 25 s Jo 2 23 ; •O 'nDfcl ^J Jo 2". c. with by Zp3 17 . Besides persons the subj. is 3? 1/T3 6 Pr 24 17 Zcio 7 ; B"S3 f 35 9 Is 6 1 10 , 1133 (=t?s3) ^ 16 9 , pa 1 Ch 16 31 ^ 96 11 97 1 Is 49 13 , naiy Is 35 12 . 2. tremble (cf. Ar. J5J) f 2" || nav (Thes Ew Hi Che, but © Hu De Pe AV EV rejoice), Ho io 5 || bx (Thes and most mod., but AV RV that rejoiced over it), possibly error for b^n Ew Gr Che. tl . 7""2 n.[m.] rejoicing— Jhtf i + 6t.,bl°3 Pr 23 54 ;sf.' , ? , 3x|,43 4 ; — rejoicingWs 13 ?™^; || nno'C ^45" Is 16 10 J6 48 33 Jo i 16 , »^J nno'B' ^ 4 3 4 , T 1 } btf nD'C jr^ad unto rejoicing Ho 9 1 Jb 3 s2 . tn. [ -*Il] n.[m.] circle, age, -Vtt D^bfl f» D3?33 of the youths which are of your age Dn I 10 fcf. Ar. J^». , Sam. bvi = Heb. -)U=y(v f a, Talm. v'J (3 one born at tlie same time, a contemporary). tr/pa n.f. rejoicing Is 65 18 , If® nb/3 Is 35 2 (nom. verbal, for Inf. abs. cf. De Di; cstr. before 1 Ges' 110 - 2 ; but rd. prob. nb/3) ; nb*3n read Is 9 2 for N'b %1 by Krochm Che RS Di. T H72 n.pr.loc. city in mountains of Judah Jos 1 5" '2 S iff 12 ; (on V cf. Dr 2 S15 12 .) t^jVa adj.gent. 2 S 15 12 , 2 3 34 =iChn 36 , where also rd. 'an (for MT '?%?). JW$V. sub fM. ~)V| (6oi7, fotf wp? cf. Aram. "M ware, NH id. foam ; Ar. ,11^. quicklime, also Aeatf in c/ies< from rage or hunger (Lane) ; admodum aestuans ace. to FlNHWB'- 4SSb ; but cf. infr.) T~)& n. [m.] chalk, lime (perh. Aram, loan- word cf. Frii 9 ; Aram, (also B Aram.) "1*3, )L>^; Ar.^». is loan-wd.Fra 1 ' "•)— "0 'J3K| naje Is 2 f. t[T»a] n.m. 2 Ch 2 16 v. 13 sub 1. 113. tttj-i Jb7 5 Kt, v. ^3. t|ttj , a n.pr.m. a descendant of Judah through Caleb 1 Ch 2 47 . |, 72, 'rj v. sub ^a. ^ 7J ( = shear, shave, As. [aaM&rt] Hpt SFG ; Aram. 3^3 «., 3^3 razor; cf. Uk^2 S20 8 v.PS). t [l 1 ?!] n. [m.] barber (Ph. 3^3 CIS '• » ff )— Ez 5 1 Dubjn -ijb. ti'iUv'S n.pr.loc. G-ilboa' (derivation un- known), mountain-ridge at S.E. end of plain of Jezreel, where Saul & Jonathan were killed ; usually c. art. '*? in 1S31 18 2 Si 6 ; Jkjaa nn 2 S i 21 (David's lament); '33 alone 1 S 28 4 2 S 2 1 12 ; without art. pb? in t Ch io 1 - 8 (|| 1 S 3 1 1 - 8 supr.);— mod. JebelFuM'a Bd™ 244 . "?aV?. W?*. J - ^?? v. sub &. "7 7 } ( /of foil. mng. dub. perh. c f. Eth. 7rt.fi: obducere, inducere ; Ar. iL». scourgeY t[l^2] n.m. skin (Ar. xL, Aram. K^|, ){v>J of man Jb i6 ls »^ ^ 'Plisn pfe*. M/3 vb. uncover, remove (NH id., T T ]89 cf. Ar.Lbe or become clear, uncovered; display, reveal, declare; go forth, emigrate; cf. Eth. 7rt«D: obducere, velare, & 11. 7rt?: in deriv. (rare) Di 1141 ; Aram. t6i, ^reveal)— Qal 61 Pf '3 etc. 1 S 4 2l + (18 t. in all); Impf. .% 1 S 20 2 + 5 t., bv 2 K 1 7 a + 3 t., also juss. bf_ Jb 20 28 36" ; 3 mpl. wJJ Am 6 7 ; 7»mj. ms. n?3 Ez 12 3 ; 7w/ a6s. ^3 Am 5 s + 2 t., c«<r. nib? Ju 18 30 Je i 3 ; A. n^ia 2 K 24", nbh i s 22 8 + 3t., f. nbis Is 49 21 ; pass. ^3 Est 3 14 +2t., cstr. "^3 Nu 24 416 ; — 1. J]K nP3 uncover the ear of one, i.e. reveal to him 1 S 9 15 20 21213 22 8817 2 S f I Ch 17 26 Ru 4 4 Jb 33 16 36 1016 ; fWS 'ibji Mncouered of eyes, having the eyes open NV124 416 ; 11D n?i reveal a secret Am 3 7 Pr 20 19 ; , 1?3n i/ig revealed opp. Mnnn Je 32"; ? ^vj! disclosed, publislied Est3 14 8 13 . 2. intr. remove, depart, MfcfO nb: