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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/188

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nVa t[Il73] vb.be bald (Ar. ILi); Pi. shave, shave off (so NH, Aram.) — Pf. nj31 consec. Lv 1 4 s +2 t.; sf. inp31 consec. 2 8 14 s "; 3 fs. 'in?31 consec. Dt 21 12 ; Impf. nb> Lv 14 9 Is 7 20 , $ 3 -= Lvi 3 1B +2t., ife* Gn 4 i" 2S10 4 ; sf. (3 ms.) wjfc, Dn^i 1 ch i 9 4 ; 3 fs. n^-ni j u 16 19 ; 3 mpLV^'Lrti* Ez 44 20 ; Inf. sf. of subj. taps 2 S 1 4 26 ;— 1. shave, obj. the head, E>N1 Nu6"-»(P) Dt2i ls (hair as containing im- purity, cf. RS 8 " 1 "- 407 ), 2 Si4 Ma,ctM EZ44 20 ; Lv 13 s3 (P), obj. pnan ; bj. persons I Ch 19 4 . 2. s/wve ojf, the hair T#? Lv 1 4 9 "(P) cf. Ju 1 6 19 ; thebeaidJP T JLv2i 6 (H)2Sio 4 . 3. fig.ofdevas- tation by Assyrians Is 7 20 (obj. efcfVI, D^jnn ny*E> and fljjn). 4. intrans. Ae «/tavee2 (himself) Gn 4 i»(E). Pu.P/. nJM _Jui6»Vl?l$3 Jui6 17 ; Pt. cstr. 'nbp J e 4 i 6 ;_J« sAa^m, su bj.

a'hi pers. (of Samson) Ju i6 17s ra »n»B j.. °. Hithp. P/ n^rim consec. Lvi3 33 ; Inf. sf. to^nn Nu 6 10 ;— shave oneself Lv 13 33 ; c. ace. njrnVf Nu 6" (both P). I- 77 J ( J4 ^ e 9 reat i n rank or dignity (often of God)). fl. L '/?] n.[m.] account, only in cstr. st. with 3, 7?33 on account of, for the sake of (Jii. a great and momentous matter; eUli ^. on thy account ; cf. ^ 7733 (D because that in Palestinian S, as 1// 4', and ^^ in Jerus. Syriae PS"') Gn 39 s '•> blessed the house of the Egyptian fW 7^33 on account of Joseph, Dt 15 10 i8» 1 K 14" Je 11" 15 4 ; with sf. *J7733 Gnso 27 ; ^733 12 13 ; D3i>_733 Dt I 37 Mi 3 12 . fll. [773] vb. roll, roll away (NH id., & deriv.; Aram. Pa.^, Palp. 7.!>3 roll, Ithpalp. reflex., & deriv.; cf.^4»Ethp.,Ethpalp. (v. PS), V^.roiia, pj^fluctus, etc.)— Qal Pf. 1 s. ♦p*! Jos 5 9 , l^Jl consec. Gn 2 9 3 - 8 ; /ww. 73 + 22 9 (MT De ; but ® Bi Che rd. 73 3 ms. pf., so AV RVm) Pr 1 6 3 , 713 + 3 ? » f 73 1 1 9 » (but rd'. ?jEw Hi Ri Gr Che), 173 Jos io ,s 1 S 14 33 ; P*. 7?3 P,- 26 s7 ;— roll a stone Pr 26 s7 ; roll away stone from upon (7J«?) the mouth of a well Gn 29"; roll stones unto (7K) the mouth of a cave Jos 10"; stone unto (7K) Saul, at which to slay beasts 1 S 14 s3 ; fig. reproach from upon (7JW) the people Jos 5 9 (subj. *■), cf. V' 1 19 22 (sq. 7JJD) ; but also 1J1TI " l "75 ^1 «// 37 5 , cf. 22" Pr 16 3 (both fq. "??). Niph. P/ 17331 consec. Is 34*; Impf. ?3?1 (juss.) Am 5**;— roll, roll up or along (in- trans.), D^tPn "IBM 17331 Is 34 4 and <A« heavens shall roll up like a book; Bfjft? tHSJ 73? Am 5 s4 let judgment roll a1ong(Row down) as «Ae waters.

  • ilp- f/ T9^lJ^l consec. Je 51 26 and I will

roll tliee down from (ft?) the rocks (subj. '>; obj. Babylon under fig. of mt.) Po'al Pt. nbt?'B> 0*97? "$*» Is 9 < garment rolled (dabbled, rolled over and over) in blood. Hitbpo. Inf. 7.^r6 Gn 43V Pt. bblm 2 S 20 12 ; roll oneself over and over, 0^3 '3HO Mfe-f] 2 S 20 12 «<w Amasa was wallowing in his blood; fig. Gn 43 18 wby 'jnni) « roll himself upon us, i.e. assail us with overwhelming force (|| 7B3Tir6l I^V). Hitbpalp. Pf. &£im Jb 30 14 (abs.; II <$!£ 3 Cn n??) cf. Hithpo. Gn 43 8 . Hipb. Irnpf. 73J1 Gn 29";— roll away stone from upon (?y?) mouth of well; as Qal (which it really is, Impf. in i, ace. to Ba ZMG1888 ' 178 ). t ?|j n.m. Gn31 ' 48 heap, wave, billow (as rolled together, rolling, rolling up), also spring, MT Ct 4 12 cf. 3 infr.— abs. 73 Jb 8 ,7 + 5 t. (incl. JlD Gn 31 48 + ); !» Gn 31 48 ; 3 MJ Gn 3 i«; bfi Is. 25 s ; cstr. "73 Jos 7 26 + 2 1. + Gn 31 4748 q. v . infr.; pi. D^3 2 K 19^+6 t,; cstr. "*J| Is 48 18 ; sf. vk f 89 10 + 6 t. ; nn^i f 6 5 8 + 2 t.;— . /j«op of stones, a. D'jaN 'j raised (D'pn) over dead body Jos 7 26 8 29 ; cf. 2 S 18 17 (c. 3'xn). b. 73 alone Jb8 17 (roots wrapped about it). C. heap or pile made (ntyy) for use in ratifying compact of Jacob with Laban Gnsi 46 - 46 - 48 - 6163 -

cf. also "ty.73 n.pr. d. heap of ruins Is 2 5=; 

elsewhere pi. Ho 12 12 2 K <f-=Y& ^ Jb 15 s8 Jer. 9 10 51 37 . 2. waves {rollers) poet., only pi., waves of sea Je 5 K 31 s5 Is 51 16 Jb38" ^65"

10 107 2529 ; cf. also in simile Ez 2 6 3 Is 48 18 

( D 'f?" , .?3); fig. of chastisements from ^ 42 s (|| D^D) Jon 2 3 (|| id.); of army of Babylon's conqueror Je5i 4255 ; cf. Zcio"(VB; but Bev mniiL. prop 0,1,35 cf Ez 2f y 3 vri ^ ct " Dinn ?;yp bivj '73 nb ^ninx 7iy: n a garden barred (is) my sister, bride, a spring barred, a fountain sealed ; but |3 for 73 @ @ Sg. TCpa n.pr.loc. (heaps); — place N. of Jerus. 1 S 25"; personified as '3TB I s I0 a> (^