~vhi chaff) V' 83" Is 1 7", aim. of foes put to flight by God. b. perh. uhirling of wheels Ez io M " Sm RV, but cf. supr. c. whirlwind ty 77 19 . fi. [7372] n.[m.] wheel (on format, cf. Ba 1 ™ 20 *) of cart, irtajJ tyl Is 28 s8 . tn. ?3;3 n.pr.loc. (= (sacred) circle of stones ; cf. Di on Jos 5', where word-play on roll away, off) — c.art.exc. Joss 9 ^ 23 ; — 1. place E. of Jericho, where Isr. lay encamped J0S4 1920 5 910 9 8 io 7 - 9 14 6 cf. also Mi 6 s & Ju 3 19 D^'pBn 'arms -iBfc; ^mod. TellJeljul Bd r * 1169 ; perk also the place where sacrifices were offered 1 S io 8 j jH.1S.15 ^ (J,, y 15 J ng> a ]g c _ Q^Jjgj. WO rds, Dr cf. We) 15 12 ' 2133 ; place of illicit sacrifice Ho 4" 9 1S 1 2" Am 4* 5 65 , named also Ju 2 1 1 S 7 16 2 S io 16 - 41 ; ? = b&in rv? Ne 12 29 . 2. place on border between Judah & Benjamin Jos i5«(=niWa i8 17 cf.Di). 3. place in N. Isr., dwelling of prophets 2 K 2 1 4 38 , mod. Jiljilie S. from Nabulus, SW. from SeiMn (Shiloh) cf. Di BJHWBsis. 4. place in N. Isr. near Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal Dt 1 i 30 , identif. with 3 by Ke Ri ewbou g c henkel BL SS; but cf. Di. 5. in phr. blty Dfi fffi Jos 1 2™, in list of Canaanitish kings ; prob. name of a (northern) district cf. Di (B PacriXta Tccl ttjs Takikalas — but ©L & Codd. Toei/ji rijs TtXyfX) ; Di comp. Is. 8 s3 . Tn 737? n -*- skull, head, poll (person) (on format, cf. Ba NB!M ; Aram. Krtabu)— abs. 'J 2 K 9 M + 3 t. ; sf. WJ«!» Ju 9 M 1 Ch io 10 ; pi. sf. Brp^i Nu i 2 + 5 t.; — 1. skull, as broken by a stone Ju 9 s3 ; as severed from body 2 K 9 s5 1 Ch io 10 . 2. head, poll (in counting, taxing, etc. ; only P and late) '»? "i»5> Ex 16" an omer for every man; cf. 38 s6 Nu i 2 - 18 - 20 - 22 3 47 1 Ch 2 3 s ". TnySP n.f. roll (writing, book; late) — 'o Je 36 s8 + 16 1.; cstr. Tl5>JD ^40"+ 3 t.; — roll of writing, book ISCm^D Je 36 s - 4 Ez 2 9 + 40 9 ; 'd alone Je 36 iM-to^-maW*** Ez gi.s.3 Ze$ x ' l~ 7^ J vb. wrap up, fold, fold together (NH id., Aram, in deriv.) — Qal Irnpf. D?3»l 2K 2 8 d!w in-nK-ns w^j ngj. ' |_D v? 2 J n. [m.] wrapping, garment (Aram . MO'i'a, 1 «1= Pers. pj/acc. to Fl ChWB'- ,4 » SFra LOPh - l(I88!M)4!0 ), rtan "ybiZ Ez 2 7 24 . t [072] n.[m."J embryo (NH D^ia, Aram. KoMa, unfinished vessel), T?? *1 ^ V' 'Sp" mine imperfect substance (RV) rfirf </ime eyes se«.
1^372 adj. hard, barren (NH id. lonely
NHWB; Ar. ijii rock, il^ii «<<my (of land); Aram. ry(D% cf.Ba NB2oe )— 'j Jb 3 7 + 2 t. Jb; f. '"'"l^Dpa IS49 21 ; — hard, barren, unproductive, mostly fig.: Jb 15 34 of company of wicked men, where prob. a subst. v. De Di; Jb 30 3 through want and famine (they are) stiff {lifeless ; RV gaunt); of exiled Zion as bereaved and barren woman Is 49 21 ; so of night of Job's birth Jb 3 7 . t[jta ] vb. expose, lay bare (NH Pi. dis- close, make known; cf. Ar. iii (Frey) a. exuit (vestem), removit (praeputium); fJii. nuda fait (femina) ; b. iXL patuit (os) labiis non te- gentibus denies ; impudicafuit (mulier); comp. also Syr. <*X^ circumcise (in Lexx.) ; Eth. 7A0: cortex, crusta, testa; Gr Mo "* tMOh - 1884 ' 2 "-; Schult Thes De Pr 17 14 Fl in De, Now Str & most der. Heb. mng. from Ar. b; shew the teeth, then snarl, quarrel (cf. Ar. conj. in), but v. Gr ,c )— only Hitbp. Pf. vWl Pr 17"; Impf. J??an) Pr 18 1 20 3 ; — disclose oneself, break out, Pri7 14 subj. y~l; break or burst out in con- tention, strife Pr. 20 3 subj. ^IK'PS; similarly 18 1 (sq. 3 against; Gr lc - prop. 1$) or vfy.). "Mb* v. sub II. %, t ly ?2 a.prJoc. of mountain-range or hill- country, land & city, E. of Jordan (cf. Ar. jjili. durus, fortis Frey, so Thes; Hi o^" 1 "- 26 comp. same v used of camel (jL£1»- camelus robustus acfirmus, cf. Hom NS144 ), whence camel hump, orig. name of mt.) — 'j Gn 37 2S + 79 t. (mostly as n.pr.m. and in combin. with other n.pr. loc. cf. infr.); 1WJ Gn 3i 2l + 50 1. (so usually as name of mt. and land); .Tl^a NU32 39 1 Ch 27 31 ; n "7V- -^ 2 S 24 s ; — Gilead, used of territory be- tween the Arnon and the Jabbok, mod. Belka; also of that between the Jabbok and the Jar- muk, mod. Jebel AjMn; also of the entire E.- Jordan land occupied by Israel, including both the parts just named(cf. Di Gn3i M Stu Juio 4 ; Bd p " 178 ; also L. Oliphant 1 """" 011 "" 1880 );— 1. territory S. of Jabbok, a. 'an fft Nu 3 2 M (P), '5 rM? v 1 (JE), both connected with Reuben and Gad; so 'an in 'sn Dt 3 ,!! ; '3 H? also i Ch 5 9 (of Reuben); i K4" (of Sihon and Og); cf. 'S, "I? H? 1 S 1 3 7 ; further, b. in alone, Ju io 17 (or possibly here name of city 1), 1 1 s9 (prob.);