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P wards ; Ew De Ke eagerness, comparing (ques- tionably) ND3 swallow Jb 39 s4 , and 1L» (Freyt.) seek (whence St prop. 0030). Text prob. erron. PttJ (Vof foil., Aram. K°? <% (perh. denom.)). t^SSH n.m. pit (Aram, loan-wd., cf. KJTCKa, )li<4^; NH KXB13 cf. Ba NB66 - Anml ), Ec io 8 TBh a • ^ 3 ' 3 ^* *^ a ' diggeth a pit shall fall into it; so also Pr 26 s7 % <& where >§ riPIK* rnb. r IQ^ vb. end, come to an end, complete (only >//) (NH id. complete; As gamdru Lotz TP.B^h, & deriv C 0T ">» al.; Aram. 1D3,

  • -aa^; Eth. KVav£- (II); c f. also Ar.J^I. coZ-

Zec<, assemble)— Qal P/i '3 f 12' 77*; Impf. -Iby^i 3 8 8 ; ~m] f -J™; Pt. "IDS! V57 3 ;— 1. come to an end, be no more ifr 7 10 12 2 (|| [DDS]); 7 7 9 (|| D ??). 2. trans. &ro'»<jr to an end, complete, ^V ""^ ^ V' 57 3 God that completeth, accom- plisheth, for me (® Gr Bi fes, & so Che doubt- fully), np lb£ "> 1 38 s . t"1Q2 n.pr. 1. m. a. son of Japhet Gn io"=iChi Sf ; EZ38 6 ; Lag 0, " >m - 8Mr - 2 - 95 ' 2ndwi - w.t.bht7 prop QnM for DnDJ Ez27 n qv . he identif. "ID3 with Cappadocia (cf. % Ez 27", Kiep Lbd * ko ~« rM ) = Armen. Gamir - x (with pi. ending) v. also Lag*™- 8 "" 1 - 32 *" 8 ; cf. further As. Gimirrai, Schr Kal5nr - Dl p ' 245t also Len or. in so «r. 2 . f. wife of Hosea, Ho i 3 . t^inpoa, PFTOa n.pr.m. ('•'Aa^ accom- plislied)— l.mnoj sonof Shaphan Je36 10U12!,s . 2. nncj son of Hilkiah Je 29A ]2, n22 v. sub }33. t[HJ3] vb. steal (NH id., Aram. 333, ol^; Ar. v_*X». is hurt the side, or put aside, den. fr. J-J* side)— Qal i 5 /. 3 fs. sf. VI333 Jb i 18 27 M , Dnnja Q a3 i^; 2 ms. $333 Gn 3 i 30 ;

s. W1MJ consec. Pr 30 9 ; 1333 Jos "7" 2 S 21 12 ; 

sf. 1«33 2 S 19 42 ; /mp/ -3i3' T Ex 21 37 , 3133"" Pr 6» 333»1 Gn 3 i 2 »; 3 fs. 33301 Gn 31" + 2 t.;

ms. 333W Ex 20 15 Dt 5 17 , 333ni Gn 31 2627 , 1333? 

Ob 6 , UiJn Lv i 9 », 3333 Gn'44 8 ; Inf. abs. 33 = 3 Ex 22" + 2 t.; Pt. 333 Ex 2 1 16 + 2 t., 3133 Gn 30 33 ; f. cstr. *I3J| Gn 31 3939 ; pi. D*30| Pr 9 17 ; in Hexateuch always JED, exc. Lv 1 9" (H) ;— steal c. ace. rei Gn 3 1 19!l0 - 32 44 s Ex 2 1 37 2 S 2 1 12 cf. pass. Gn 30 33 31 39 Pr 9 17 ; c. obj. pers. Ex 2 1 '• Dt 24 7 2 S 1 9"; = take by stealth (for good purpose) 2 K 1 1 2 = 2 Ch 22 11 ; abs. Ex 20 16 = Dt 5 17 , Lv 19" Jos 7" Pr 6 30 30 9 0b s Zc 5 3 , cf. Inf. abs. Ho 4 2 Je 7 9 & (c. Niph.) Ex 22"; 3.b 333= deceit* Gn 31 2026 cf. Di; V* '3 Gn 31 27 id.; of sudden sweeping off by storm, in simile Jb 2 1 18 ; fig. of destruction of wicked 27 20 . Niph. be stolen, subj. rei 333? 333 Ex 22". Pi. steal away (trans.) 3?T*I tttabtt 33^1 2 S 15 8 ; 'T 3 ^ ^ro J e 23 30 . Pu. 6e stolen away subj. pers. Visa 333 Gn 40 15 ; subj. rei 3331 consec. Ex 22 6 ; be brought by stealth Jb 4 12 3BJ. Hithp. go by stealth, steal away 3331V 2 S 1 9 4 , 333.n>1 2 S 19 4 . (Syr. oj^ ^l^steal oneself away; so cu^J7 Gn 31 27 .) Tn3j2 n.f. thing stolen (on format, cf. Ba NBM ' 166 )— H333 Ex 2 2 3 (an animal); in3333 Ex 2 2 2 , '3 pret. cf. Di. tnS2 n.m. Ex22 - 1 thief— 3|3 EX22 1 -)- 12 fc.; D'333 Is i 23 4. 3 t. — thief that breaks in Ex 22

      • (JE); by window Jo 2 9 (in simile) ; thief

as one who steals Is i 23 ^ 5° 18 Pr 6" 29 s4 Je 2 26 4 8 27 Ho 7 1 (|| TH3) Zc 5 4 ; coming by night Je 49 9 cf. Jb2 4 14 (in simile), Ob 5 (|| Tt$ *TjW); Jb 30 5 ; stealer of men (slave-dealer) Dt 24'. trOIia n.pr.m. (cf. Palm. SQ33 Vog N °- ,S7 ) son of Hadad the Edomite 1 K 1 1 3020 (on the n, cf. Dr» mN ). T 3J (cover up, hide, cf . NH hide, Ar. ylL cover up, Aram. 133 Ithpa, jI^Ethp. be hidden, Eth. 7JH: enwrap). t [D , |32]tt.[ltt.]pL 1. chests (?); 2. treasury — only pi. cstr. U3; — 1. perh. chests of varie- gated cloth D'Dhi '3 Ez 27 s4 so Thes AV EV; Sm Co al. cloths, carpets, Ew Taschen. 2. trea- sury (NH T33, Aram. NW3, T33, BAram. cstr. pi. '?.?? J Pers. loan-word from 8J»>iii Jreaswre ? cf. Vullers "• 1032 Lag --*" 11 - 27 ); !J^fn 'W3 Est 3 9 4 7 . T [TJP»0 n.[m.] treasury (NH H3T33 treasure; loan-wd. fr. or through Pers. cf. supr. & Lag 0M - Abh - "), Vytpi I Ch 2 8". © tw {a KX u airoC ; but ®L rii» a7rodi;K&>i> aurov. [j jil] vb. cover, surround, defend (Ar. ££, Aram. f3K (Aph.), Palm. J3N Vog p * lm - 132 ff ) —Qal Pf "niaai Is 37 s5 + 3 t; Inf. abs. P33 Is 3 1 5 (c. Hiph. q.v.) — defend, subj. always ; obj. the city Jerusalem c. b]} Is 37 s5 38*= 2 K 20 6 ; 2 K 19 34 c. "^J (|| SW). Hiph. /m^/. —or Qal ace. to Ba ZMQ1899 -™, who comp. Ar. | T r xi — '?.? Is 3 1 6 + 2 t. — defend (= Qal), Jeru-