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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/196

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iby'i n.m. loathing, ^33 byja Ez 16 s . "t"7I*2 n.pr.m. appar. a Canaanite, son of n^J? (but Cf. VB) JU 9 M.J8.».S1.36.36.S7.39.41 t"U^I vb. rebuke (Aram. IJ??, i^id., Eth. <J: cry out, Sab. njfl 1 n.pr., Sab. Denkm. „ * »)_ Is , 7 i3. n-,5,3 ^ 9 6 + 2 t ; et(J . Imp y -,5,3, Zc 3 s + 3 1., rjgn Ru 2 16 ; /« iy5 ^ 68 31 ; Inf. -iy?p Is 54'; h. ^yia Na i*, iy'3 Mai 2 3 ;— c. a except yjr 9" 68 3 ' 119 21 Mai 2 3 where ace; — 1. rebuke, father his son Gn 37 10 (E), reapers Ruth Eu 2 16 , priest Jeremiah Je 20 27 . 2. of God rebuking nations ^ 9 6 Is 1 7 13 , proud V'lio 51 , Satan ZC3", rup rvn V'oS 31 , ^xa (the devouring swarm of locusts, restraining them) Mai 3 11 , the sea drying it up ^ 106 9 Na i 4 , Zion Is 54 9 ; V~!£) the seed (prevent the usual har- vest) Mai 2 3 (© Aq 93 Pjn, the arm, viz., of priests, that they may not extend it to bless). t rnya n.f . rebuke— Pr 1 3 1 + 2 1. ; JTTJJ3 Ec f + 5tVsf. ^J?3 V 18 16 + (sfs. 6t.);— 1. of man Pr i 3 '- 8 17 10 Ec f Is 30" 17 . 2. of God Jb26"^i8 16 ( = 2 S22 16 ) 76 7 8o 17 io4 7 Is5o 2 5i 20 66 16 . trnWtt n.f. rebuke Dt 28 20 . nnDj t[l^3] vb. shake, quake (NH id.)— Qal Impf. B$jm ^ i8 8 '= 2 S 22 s " Kt (QrHithp.);— quake of earth at theoph., ifr i8 8 =2 S 22 s (rd. Kt; ||Cin). Pu. Impf. be shaken up, convulsed Dy"1E>y^ Jb 34 20 a people are convulsed. Hithp. shake back and forth, toss or reel to and fro E>3?3JV1 Qr 2 S 22* (< Kt Qal); n?J»IV Je 46 7 , 1BT?an»l^, 1 8 8b + 2 1.;— of mountains i/' i8* b = 2S22 8 '; of waves of sea, Je S 22 ; of waters of NileJe 4 6 7 (cf. v 8 ). Hithpo.P/^nm consec. Je 25"; Impf. WPgSuV j e 4 6 8 ; id. of waters of Nile Je46 8 ; of drunken men, reel to and fro, Je 25 16 (fig. of nations confounded by ). t[ttJj?f] n.pr.loc. B'ya-in Jos 24 80 Ju2 9 mt. in Ephraim, S. of (D^ri) rOD-rODr) q.v.; ^J?3 ^n? 2 S 2 3 30 = 1 Ch 1 1 32 of ravines thereon, or near by. T DflW n.pr.m. a chief of Edom, son of Eliphaz Gn 36" 16 1 Ch i 36 . H5 v. sub «|B3. |DJ (•v/of following; meaning?). tjDfl n.f. J "» 13 + (in. only Ho io infl. of hwW"., 2 K 4 M ) vine (NH id., Ar. perh. (Yemen), As. gapnu, cf. Zehnpfund BAS '• **; Aram. ??i 3 , I??, J*^, pi. Ua'o^)— 'J Gn 40 9 + 38 1. (also cstr., as Nu 6 4 Dt 32 s2 Is 16 8 ' 9 ), fS3 J u 9 12 + 2 1.; «/. "3Si Jo i 7 , 1?S3 j e 5 17 , 13B3 1 K 5 5 + 3 t., FI333 Ho 2 14 , D3B3 Dt 32 s2 + 2 t. ; pi. D"3B3 Ct 2 13 Hb 3 17 — vine (always grape-bearing exc. 2 K 4 s9 ) Gn 40 9 ' (in dream) 49 11 Nu 20 6 Dt 8 8 Ju 9 1213 (in allegory) 1 K 5 s 2 K 1 8 31 = Is 36 16 , if 78 47 io 5 33 Ct a» 6" 7 13 Is 7 23 2 4 7 32 12 Je 5 17 8 13 Ho 2 14 Jo i 712 2 s2 Mi 4 4 Hb 3 17 Hg 2 19 Zc 2 10 8 12 Mai 3 11 ; ilW (S3 a vine bearing poisonous gourds 2 K 4 39 ; |*n JB3 Nu 6 4 (cf. Gn 40 10 Ju 9 13 ) Ju 13"; !??? "fcjfv Ct8 9 ; JBS.nj'y Ezi5 2 - 6 ; in simile of stars fading away at Yahweh's judg- ment Is 34 4 ; in simile of wicked losing early promise Jb 15 33 ; in simile of wife ^ 128 3 ; fig. of Israel |8o Wi Ez i7 6M8 Ho io 1 cf. Ez 19 10 , Je 2 21 6 9 ; also Ho 14 8 ; fig. of Israel as easily destroyed Ez 15 26 ; fig. of godless enemies of Israel Dt 32 s2 cf. Di; noa?' |B3 fig. for pros- perity of Moab Is i6 89 Je 4s 32 .— On the vine in Syria cf. Anderlind ZPV18siU60ff -

  • 1SJ ("/of foil.; cf. Syr. aa^ in deriv.,

y&^JL^curved, convex; also Ar. i_ i^r both hilly country and depression, Frey.) ' lH-IJ HJBu body, self, height, elevation (cf. NH • «)'3) — sg. sf. tea Ex 2i 3 - 3 - 4 ; pi. cstr. 'B? Pr g 3 ; — 1. body, self, only in phr. N3^ 1333 (**JP) he shall come in (go out) by himself (with his body) Ex 2i 3 - 3 - 4 ; in law of slave (cf. Di). 2. height, elevation rn£ 'p/H? »fr^ Pr 9 3 . t^Dl n.[m.] gopher, only in iBj-'SJ) Gn 6 14 (P), wood of which the ark was made (word dub.; Thes comp. "1B3 & so Rob Ges (hence 'pitch-wood, resinous wood'), cf. Di; Lag B„m lllC a .. 64 , Sjmm^t. 1L 93 . BS «7 * thinks wd not or ; g _ inal, but inferred from )Yna3, and substituted here for TVIBJ by copyist, or editor. Cf. fol- lowing). tri'nca n.f. brimstone (Aram. NJT"!B13, also Nnn33, tttinaia, jf^i^S, jr^Ji^a; Ar. ^~>jlS (certainly foreign wd.); der. from (">§3), -1B3 'by Thes RobGes, cf. Di Gn 6 14 ; i.e. pitch, and then other combustibles, esp. sulphur; Lag 1,0, thinks fr. Bactr. vohAkereti — JV"}B3 Gn i 9 24 -r 6 t.— brimstone, after TBCI1 Gn 19" (J), fig. of judgment 1// 1 1 6 Ez 38 12 (iii all || t^X etc.), cf. also Jbi8 15 Is 34 9 , & Dt 2 9 22 ; '3 ^03 simile for the destroying breath of Is 30 33 .