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-on S, v ; sq. "inK Je 42 16 ; sq. ace. Gn 19" (J); subj. sin yjr 101 s (sq. 3 pers.) Pn. Imp/. 3 mpl.

  • RJ?": P ass - of Hiph. 1 sq. 3, of crocodile's scales,

they are joined together JD41 9 (|| VtapJT); abs. of earth-clod-, Jb 38 s8 . Hiph. Pf. '3 fs. ,sf. ?nnp;ain j u 20 42 ; 3 P l. sf. sn^nn 2 s i 6 ; 1 s. 'npsin Jei3 n ; ?ip3irn Ez29 4 ;Vmp/jufS.p3T Dt28 :l ; p§"p. G1131 23 ; P^IK Ez 3 s6 ; V*?"p- Jui8 a 20 45 ;' , P a T 1 - iSi4 a + 2t. (cf. Ges' 63 * 4 Ko 1-210 ). 1. cause to cling or cleave to, sq. ace. + !>«, lit^pn-^K p'31K ^iB>bl EZ3 26 ; v. also 29 4 (sq.acc. + 3; lit.,butinmetaph.); fig.of causing to cleave to '1 Je 1 3 11 (sq. ace. + ?£); cf. further Dt 28 21 (subj. f i, sq. ace. of disease + 3). 2. pursue closely, sq. ,- ?nt< Ju 20 45 1 S 14 22 1 Ch io 2 =i S3 1 2 (sq. ace); so also 2 S i 6 (sq. ace.) 3. overtake, sq. ace. Gn 3 i 23 (E), Ju 1 8 22 ; cf. 20 42 (subj. nenben). Hoph. Ft. '•nip^p panp ^ie^ ■*fr 22 16 and my tongue is made to cleave (to) my gums; cf. sub Qal 1. T p'yi adj . clinging, cleaving (to), '1 abs. mv pai ank eh p r 18 24 ; |» npai 2 Ch 3" (of cherub's wing); of cleaving to " 3 D'pain Dt 4 4 . Tp2."7 n.m. I * 41,7 joining, soldering, ap- pendage — 1. '1 joining, soldering Is 41 7 . 2. pl. D'p^in appendages of breastplate (?) 1 K 22 s4 = 2 Chi 8 s3 i^n pa yj pa. (TheBeal.cf. VB: the jointed attachment or appendage to the rigid breast-armour, which covered the abdomen; >Klo prop, appendage of helmet; Thes suggests armpits, lit. joints (cf. *P pSIB Je 38' 2 X); Ew the soft muscles etc. connecting the chest with the bottom of the back.) L 'r* VJih! v ^- speak (original mng. dub.; range in order Thes is conjectural and not comprehensive enough; treiben MV does not explain Ar. or Heb. usage, but only Aram. A mug. go away, sustained by Ar. aj 'SI go away with it, would best explain the four branches of usage: — (1) Ar. yl depart, perish, iv. retreat, fig. retrograde, decline; yl passing away, death ; As. dabdru, Pi. drive away, Bez Orl.»t. Dlplom.Voc.b. ; J)i^ >ara> p eS t-god, Hpt. in KAT 2500 , ■Q'J pestilence, (a) Ar. j^S follow behind, in time, place, or station; -jj part behind, jjs back, TOI hindmost chamber of temple. (3) Syr. ;Jij lead, guide, cattle, sheep, government, take a wife, = Aram. IS" 5 ! ; Syr. Jtasf, Aram. 121 leader; Syr. Use?, Aram. K"13"n guidance; Syr. )»=>», Aram. N"}3 ! !, Heb. "Oft; Syr. j.a»i, Aram, tfjrip, Heb. 1310 jras- Jure, wilderness ; Ar. ^, Syr. )fcL.»CL=>?, Aram. t*Jn"13" ! I, Heb. Tjtt^ swarm of bees, may be in this line, as led by their queen, so Thes. (4) Ar. JJ J consider the end or issue (of an affair), relate (a story or tradition) ; >>_ yl consider, l j£ JS* plan against; Ph. 131 speak; Heb. 13"=! etc. Syn. of ION say, as Aram. P.?P with "H?¥ ; Gk. XaA«ii>, Xeyfiv; Lat. loqui, dicere; Germ, reden, sagen) — tQal ,, only inf. (once 1) & pt.: Inf. sf. 12?"!? (°y attraction to ip.BB>3 for usual Piel) + $1*; Pt. "131 Ex 6 s9 + 30 1.; pl. nn:n No 36 s ^ 109 20 ; cstr. n.3'1 ^ 5 7 + 3 1.; f. ni"i3'i Nu 2 7 7 ^ 3 1 I9 ; pass.131 p r 2^;— speak, abs. Nu 27 7 32 s7 36 s (P) f 51 6 '(?); 131. Tyj WO rd spoken Pr 25 11 ; with ace. rei 131 131 speaking a word Jb 2 13 ; HON V' I 5 S » WMl Am5 10 ,DnB"(a) Pr 16 13 Is 33 15 , pix Is 45 19 , t&0 Est io 3 + 28 s , (ff^ipt? f 63 12 101 7 Je 40 16 , 3ja ^ 5 7 58 4 , jn ^ 109 20 , rVX IS9 16 , IB'BJ nj.n Mi7 3 ; with b« of persow, «* Gn 16 13 (J) Ex 6 s9 (P) Je 38 20 40 16 Dn io" Jon 3"; *3]N3 t'n. the ears of Dts 1 Je 2 8 7 ; 7? concerning, about i/c 31 19 109 20 Je 32 42 (sometimes rendered against, but dub.); DJ> wj</i V' 28 3 ; a "igfon IJWp^n </ie aw/e 7 . <Aa< spafe? wiiA me (as a prophet, an instrument of com- municating with Israel) Zc I 91314 2 2 - 7 4 M - 5 5 510 6 4 (vid. prep. 3 III. 2 Ew » *" « < 3) ). t Niph.„ P/ 11313 Mai 3 16 , 113-13 ^ ' I9 23 , ,3 1?1? M al 3 13 ; Pi. D'lailin Ez 33 30 ; reciprocal sense, spea£ with one another, talk, abs. Mai 3 16 ; with 3, against ■v/' 1 19 23 Ez 33 30 ; with ?y, concerning, about Mai 3 13 (RV a^at'j^, vid. Ew 5 m ') Pi. los. -P/- "^ Gn I2 4 + , 13! Gn 2 1 1 + (on 131 Ex 1 2 s5 Dt 26 19 v. Bo* 1(,!lda) Ko L18S ); 7m^f. 13T Gn 44 7 + , ~>31! Gn 44 18 +; Irani? Gn 32 20 , plain ^ 5 8 2 ; Imv. "131 Gn24 38 +,' - 131 Ex ii 2 +'; Inf. 131 Gn2 4 50 4-, -»1 Is5 9 13 +; Pt.-vp® Gn 27 6 +; f. nianp i S i 13 + ;— psin Je 5 13 , inf. Ki 48 , prob. Ol's 1 *"' Ko ^ <5) , perhaps MV; but more prob. a noun, as Ges sra<2, - Anm - 3 Ew lia ", dub. pf. as Sta 5222 ; 131 DV3 Ex 6™ Nu 3 1 Dt4"; -l? 15 ! n^nri Ho i 2 ^ inf. Ki 48 Bo S9S7C7) Kb 523 *; but more'prob. pf., as Ges 562(2> ' Amn - 3 ); — speak, 1. abs. Dti8 17 + (throughout the literature) usu. with *lbN ?, less freq. "IC^'l : 2 K 1 8 s8 + , cf. the phrases + T1131 (>) VX Ez 5 13 + i8t. Ez; +131 "S Is i 2 21 17 22 s6 24 s 25 s Je 13 15 Jo 4 8 Ob 18 ; +131 '» »B "3 Is I 20 40 5 58 14 Mi 4 4 ; +13T » ^49 4 J fB 1310) ^66 14 145 21 ; + iai1 DDOT Je7 13 25 3 35 14 ; +131D Ot 11V Jb j 16.17.18 2. with ace. rei, very frequently, 'l nSwi train ns EX20 1 Dt5 19 +; isin nr& I'lai 11V why speakest thou any more of thy affairs ? 2 S 19 30 ; ^ ,r ?"]31"D{< TJ M ^7 7