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■QTO (J) i S 2° (but usually the pi. = these words). 8. reason, cause: DSrrnan nt I K 9"; nann nt "i{?N (ftu M the reason why Jos 5 4 (D) 1 K 1 i 27 ; so 1 S 17 29 AV RV, was it not but a word? Th Ke RVm VP Dr ; ... nan by because of, for the sake of Gn20 UA *(V) i2 17 4 3 18 Ex8 8 (J) NU17 14 ( p ) + 45 s 7 9 9 , "I?" 1 ! ^? Je 1 4 1 ; DJTaT^S/w yo«r sokes Dt4 21 , new nan i>y Dt aa 1 ** 23 s 2 S 13 22 . "O^I **•*&• pestilence (cf. Ar. JjS, *LJ^ , de- parture, death)— Ex g 3 + ; nan Hb3 6 ; sf.Tnan Ho 13 14 ; — 1. plague, pestilence, in general Ex 5 3 9 ' 5 Nu 14 12 (J) LV26 25 (H) Dt 28 s1 , 2 S 24 1316 ( + v 15 * © We Dr)=i Ch 21 1214 , 1 K 8 37 =2 Ch 6 s8 , 2 Ch 7 13 20 9 V 91" Je 14 12 + 16 t. Je, Ez 5 I2 +iit.Ez,Hoi3 14 Am4 10 Hb 3 Ed.^J?*, or the like, 1 S 4 s , for MTnantsa, We Klo Dr. t2. cattle-plague, murrain Ex 9 3 (J) = ^ 78 50 . t[" ^] n.[m.] pasture (cf. Aram. *l>-f% Syr. J Is?)— a£ Vonn -jina TJJ| as a flock in the midst of its pasture Mi 2 12 (art. with sf., cf. Ges* 127,4b , who attaches 1 as conj. to foil, word) ; Dnana 0^23 Wyi and lambs shall feed as (in) their pasture Is 5". trnirn n.f. pi. floats, rafts 1 K s 23 . T LiTO'lJ n.f. cause, reason, manner — cstr. nnan PJJ because of for the sake o/Ec 3 18 7" 8 2 ; Pipibp VJ^PI after the order, or manner, of Melchizedek f no* (' ancient genit. ending, to soften transition in poetry, Ges now.). gf »^m my caMge> ^ j b5 s ti. rOiy! n.f. bee (cf. Ar. J_>j, swarm of bees, Aram. Wnnan, Syr. Jtiljco?) Is 7 18 ; pi. OTfin, Dt i 44 Ju 1 4 8 V' 1 1 8 12 . Rd. also Wl^ t<«  6e«« 1 S 14 26 for MT Bon cf. © We Dr. tn. rniTT n.pr.f. (bee) — 1. the nurse of Rebekah Gn 35 s . 2. the prophetess Ju 4*»***M - O TrOD." 7 ! n.pr.loc. Levitical city in Issachar, the present Dehurije at the foot of Mt. Tabor ( Rob BBm.2io Ed™ 249 ) Jos 19 12 (main) 21 28

Ch 6". 

ti. T , 21 n.m. (cf. Ar. l/i back, 'j>1 part behind) hindmost chamber, innermost room of the temple of Solomon=E'Vhpn BHp> holy of holies, most holy place, the place of the ark and the cherubic images, the throne-room of Yah- weh 1 K 6' 1819 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 31 7 4 » (=2 Ch 4 20 ) 8 68 (=

Ch 5 1 ') 2 Ch 3 16 V 28 2 . Prob. rd. n<an a K 

io 25 also, for MT Tp ; so Klo after ®L. (It is translated oracle in AV RV after Aq Sym xpn- paTiarriptov, 93 oraculum, on the incorrect theory that it was derived from nan S2>eak.) til. "1^2."! 1. n.pr.m. king of Eglon Josio 3 . 2. n.pr.loc. a. nnan c . n__ 1 0C .,N. border Judah Jos 1 5 7 (westward Hup i/<- 2 8 2 ). b. ">?T> town of the Gadites Jos 1 3 s6 , perh. Lddebdr 2 S 9" vid. nan tfi> Di MV. c. n<an j u i 1111 1CI16 43 , nnan Jos i o 3839 , elsewhere nan Jos 1 5 15 + , a royal city of Canaanites anciently called nap JVnp Jos 1 5 15 Jul 11 , H3p JVnp_ J 08 15 49 ; on the' moun- tains of Judah, in region of Hebron Jos xi 51 15 49 , assigned to the Aaronite priests Jos 21 15 as a city of refuge 1 Ch 6"; mod. Dhohertye, 5 hours SW. fr. Hebron, ace. to Kn, so Survey '"• 402 ; other conject. in Di Jos io 39 Ri HWB ^. ■TS' , 1 n.[m.] speaking (so Ew* ,56 ) Je 5 13 °?3 P& ™.™; ace. to Hi Gf Ki (less prob.) vb. with art. for relat. (vid. [nan] Pi.) : but rd. rather "l^nn f an d the word is not in them. t|"rnin] n.f. word— Tnhsno *fy* he re- ceiveth of thy words Dt 33 s (poem).

  • " r G' ! J n.pr.m. a Danite Lv 24 11 .

ti. ["^"TCJ n.m. mouth, as organ of speech, — 1JNJ T$"]9 thy mouth is lovely Ct 4 s ||T]^n < inBB', © atd, Jer eloquium. . *Q"TO n.m. wilderness — Dt 32 10 +; t : ■ 270 ' T| c.nloc.nnint? Josi8 12 +i5t.; cstr. Exis^ + j nnano 1 k 19 16 ; sf. Pnant? is 51 3 ;— 1. tracts of land, used for the pasturage of flocks and herds, nanp rtfSO WSfa the pastures of the wilderness put forth green grass Jo 2 s2 ; 'D 'i IBJTP the pas- tures of the wilderness drop (fertility) ^ 65 13 ; 'D 'J IBO; are dried up Je 2 3 10 , cf. Je 9° Jo 1 19 - 2 °. 2. uninhabited land, 13 DnNTfcO nana wilderness in which is no man Jb 38 s6 ; the abode of peli- cans yfr 102 7 ; wild asses Jb 24 s Je 2 24 ; jackals Mai I s ; ostriches Lam 4 s ; fhto nansa yjnpi? HpfTHJ na]yxi EWTTfc O that I had m the wilder- ness a lodging place of wayfarers, that I might leave my people Je 9 1 ; ^"? H? 3 n ??' 3i|B better to dwell in a desert land, than with a conten- tious woman Pr 21 19 ; JCt?) 5>j?J Whai nant? psa in a desert land, and in a waste howling wilder- ness Dt32 10 . 3. large tracts of such land bearing various names, in certain districts of which there might be towns and cities: IXB^ nnp atw nnsn vnyi nano ht the wilderness and its cities lift up (their voice), the villages that Kedar doth inhabit IS42 11 . There were six cities in the wilderness of Judah Jos 15 6162 ; nanen usually = wilderness of the wanderings