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■fri </(« *€/> hast thou, walked? n:>bnnn ^nja* -pna Ez 28"; so also of walking on earth, in anthropomorphic conception ^.?™pp & ,! P.N ^ ^P |3a Gn 3 8 (J) the sound of 'Elohim walking about in the garderx; of God (El) S^'IT D?DB> 80] Jb2 2 M and the vaidt of heaven he walketh; walk about in front of ('P.??) Est2 n ; attend, follow, of retainers *jfy« »Jjjp B'P^IJW 1 S 25 s7 ; wander, of Israel ^K "i3o',/,io5 13 = 1 Ch 16 20 ; rove about, of David and his band GVT> ?L>nn~ ) ?'^ S30 31 ; tt^ruv ~^ 3 ^^W 2 3 13 ( on this phr. cf. Lag™'- 11 "'™' 1874 - 156 '- Dr 8m ) ; walk about, prowl, of Jehoiachin under fig. of lion, 'nn'3 ninspiiro EZ19 6 ; cf. also IJjfl *]WiD-Ka* Pr24 M and thy poverty cometh marching (cf. Pi. 6") ; glide, flow of wine En?" 1 ? 3 '™?! Pr 2 3 s1 ^Zi'aWi. rfoion smoothly (VB; cf. Qal 3 Ct 7'°); note esp. the foil., where emphasis lies not on verb, but on an auxiliary word ; these cases form the natural transition to the figurative use : — ^I2 9 on every side wicked men are walking ; B"8<"7]?niT E?£ 3 39 7 in appearance (semblance, lit. image cf. Che""-"-) walketh a man; also ^jk>ns T!P TO^ 43* (cf. Qal 42 10 , Pi. 38' Jb so' 28 ). 2. fig. walk about = live; the king before ('J??) his people 1 S 12 2 , so of Samuel v 2 ; of' priest 2 s6 (W?^ *J|>?Y; of friendly intercourse with (f)K) men I S25 15 ; cf.^nrin^-nN3 SDJ^gs"; of man's relation to God: especially sq. , ?.?k t^on tfl} ^?? ' n Gn 17 1 (P) watt before me (live constantly in my presence) and (so) be perfect, cf. 24 40 (J), ' 5 (E); d.?b> aa^a n»«3 ?pjsp 'n 2 K 2o 3 = Is 38'; as token of divine favour ^Bp wHlT DPijny 1 S 2 30 (v. esp. Dr, on sense here & elsewh.); V "6 9 D*nrj Tl?trfS$ * »J$ ^OWf. 56 14 (O^nn niN3) ; icE>a 'niv Zc io' 2 z% «/wZZ walk in his name; c. 1"IN, of Enoch and Noah D'r6xrrnx 'n Gn s 22 - 24 6 9 (denoting intimacy, fellowship: all P); further 1Rt?8? 1 f 26 s 7 have walked in thy faithfulness; itsna 'HJItp P'TO Pr 20 7 he that walketh justly in his (own) integrity; W? aipa 'aap-Dna '.ins ^ioi 2 ; cf. also ^ 119* and let me walk in a large place (untrammelled, undismayed) ; of the wicked VDB>Xa 'H.pnriD yfr 68 s2 one going on in his guilty deeds; TBTI^ nat^na ^,82' they walk in darkness (Wf>. 16] WT *6); of their exposure 'HJT rDSfp-b? Jb 18 8 Ae walketh on net-work, (snare, cf. fUab; vbf$ TOOS n^) ; esp. of '» as accompanying Israel IP.np 3"Jp3 ""j"? Dt 23 15 watt in the midst, etc., D ??^ n3 Lv 26 12 ; 2 S 7 7 wherever ("^N -^S) 7 Aaue walked with (among 3) aH (tTie sows of) 7sr.= i Ch 17 s ; as inhabiting a tent, on the march, ^l.?nntp iVHKJ [3??ai ->nK3 2 S 7 6 and I was walking in a tent and in a tabernacle. + Hipli. Pf. 3 ms. T^in (as if from "J^, i. e. a verb l"s, cf. reff. sub Qal Impf. supr.) 2 K24 15 ; sf. Ifbin Dt8 2 , ia^ini consec. Pr^ 29 , etc.; 7m;)/. T]>bi- Ec 1 o» 0* Je 3 2 s ; juss. rfc<> Dt 2 8 18 ; ^ Ec 5"; ^! Ex 14 21 q$ 2 K 6 ,9 +2 t.; ^ s ! La 3 2 ; sf. 'fcfa Ez 40 24 43 1 47 s 1 s. l&H 2 S 13 13 Ez 32 14 , cohort. na»piw 2 K 6 19 , V*Q Am2 10 +3t., etc.; 7mv. ^n Nu 17"; fs. »J$*Q Ex 2 9 (Bo"- 461 ' 51103 ; but rd. prob. 'O'bin 01 5266 - b Ges 569 - 2 - B8 ); mpl.ia'pr^K^ 27 ; I»f.*L&frtf 2 Ch 36 s ; P<. 1|^te Je2 6 + 4 t.; sf. "JS^O Dt8 16 ,

]apio j e 2 17 ; Da'pio is 63 13 ; fpl. niapio

Zc 5 10 ; — 1. Zead, bring; sq. ace. usually of jierson; a. c. 3 of space or region through which, Dt 8 15 (Isr. in wilderness) Je 2 6 ^ 136 16 , so also Is 48 21 ; ^P Je 2 17 ; cf. Jos 2 4 3 (E), Is 63 13 -^ 106 9 ; also fig. Is 42 16 and I vnll lead (the) blind in a way (J"YV3.) they know not; h. c. ace. pers., 3 of space -f- ace. of time U?^J -i31tsa nje> cyans nans Dt 29 4 ; so Am 2 10 (sq. Inf. of purpose c. p). C. sq. ace. pers. + ace. of way, road, Dt 8 2 , cf. Dmi T]^ Ez 40 24 (ace. of direction), d. sq. ace. pers. + ace. of place or condition to which . • . 'HTOn , K'r n ? n?i5 tjvin 2 K 24 16 the women of t/ie king, etc., he led into exile ("? 3 ,3 D?B*rTD) ; so also, of exile -a-jBn iTnabjrr; Ho2 16 ; baa Je 3 2 5 ; cf. of Yahweh's chastisement, La 3 s me hath Jie driven and brought, into darkness and not into light; sq. ace. pers. + ?£ ; 'irpX etc. Dt 28 36 (of exile); nOO"^"?"^ Je 3 i 9 ; ^tW~Ez43 1 ; niV)~bx Nu 17 11 (P; implic. obj. being censer); bs of pers. 2K6 19 JC52 26 , ^ in || 2 K 25 20 ; bj? also 1 K i 38 firw-bj? ink «?'l (see sub by 7c3). e. sq. ace. pers. + n— loc. : njnDt? 2K6"; nbaa 2Ch33 n 36' (cf. 2 K24 16 supr.); cf. nQB* 2 K 17 27 . 2. Z«ad away sq. ace. pers.+appos.; ^ D"^)i' ^bio Jb 12 17 /i«  () leadeth away counsellors despoiled cf. v 19 ; of Yahweh's judgment on the wicked yjr 125 5 will lead them away with (1"W) the workers of iniquity. 3. carry, bring: c. obj. help-