אֲבִישַׁי n.pr.m. (my father is Jesse; LagBN75 thinks fr. אֲבֶן ( = בֶן) + ישׁי cf. G Ἀβεσσα[ι] 1 S 266)—א׳ 1 S 266.6 + 17 t. 1 & 2 S = אַבְשַי 2 S 1010 + 5 t. 1 Ch.—grandson of Jesse; son of Zeruiah & brother of Joab 1 S 2 S 218.24 + 206 (where rd. יואב S Th We Dr) + 12 t. 2 S + 207 (where insert אבישׁי S We Dr) + 5 t. 1 Ch.
אֲבִישָׁלוֹם n.pr.m. (my father is peace; acc. to LagBN 75 = * (*) + *, cf. G Ἀβεσσαλωμ)—* † 1 K 152.10 = * 2 S 33 + , 2 Ch 1120.21, * 2 S 1314 + — 1. Rehob.'s father-in-law †1 K 152.10 2 Ch 1120.21. 2. 3rd son of Dvd 2 S 33 131 + 90 t. 2 S (insert 2 S 1327 G Th We cf. Dr; del. v30 Dr cf. We), + †1 K 16 27.28 1 Ch 32 ψ 31.
אֶבְיָתָר n.pr.m. (the Great One is father (?) so BäReI.156, cf. Sab. *) a priest, son of Abimelech 1 S 2220.21.22 236.9 307.7 2 S 817 (rd. ** so S We Dr) + 22 t. 2 S 1 K 1 Ch.
אבוגיל Kt 2 S 2518 v. * sub II. *.
†אֲבוֹי interj. exclam. of pain, Oh! Pr 2329 (‖ * woe!). Prob. akin to Syr. ܐܘܽܒܺܝܰܐ alas . . . ! PS 53 (AW Ges less prob. as a subst. need from *, cf. *).
אבח (DlBD Ez.x,Pr75 comp. As. [abâḥu], torment, but dub.)
[אִבְחָה] n.f. cstr. ** Ez 2120; Dl, as above, slaughter; but prob. error for * (v. *) Ges Co ; G σφάγια ῥομφαίας, cf. T.
אֲבַטִּיחִים v. *.
אָבִי v. *.
אֲבִי v. * sub II. *.
אֲבִי הָעֶזְרִי v. * sub II. *.
אֲבִיָּה v. * sub II. *.
אֲבִיהַיִל v. * sub II. *.
אֶבְיוֹן, אֲבִיִוֹנָה v. I. *.
אֲבִיָּם v. * sub II. *.
אֶבְיָסָף v. * sub II. *.
†[אָבַךְ] vb. turn (?) (cf. As. abâku DlW = * ; Thes MV al. compare *) Hithp. * Is 917, roll, roll up, as volume of smoke of Isr. under fig. of thickets of forest) v. De & cf. * Ju 73.
†I. אָבַל39 vb. mourn (As. [abâlu] v. DlW)—Qal Pf. * Is 247 + 2 t. etc. Impf. 3 fs. * Ho 43 + 3 t.—mourn, lament (poet. & higher style); abs., human subj. Jo 19 Am 88 96 Is 198 (‖ *) cf. Jb 1422 (subj. *); sq. * Ho 105; more oft. fig., inanim. subj., gates Is 326 ; land 244 339 Ho 43 Jo 110 Je 426 (sq. *) 124 2310 cf. 1211 (sq. *), * 142; pastures Am 12. Hithp.—Pf. * 1 S 1535; Impf. * Ez 712.27; * Gn 3734 + 3 t. etc.; lmv. fs. * 2 S 142; Pt. * 1 S 161 + 2 t. etc.; —mourn (mostly prose) esp. for dead, sq. * Gn 3734 2 S 1337 142 192 (‖ *) 2 Ch 3524, cf. also Is 6610 (over Jerusalem); abs. 1 Ch 722; cf. 2 S 142 play the mourner (where indic. by dress); over unworthy Saul sq. * 1 S 1535 161 ; over sin sq. * Ezr 106 cf. (abs.) Ne 89; judgment of * Ex 334 abs. (indic. by dress), Nu 1439 Ez 727 (del. B Co); sq. * 1 S 619; calamity Ne 14 Ez 712 cf. Dn 102. Hiph. Pf. * Ez 3115; Impf. * La 28;—cause to mourn; Ez 3115 abs. MT, but A BCo obj. * sq. *, caused the deep to mourn over ; La 28 obj. wall etc. ; (both these fig., cf. Qal).
†אֵ֫בֶל n.m. Gn 50,11 mourning—abs. Gn 5010 + 17 t.;. cstr. 2741 + 3 t.; * Is 6020; * Je 3113—for dead, cstr. Gn 2741 Dt 340 (‖ *) so ** sim. for grievous mourning Am 810, id. metaph. Je 626 (‖ **); Gn 5011.11 Je 167 cf. 2 S 193 * Ez 2417 (v. Co) sq. * Gn 5010 (v. also ii. * ad fin.); for calamity, Est 43 922 (‖ *; contr. **) Jb 3031 (‖ **) Is 6020 613 (where appar. = mourning garb, sq. **, v. also Bi Che on txt.; ‖ **; contr. **); Je 3113 (‖ *), La 515 (‖ *), Am 514 (‖ *); cf. *** Mi 10; = time, period of mourning 2 S 117; ** Ec 72 (‖ **, v4 (‖ **) ; ** garments of mourning 2 S 142.
אֵבֶל מִצְרַיִם v. ** sub II. *.
†i. אָבֵל adj. mourning—* Gn 3735 Est 612; cstr. * ψ 3514; * Jb 2925 Is 612 etc.;—for dead Gn 3735, calamity Est 612, cf. fig. La 14 (pred., inanim. subj.), elsewhere as subst. mourner; sg. ψ 3514 (cstr.) for dead (‖ *); pl. Jb 2925 abs.; for calamity Is 5718 612.3 (where mourners for Zion, or of Zion, v. Di).
II. אבל (perh. أَبَلَ grow green, cf. ܝܺܒܶܠ grass ; LagBN 45 prop. أَبَلَ withstand, hence * as withstanding scorching sun (protected by trees, springs, etc.), hence also (Lag) إبِلٌ camel).
†ii. אָבֵל n.f. 1. meadow(?) 1 S 613 MT but rd. * cf. v14.15 G S We Dr. 2. n.pr.loc. city in N. lsr. 2 S 2018, near Beth Maacah v14=