Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/304

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mm etc.; — 1. (intens. of Qal) scatter, disperse, esp. of peoples, c. ace. (Israel and Judah) 1X14" Lv26 M (H), f44 12 Je3i l0 Ez5 10 ' 2 12 1416 20 23 22" cf. Zc 2 5 ' 4 - 4 ^ 106 27 ; bones of Israel Ez 6 s ; people of Hazor Je 49 s5 ; of Elam 49 s6 ; of Babylon 51 2 (D^T = strangers?); Egyptians Ez 29" 30 M +30 a (del. Co, intern, grounds) ; in general the wicked Pr 20 26 ; evil 20 8 ; pt. D^JD = subst. scatterers, epith. of winds Jb 37 9 (cf. Qor 5 1 1 ); KKW^I BHB Vint) Mai 2 3 scatter dung on your faces (token of shame and curse); fig. disperse knowledge (of lips) Pr 15 7 . 2. ivinnow, sift (cf. Qal 2) only fig. 9*31 , V?'N 'rntjt r 139 3 my path and my couch thou siftest (Che; Ba^" 1887 ' 6 " 7 measurest, de- terminest, whence flTJ, q.v.) Pu. be scat- tered, impf. rrjf; jb 18 15 , subj. nnss, sq. ^5?; Pt. f. fTltD (agreeing with l"Wh «e<) Pr 1 17 . TrnTQ n.[m.] pitch-fork, with six prongs ( = «Li-») used in winnowing, cf. "Wetzst ZPT 1891 •

  • **j for winnowing provender '03^ J"irn3 iTJ!

Is 30 24 ; fig. for winnowing, i.e. chastising the people '03D-!]KJJ e 1 5 r . FpfVJ ^72 6 v. spr. TpJ Pr 30 31 v. sub m. TU, T M ]T vb. rise, come forth (NH id., As. zardhu Dl FrI9 °; Sab. rrfl lofty, majestic (of king) and in cpd. DHM ZMam6 ' 605 - ief3 ' a27 Mordt 2 * lm - 37 )— Qal Pf. '» Dt 33" f 1 1 2 4 ; nnj Is 60 1 ; nitl consec. Is 58 10 Ec i 5 ; 3 fs. nrnt Ex 22 2 +3t; nmn consec. Mais 20 ; Impf. rnr 2 S 2 3 4 Is 60 2 ; nir Jb 9?; rnpl Gn 3 2 32 ; 3 fs. rnjn ^io4 22 ; 7m/.' c*<r. nij JU9 33 J04 8 ; i><. rnjt Ec I s ;— 1. me ; a. (of sun) Ju g 33 Na 3 7 2 S 23* Jon 4 8 Jb 9 7 ^ 104 22 Ec 1"; sq. by Ex 2 2 2 (JE), 2 K 3*; sq. ? Gn 3 2 32 (J), b. fig, sq. ), T^ri etoa> Mai 3 20 ; of to? ■vy&o mn Dt 33 s ; sq. by, is 6o 2 (|| Twrc vnaa); * nua is 60 1 ; subj. "liN, fig. ( = happiness, blessedness) Is 58 10 liu* (sq. ?). 2. come ow<, appear, of appearance of leprosy (njnsn) 2 Ch 26". f 1. [TV| J n.[m.] dawning, shining; — only fig, TO"?! ^ i- e. of Zion, Is 60 3 (pSx). fn. rnf (on form cf. Lg BS77 * nd *""'•) — 1. ® Zapa, son of Judah and Tamar GnsS 30 46 12 (both J), 1 Ch 2* (all rnj), v«; as head of a family Nu 26 20 Jos 7 1 (both P), v' 924 (JE), 22 20 (P) 1 Ch 9 « (@L z,pa), Ne 11 24 (cf. Sm 11 "™ 7 ). . Edomites: a. © Zap* Gn36 13 -' 7 (both P) = 1 Ch i 37 . b. © Zapa Gn 36* (P) = 1 Ch I 44 (b=a?). 3. ©L Zapa, Levites: a. (var. laapa) 1 Ch 6 6 . b. (var. Zanpat) 1 Ch 6 M . 4. head of a Simeonite family, © Zapa Nu 26 13 (P), 1 Ch4 24 (var. Zap«) (=ins © ^aap Gn 4 6 10 Ex 6 15 , cf. Di Nu 26' 3 ). 5. a Cushite, © Zap*, foe of king Asa 2 Ch 1 4 s . TTVYt adj. gent. alw. c. art, as subst. coll. '?n : 1. fr. mj 1 : -J os 7> 7 -' 7 (JE), Nu 26 20 (P), cf. *h 1 Ch 27 11 - 13 . 2. fr. rnj 4:— Nu 26 13 .

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) hath risen, or shined; Sab. form Hal 49 )—© Zapata:— 1. priest 1 Ch 5 s232 6 m Ezr 7 4 . 2. head of a family of re- turned exiles Ezr8 4 (=11).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.m.ψ37,26 a native (one arising from the soil; = 'free tribesman' RS 8 ""- 176 )— abs. 'KLvi9 34 +i3 t.; cstr. ni|K Exi2 ,9 +2t.; — 1. a native Israelite, usu. coll., c. art, "73 b*nfc"3 '«n LV23 42 (H), cf. Nu 15 13 (P); elsewh. opp."»i (q.v.):— "fc'^'Kn Nu ^(P), cf.Ez 47 M ; H?7 n ^?? Ex 1 2 1948 Nu 9 "(all P); D3D 'N Lv 19 34 v. also I7 1S 18 26 24 1 "- 22 (all H); Ex 12 49 Lvi6 29 Nui5 3<) (allP), Jos8 33 (D). 2. a native tree, growing in its natural soil J3JH 'N ^ 37 s5 (fig. of prosperous wicked). tTHW adj. gent. i.e. of family of rnt, only in 'Nfl {TPjj 1 K $ n (®L'l<r P ar,iT>)s), ^89' (© id,), and 88 1 'Kn JO'n, both sons of BTJ (lCh2 6 ). tmr adj. gent, only in *Q ninDK> 1 Ch

s © Eo-paf, ®L Uapa; rd. fWKl (='rri)n| 

cf. v 1113 ). TiTTnt^ ('1 MriW an'se, or shine) — 1. © Zaptta, A Ufpta, ©L Iff€pta: — a man of Issachar 1 Ch 7 33 . 2. overseer (TpBH) of the singers Ne 1 2 42 , @L al. U fpiar. TnTtTp n.[m.] place of sunrise, east — Jos 1 1 3 + 21 1.; cstr. rnn?Nu2i 10 + ipt, c. n loc. nrnjp Ex27 13 +28t, cstr. nn-)io Dt

41 Jos 12 1 Ju 2 1 19 (not in Gn Lv Sa Ez etc.); 

— 1. sunrise, always of quarter of the heavens = east t?BB>(n) to Nu 21" (P), Dt 4 4147 Jos I 15 12 1 i 3 5 (all D), i 9 I2 - J7 - 34 (allP), Ju 20 43 2 1 19 2 K io 33 Is 4I 26 45 s 59 19 , cf. pN^> B'OB' to Ju ii 18 ; ^i3»-iyi t}*CE> 'tBO V50 1 II3 s Mai 1"; more often 2. without Byf': a. i/w ?a*< to phi? 31jn3D + 1 03 12 . b. 'BO from the east Is 4 1 2 4 3 5 (opp. 3-jpp), 46" Dn ii 44 (+!iSSO); 'BO