Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/348

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pV P?iT1 consec. Zc 14 1 ; Impf. 3fs. p?nn Am 7 17 ; be divided, of land Am 7 17 ; spoil Is 33 23 Zc 14 1 . Hithp. Pf. 'pj>nnni consec. Jos 1 8' divide (land) among themselves. Hiph. Inf. P?n? Je 37 12 ; to receive a portion (denom. fir. P?D), but dub. t *• P'O a.m. Jo * I8, 5 portion, tract, territory — 'n abs. Gn3i" + ; cstr. Gn i4 M + ; sf. ^n f i6 s + 6 1.; ipbn Nu 18 20 Ec g'; 1$Q ^ 50 18 '; 1BH? Is 5V 6 ' ^v Hb i 16 + 5 t.; D$n Gn 14 24 + 3 t.; pi. D^n Jos i8 6 +5 t.; sf. Dn^n Ho 5 7 ; — 1. portion, share: a. of booty Gn 14 2424 Nu 3 1 '• (P) 1 S 30 2424 . b. of food Lv 6 10 (P) ; ibtO TO 'n Dt i8 8 ;=foodHbi 16 (||^NP); so (of unrestricted charity) Eci i 2 v. Now. c. sq. ?, share or interest in Ec 9 s , with idea of obligation to Gn 31 14 (E ; in father's house), 2 S 20'= 1 K I2 16 =2 Ch io 16 (in royal line; all || njlljj); of right (privilege) in mm 'n Jos 2 2 2S ' 27 (P); Ne 2 w (in Jerus. ; + pQ]^ '"'i?']?)- d. proper share or part ^ppn nj]fg Jb 32 17 i.e. I will do my part in replying. Esp. 2. portion,tract, of land: a. as distrib. at conquest Jos 19 9 , seven portions i8'- M (all JE) v 7 (JE; + nta in || cl.), 15" 19 9 (both P); none for tribe of Levi Dt 10' 12 12 14 2729 18 1 Jos 18 7 (all D; || rbm), Jos i4 4 (P), none for priests Nu 1 8 20 (P; ||vb.^n3). b.ofland possessed by people Ho 5 7 Mi 2*. c. portion to be assigned after exile Is6i 7 EZ45 7 48 8 ' 21 , ippn enpn npiS-by Zc 2 16 . d. specif, of town-land, district about a town, Htffl! fl 2 K 9 1036 + 1 K 2 1 25 (MT ^n), fi TO niw >. e . p^nn Am 7* (opp. Dfriri) appar. of land of Isr. 3. hence portion, i.e. (acquired) 2'ossession : a. of people as (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s possession Dt32 9 (|| in?ru ?3n); but esp. b. of '< as possession of his servants : of priests, as enjoying perquisites of altar Nu 1 8 20 (P ; || nprw), in spiritual sense ifr 73^ 119 6 ' La

2 '; *P^J ro? * V' 16 6 ; D*KRJ H?? ' n 142 6 ; 

hence (Symbol missingHebrew characters) of (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 1016=5119 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)) in || cl.) 4. chosen portion, habitual mode of life 'n D'BXJD'DJ) ^ 50 18 with adulterers is thy chosen life (companionship, shewing character) ; W?y -'D?~ , P?0? Is erf" among smooth (things i.e. stones) of a brook-bed is thy chosen life (of idolatrous habit ; v. P^l); B«rn DP T bn fif 5. portion, award, from God iwN 'n Jb 31 2 (|| n^ru); specif, of punishment of wicked Is 17" (|| his), Vd? Jb 27", d^no 2o 29 (||n!>ru); = profit, reward , bpjr^?» ^ Ec 2 10 , cf. v 21 f 1

np L,nn 
1718 9». — P^n|> Jb 1 f is dub.: a share of feast, 

or of booty, Kmp Hi ; a prey, spoil, Ew Di Da; AV flattery does not suit context. fu. pyfl (portion) a Gileadite Nu 26 s0 Jos 17 2 . © XA»y, («), KfXcf, etc.; ®L J0SI7 2 E(K. T^pyH of foreg.; only c. art. as subst. coll. after nnSBto Nu 26 s0 . ■(• 1. np^n n.f. portion of ground; — abs. 'n Am 4 "+8t.; cstr. npbn Gn 3 3 ,9 +i2t.; sf. T^f? Je 1 2 10 ; Ori)br Jb 2 4 18 ; portion of ground, 1. esp. a. rn£>n 'n = the clearly divided field Gn 33 19 Jos 2 4 32 (both E), 2 S 23 11 Ru 2 3 4 s 2 K g® 1 Ch 11 13 . Also b. without mfevt Am 4" 2 S I4 30 - 30 - 3 ' 23 12 2 K 3 1925 9 21 - 26 - 26 1 Ch ii m Jb 24 18 ; of Vs land Jei2 1010 (|pp-13); cf. also CISD np^TI 2 S 2 16 field of sword-edges (Dr), © Ew a, "- 1M - E, " ! - , '- m We rd. DHifn Tl^Z of plotters or liers-in-wait (v. Dr). 2. jw- «<<m of ground assigned to one, ppno 'n Dt33 21 commander s portion. t [nr^bn] n.f. part, portion, 2N-n ,, 3 ngbn Hlj>^ 2Ch 3 5 s . TWn priest, time of Joiakim son of Jeshua, Nei2 16 (perh. abbrev. for lrVpPPI, (q.V.), ®L X«X«ar (B om.) Trip^n (portion, possession) city in Asher Jos2i 31 ,®XfXrar, A8<Xj«j0, @LXaX«i0, = n^n I9 25 © EXf«<9, A XfXxafl, ©L EXra5. TQ^STT Pp^n a place near pool of Gibeon where Ishbosheth's men were killed byDvd.'s men under J oab 2S2 16 , © Mc'pis ran fVi/3ouX(OK ; on mng. of name v. I. '"lijpn supr. TirPp7n, iT'p/n (my portion is '<) © usu. XtK(()tas, XtX^Ms ; — 1. father of Eliakim, Hezekiah's officer, Vtfbn 2 K 18 1826 Is 2 2 20 36 3M ; ,Tpbn 2 K 1 8 37 . 2. high priest, Josiah's time, 1iTpi>n 2K 22 4 - 8 " 23 424 2 Ch 34 9 - . n ,pl, n 2 R 2 2 81012 lCh5 3!,39 9 U

Ch 35 s Ezr 7 1 , cf. also Ne 1 1". 3. l,Tpi>n 

father of Jerem. Je i 1 . — The foil, are all rfpbn : 4. Levites: a. 1 Ch 6 30 . b. 1 Ch 26 11 . S. a priest, contemp. of Ezra Ne 4 8 1 2 721 . 6. father of .Gemariah, an ambassador of Zedekiah to Nebuchadrezzar Je 29 s . np^HO n.f. division, course (almost