Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/368

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■noon t [rnS"^En] n.f. mole (us digger) — only Is 2 s0 , rd. T nna-iBn^ (MT nna n'an^, meaning obscure, v. conject. in Thes Ges Comnl - Di). f II. [ ISM] vb. be abashed, ashamed (£ "IBH Pr 13 5 , tO"lBno one causing shame Pri9 20 ; Syr. ; «■■ esp. Aph. be asfiamed, put to shame; Ar. Jli. be bashful, 'j±L shy, bashful; Eth. t£.& be ashamed, blush) — Qal Pf. 3 fs. iTjDn Je 50"; rnDPrj consec. Is 24 s3 ; nrjBlj) Je 15 9 ; llBn ^71"; r»p| consec. Mi 3'; 7mp/. ^f 1 ?- *36*+4t.; «*?: *34 6 ; n J?TCl Jb 6 20 ; nsnri Is i 29 ; — &e abashed, ashamed, said of face ψ 346 (avoided by looking to (Symbol missingHebrew characters)); else- where always 112*13, of enemies of righteousness V' 7i M 35 42 ° 4Q 15 =7o 3 83 18 ; of idolaters Isi 29 ; diviners Mi 3"; of distressed Jerusalem Jei 5"; so of Babylon 50"; of moon Is 24 s3 ; be put to shame (disappointment), of caravans looking for water Jb 6 20 . Hiph. Pf. TVft Is 33 9 ; Impf. "VmV. Pr 13 6 ; 'TSnn Is 54 4 ; Pt. "i^no Pr 19 26 ; — display shame, fig. of Lebanon Is 33 s (U^j? 'dried up' Che); of Israel Is54 4 (||en3 Qal); of an unfilial son, cause shame Pr 19 26 (Htf'ao); cf. Pri3 6 of wicked (|| B^Na": v. B>K3 Hiph. supr. p. 93). TyiCn Apries, reigned in Egypt alone, B.C. 589-570 and withAmasis 570-564; named as VfSfBTlfo t njT]B Je 44 80 Pharaoh Hophrd king of Egypt (v. nJriB); 4th king of 26th dynasty; ® Ova<f>pri; Manetho Ovacppis ; Egypt. Monum. Uah-abra, "Wiedemann AEJpt - G« S ch.602.«36ff.;fl«Kh.A«Jpt.l6Sff.. Qfc ' An . p ,', t Herodot. il. 161 etc. („ -nr j J Button 2tes Buch, 669 Diodor'" 8- 'Anpiat Ctesias (Athen. 13 660 ). mE^En v. sub I. nsn. t[l^Sn] vb. search (£ Jer DBn dig, seek; Pal. Syr. dig (Schw) ; perh. As. tppesu, etpesu, sensible, Lyon e " so, " Mrt * 6!S ) — Qal Impf. 2 ms. sf. nafe'Bnri p r2 4 ; ie , biv^64 7 ; n'K/Bnj La 3 40 ; Pt. fe>Bn Pr 20 27 ; — search, search cut, fig.; 1. search for, obj. «?*? etc. Pr2 4 (|| B»pn). 2. = think out, devise, c. ace. m^lj? unjust acts ^64 7 (cf. also sub Pn.) 3. search = test, La 3 40 (obj. U»yn ; || ipn), Pr 20 27 . Niph. Pf liPBn? Ob 6 subj. lk? co11 -; searched out = exposed and plundered (|| VJ1BXC iy33). Pi. Pf ^nbim 1 s 23"; *>Bm 1 K 20 6 ; 7mp/ kftTl Gn3i M + 2t.; kanx Am 9 s Zp i 12 ; Jmv. B>Bn 2 K 10 23 ; — 1. search through, c. ace, a house r K 20 8 , Jerusalem (metaph.) Zp i 12 ; no obj. expr. 2 K 1 o 23 . 2 . search for : a. a person c. ace. 1 S23 28 . b. a thing, c. ace. Gn 44 12 (J; Joseph searching for his cup); Gn3i 35 (E ; no obj. expr., Laban looking for his teraphim); Am^f' searching for evildoers), >^77 7 ( 80U 1 searching to understand (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'a dealings with his servants). Pa. Impf. frBIT Pr 28 12 be searched for=he hidden; Pt. bBTO 1/, 6 4 7 in '» fc'Bn = a searclied out search, i.e. a device well thought out (cf. Che ; || Qal q. v.); v. also k>Bn. Hithp. Pf. b>Bnnn 2 CI135 22 (but ® P?.nnn, cf. also 93 @ 3 Esdr I 56 , so Be Ot); Impf. franrr; Jb 30 18 ; b»Bnm 1 S28 8 + 3 1.; /«/. a&s. e>snnn

K 22 s0 = 2 Ch 18 29 ; — disguise oneself (lit. to 

oneself ie searclied for) I S 28 s 1 K 22 S0 - 30 =

Ch 1 S 29 - 29 , 2 Ch 3 S 22 (but v. supr. ), all of disguise 

by change of garments ; 1 K 20 38 1BX3 i. e. with headgear over eyes; subj. Bh2? Jb 30 18 , i.e. his garment is disguised, no longer looks like the mantle it is. T tl/Cn n.[m.] a (shrewd) device, plot, only in fc>Bne fl UBFI ^ 64' (cf. B>Bn supr.) t [l^'SFT] vb. be free— only Pu. Pf. 3 fs. ntyBn to *3 Lv 1 9 20 (H), because she was not freed (a freed-woman). "f"tZOn n.[m.] very dub.; only I^TJJt ri33"!p Ez 27 20 wide-spread (?) garments for riding, i. e. saddle-cloths, ace. to Thes Sm Co Da al.; but mng. spread for V purely conject.; Gr suggests, plausibly, fBPI (q. v.) 't'nttJDn n.f. freedom, only iTT^? vb 'n t : '■. Lv 1 9 20 (H) freedom had not been given to Jier. "blTEri adj. free (NH id.)— 'n Ex2i 6 + iot.-r>88 6 ; pi. D'Efen Is 5S 6 + 4 t.—l. free from slavery : of Hebrew bondslave (male or female) set free in 7th year Ex 2i"(JE), Dt 15" 1318 , cf. Je 34 910111416 ; of slave (male or female) set free on account of injury done Ex 21 s627 (JE); VJ'INO 'H lay Jb3 19 a slave is free from his master (i.e. in She'61) ; but D'n? 3 'B'an ty 88 6 among the dead I am free (i.e. adrift, cut off from Yahweh's remembrance); more gen., CE'Bn D'SW"! n^E* Is 58° to let oppressed ones go free. 2. free from taxes, obligations, etc.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1S 1725 his father's house will he make free in Israel.