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356 C 28 Is 11" (but rd. perh. with GSV T). under my (s) ban (of Benhadad); m d. so also of devoting even Israelites: a city of Isr. for worshipping other gods Dt 13"; residents of Jabesh-Gilead for not joining in campaign against Benj. Ju 21". 2. devote to": for sacred uses m5 pn the spoil of the nations Mi 4"; private possessions, whether a man, animal, or field Lv 27 (P). Hoph. Impf. DLv 27" Ezr 10³; b Ex 22";-1. be put under the ban, devoted (to death), for worshipping other gods than Ex 22" (JE; earliest use of word in OT); for some other theocratic offence Lv 272 (P; v. Di). 2. devoted, i.e. forfeited, to the temple treasures Ezr 10- ¹ v. esp. Di (Kn) Lv 279; Ew Antiq.76-78, Dr 1 S 1588. †ı. Dạń Lv 27,28 1. devoted thing. 2. ATTIT n.m. devotion, ban ;-'n abs. Jos 6¹7+24 t. (most rd. DZc 14", Baer D); Dn Jos 7¹; sf. 12 I 1K 20¹2 Is 34³; thing devoted to: 1. thing hostile to theocracy, and therefore (in the strictest application) to be either destroyed, or, in the case of certain objects (e.g. silver and gold, vessels of brass and iron Jos 61924), set apart to sacred uses; esp. a. of a Canaan. city, as Jericho, incl. all inhab. (exc. Rahab's family) and spoil Jos 6¹7-18.18 71.11.16; Achan by taking n made (camp of) Isr. 'n 7¹2 cf. 6¹8, and became himself 'n, and was stoned and, with his family and possessions, incl. the spoil, was burnt (all JE exc. 7¹ P; cf. v15.24.25); a byn by committed un- faithfulness in the matter of the devoted thing is term for the sin Jos 7¹ 222 (both P), cf. na byn 1 Ch 27; Saul and Isr. spared Agag king of Amalek and nie. of the spoil (sheep and oxen), wh. should have been utterly destroyed 1 S 15" (cf. v8; Saul rejected by for this v.): so an idolatr. city in Isr. should become 'n, with all its contents, and be utterly destroyed Dt 13" (cf. v.15.16). b. of individuals, one having relic of Canaanit. god in his house should become 'n, the relic being 'n Dt 72⁹.98; every human being who became 'n should be killed Lv 272.29 (P; v. Di). 2. appar. (so Di) anything devoted to sanctuary under speci- ally stringent conditions Lv 27 (v. Di; and cf. Ezr 10"); a field consecrated to becomes under certain conditions ? Lv 27ª; every 'n is mb ov, and no 'n that a man may devote, whether man, beast or field, may be sold or redeemed v28; every such 'n (as in case of metals and metal objects Jos 617-19) went to Aaron and his sons Nú 18" (P), to Zadokite priests Ez 44”. 3. devotion, ban, involving destruction; 21 23.23 N 1 K 20¹2 man I “p by Is 34 (of Edom); 'n Is 43" fig. of "'s giving over Jud. to Chald.; 'n not to be in future Zc 14"; VINDAN 'A'EDI NINI Mal 3²¹ smite the land with a ban, i.e. utterly destroy it. 24 tonn n.pr.loc. (sacred; cf. Sab. n.pr.loc. "T: DN DHM Epigr. Denkmn. 43)- -a place in tribe of Naphtali Jos 1988 (P); not identified. to n.pr.m. (consecrated; cf.Sab. n.pr.m. din, on Hal 411. 504 DHM¹.c)-1. priest of the third course, David's time, acc. to 1 Ch 24³. 2. priest of time of Nehemiah Ne 10. 3. heads of families of returning exiles: a. Ezr 259 Ne 72, Ezr 10"¹ Ne 12¹. b. Ezr 22- Ne 73, Ezr 10³¹ Ne 3¹¹. 4. a prince Ne 10%. 39 - = T tenn.pr.loc. (asylum, cf. Ar. id., Wetzst ZKW v. 1884, 115) -a royal city of Canaanites, 45 30 44 in the South, in tribe of Simeon Nu 14" (JE; art. only here v. Di), 21³ (J) where name expl. from Israel's devoting Canaanites of Arad to destruction; Jos 15³⁰ 19¹ (P), Dt 1¹ Jos12¹ (D), 1 S 300⁰ 1 Ch 430; originally called y Ju 1", where name is said to have been changed to Hormah because Judah and Simeon (after death of Joshua) devoted its inhabitants to destruction, v. Di Nu 21³.-On site v. NEY. trinn. pr. mont. Hermon (sacred mountain, cf. Sab. Dö, etc., temple, Ar. J interior of mosque, asylum, Wetzst ZKW v. 1884, 115 RS Bem. 1, 29; 2nd ed., 94)-the highest peak of Anti-Lebanon range,usually snow-capped, com- manding southern Syria & northern Palestine; it is called by the author of Dt 48; by the Amorites", by the Sidonians Dt 3º. It has three peaks; and the names ", distinguished in 1 Ch 5" Ct 4³, to two of these peaks; bin 427 prob. refers to these different peaks (see RobBR 11,307 Bäd Pl 301). It is a northern boundary 'n 1y Dt 3³ Jos 12¹; mount Hermon is used 38 i also Jos 11" 125 1351 1 Ch 5; but n Jos 11³ 89¹ 133³ Ct 4º. Vid. fin bya Ju 3² 1 Ch 5* (see Wetzst¹b. 115). and may refer 13 v. foregoing. +II. [D] vb. slit (nose, lip, ear, etc.), mutilate, esp. face (Ar. perforate, pierce, slit the partition between the nostrils, or the lip, or the lobe of the ear) Qal Pt. pass. HY VN yn i DI ÎN ODB IN a man blind or lame or ÎN