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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/386

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•ntfnn 362 T ['tlT^n] adj. meaning wholly dub.; only nte^in D'liJ nn Jon 4"; a silent east wind is not suitable in context; still — sultry is mere con- jeGt. ; Hi autumnal (v I. tsnn); St prop. n , b"in = n , D , in, fr. Din sun (or -/whence Din comes) hot east wind; We makes no attempt to explain. tLJi ]TTJ vb. grave, engrave, only Qal Pt. pass. Tlh^n by TTnn Ex 32 16 (E), engraved upon the tablets (by finger of God), but fr. iib- sence of || in cogn. lang. (Ar. JL^i. is perforate, bore, slit) prob. error for B'lin (J e 17'). t [rnn] n.pr.loc, only in nin 1JT 1 S 22'. t^Tt^n vb. withhold, refrain (NH !JP0, Aram. =]Dn, JL; Palm. "JDn remit, spare, Vog No *- 6 - 15 ;'Sab. pntro weaned (child) DHM z*«>™««)_ Qal Pf. tyn Gn 39 s + 4 t. (+ Ez 30 18 Ba; v. "]t5*n; Is 38 17 v. infr.), ^n Is i 4 «, tt'fp Jb3o 10 , ttK'n Jei 4 10 , etc.; Jjnp/ ^terr Jbi6 5 + 2t.; 2 ms. 'n'B'nri Is 58 1 , 'nVcnn Pr 24 11 ; 2 fs. 'afcHW Is 54 s , etc. ; 7m«. $*] ^ 19 14 ; P<. *lWl Pr io 19 1 1 24 ; Ife^l Pr 13 s4 1 7 s7 ; sq. — 1. a. witlilwld, keep back, keep for oneself , acc.,Gn22 12 (E),v 16 39 9 (sq. , 301?;bothJ);abs.Pr 2 1 56 (opp. JflJ) ; withhold the rod (VXt?) in disci- pline, Pri3 24 ; noobj.expr. n 24 24 n . b. &e«pone from evil, calamity, She'61, etc., c. ace. and fP Gn2o 6 (E), 1S25 3 ' f 19 14 ; of pi nipp 'n + 78 50 cf. Jb 33 18 Is 38' (rd. rDB-n'or lfc for MT ApK'n, v. pe>n) ; abs. hinder (i.e. calamities fr. coming) Is 14 6 ; UJijJO nppb 'n Ezrg 13 thou hast kept back, downward (=and kept down), part of our iniquity, i. e. hast not punished us according to our full desert. C. hold in check c. ace. 2 S 18 16 (or spare v. infr.) ; obj. D1??i Je 14 10 ; esp. of keeping silence, obj. '3 Jb 7 11 restrain my mouth, D'HSt? Pr 10", D'lDK 17 27 ; pi 'PI N? 'JEO Jb 30 10 from my face they have not withheld spittle (=they have spit in my face), d. refrain (fr. doing what is mentioned in the context), abs. Is 54 s 58 1 . e. spare, c. ace. pers. 2 K 5 20 he hath spared Naaman nnj3p so as not to take ( = and hath not taken anything) out of his hand ; perh. also 2 S 1 8 16 Joab spared the people (v. supr.). f. reserve for, c. ace. + ? Jb 38 s3 . 2. (abs.) restrain, check (pain) i. e. assuage, so appar. MT Jb 16 6 (v. Di Kau; I would not restrain condolence of my lips, © © Me, rdg. ^feTIN t6 for "terp). — Ez 30 18 v. 1ETI. nm Niph. Impf. rrrfiv TK tf$ Jb2i 30 at the day of calamity the wicked is spared (pass, of Qal 1 e) ; Tjb'm Jb 1 6 6 ie assuaged, of pain (pass, of Qal 2). T P )lLf M vfc. Btrip off s trip, make bare — Qal Pf. «ten is 52 10 , nsbn j i 7 , visten Je 13 26 49 10 ; Impf tvm yj, 29 9 ; Imv. fs. -'Ei'tfTI Is 4 7 2 ; Inf. abs. ^0 Joi 7 ; cstr. tfH$ L530' 4 Hg2 16 ; Pt. pass, listen Ez 4 7 , ^sten Is 20 4 (pi. cstr.? cf. infr.). — 1. strip off, expose oneself by removing (obj. 73K', flowing skirt, train) Is 47 s of Babylon, personified as queen (|| P^ ^l), TOS-^y 7J^B> 'n Je 13 26 . 2. strip, lay bare, fig. of Is 52 10 obj. thft JJilJ; of prophet, Ez 4 7 (but Co del. v. as interpol.) ; obj. pers. Je 49 1 " (||W5>3); PlSbn f)fc>n J i 7 of locusts stripping fig-tree; nt? Bten Is2 4 (pt. either sg. coll., with formative ending *_, De Lag 8 *" 19 "* 68 '- BSMS ; or pi. cstr., v. Ges* 87 - 1 "); niiy^ 'n f 29* of voice of 'i (i.e. a storm) strip- ping forests. 3. draw (water) IS30 14 ; (wine) Hg 2 16 ; properly take from the surface, skim. + [rpilTJ] n.m. only pi. cstr. 'Bfcq V>S>3 D'JV 1 K 20 27 ©33 X and most, two little flocks of goats (9ft&r—segregatum, strictly what is stripped off), but this without other evidence than authority of the Vrss ; Klo proposes 'S^a CIJI BSipp on the bare height, after the manner of goats. tMfftten, NEton n.pr.m. head of a t -; t "■- -: family of Nethinim among the returning exiles NSten Ezr 2 43 =NSB>n Ne 7". ■'Citrn is 20 4 v. ^n. t r)tt?nQ n.m. a laying bare, stripping — only cstr. |3?n e)fcrip Gn 30 37 (J) a stripj>ing of the white, i.e. so as to shew wood under the bark. tUt^n vb. think, account (NH id.; Aram. 3g>n, m g m • Ar. J.'.^ ; Eth. rfirtQ: id.; Ph. n. apri mng. dub. v.' CIS ' M )— Qal Pf. 'n Is33 8 +9t.; nrntfri 2 S 14 13 etc.; Impf. aWjC Is io 7 +4 t.; -ifn: 2 S 19 20 f 40 18 ; sf. ^n: Jb 19" 33 10 ; pi. ttjS'lV ^ 4 i 8 Dn ii 25 ; CfcftC Is 1 3 17 ; p±>n: + 35 a) ; ratfru j e 1 8", etc. + 9 1. imp/; 7»i/. c««r. BMjfc Ex3i 4 +3t.; Pt. a^n Ex 26'+ 15 t., aenn 2 Ch26 16 ; D'Dfn Ne6 2 + 3 t., ^n Mi2' + 3t.;— I. of man: 1. think,