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uv "- 18 I S 25 ,. g! ,14.17 V'39 5 ' 6 90 9 - 10 - . 1 Di 1 day of Yahweh, chiefly as time of his coming in judgment, involving often blessedness for righteous (v. RS Proph - ! * ,t Dr I,S8 ); Am5 1818i »Is2 12 13 69 Zpi 7 (cf.v 8 ),v 1414 (cf.v 15 " i )' Je 4 6"> Ez 13 5 30 s (cf. 36 s3 39 81113 ), Ob » Zc 14 1 Mai 3 s3 (cf. Zc 14 7 Mai 3 «-'7.».».«i) > Jo i 15 2 111 (cf. v 2 - 2 ), 3 4 4"; *■ *%& o> z P i M ; n-py dV p r n 4 ; i3K pnn DVIsi 3 13 Lai 12 ; D$ DV is 3 4 8 6i 2 6 3 4 ; n»^ DV j e 46'°; * f)N tf' Z P 2 2 - 3 La2 M ; iSK Di* La 2 1 ; cf. also ZCI4 7 (where senses of 1 and 2 are combined, cf. Est4 16 2 c supr.); ~DV iTril C$&»6] Di< Hb *!> Vfi> M»1 nn« to tfiere «ta# 6e one day, known shall it be of ' not day and not night; cf. also Ninn DIM 7 g infr. . PL a*ay« of any one : a. = his life, his age Gn 6 3 (J), Dt 22 1929 2 3 7 Jos 24 3131 (D), Ju etc.; Gn 5 4811 9 29 n" (all P), Jb 14 103 15 ; T?.D "9^? Gn 3"" (J), f 23 s , so Pr 31 12 ; D«n "JE* *g| 2 S 19 35 Gn25 7 47 s - 9 (all P); )*$} W Ecs 1719 ; Vff n?J 6 s ; «»ntojp> 'd; ^ 9 o 10 ; Dn s n «§j -bdd Ec V 3 ; Vbdd m?5, ".0 '») 6 12 the number of the days of the years of his vanity, i.e. his empty, fleeting years; ncnxn 'jsrby d^n on-iete mrb 1 K 8 40 ; Q-31 D"J?; Jong &/« j K 3 '> = 2 Ch i» ; T D<»>3 K3 advanced in days = of advanced age Gni8 u 24 1 (both J), Jos I3"(JE), 2 3 1 ' 2 (D), 1 K i 1 ; WO

K i 6 /rom Ai» (earliest) days, so I'BJD 1 S 

25^ (v. Dr), Jb 38 12 ; W Wb Jb 42 17 ik 8 40 ; TO l«1N! Ex 20 12 (JE) (Aa* % rfays may 6e long = J)t5 ,e , v. further "px; ^-"D^y D^ «Tpin ^ 6 1 7 i.e. prolong the king's life ; outlive is nns mj; Tpgn j os 24 3 ' (D), J U 2 7 ; D'»; tj-ik D^n nbfft Pr 3 2 feno^/i of days and years of life; D*?; IRk v 16 ; 1N31 ^o;3 Dt 33* according to (the length of) iAy Zi/e *A<d/ 6e [thy strength 1 rd. 1K31?] v. Di VB; rarely sg. e.g. Di' VlB'p Jb 30 25 one hard of day, i.e. whose day ( = life) was hard ; of life as approaching its end, m$ to"** ^ «TW Gn 47 s9 (J) and ffe day* of Israel drew near for dying, soDt3i 14 1 K 2 1 (cf. Jb 7 616 8 9 Ec 2 3 siipr.) b. (in) the days of (i.e. life-time, reign, or activity of) Gn io 25 (J), I4 1 JU5 6 ' 6 8 28 2S2I' lKl6 34 2t 29 - 29 22 47 2K20 19

Ch 1 3 20 35 18 + oft. (so MI "«-). c. hence 

in phr. ? Dn?' T n *T3^ 1SD 1 K I4 1929 + 3i t. K, Ne 12 s Est2 23 io 2 ;'DWri n:n -apt? j Ch 27 s4 ; owi n:n Dlfl*Dp ibd Est 6 1 . . Days: a. indef.: D'ins D'DJ some days, a few days iGn 21" (J), 29 20 (E), Dnn 20 ; DW alone 40 4 (E) they were days (a certain time) in the prison iKi-j 1 ' Ne I 4 ; D^J i>W Is 6s M a suckling of (a few) day*; D'DJO Ju n 4 a/to- a ft'me, 1 5 1 ; so W J»i?D Gn 4 3 ( J^er </<e end 0/ day*, 1 K 1 7 7 ; DV?i' iK Di' Ex 2 1" ( JE) a day o»- two. -nCJ? IK D'DJ Gn 2 4 36 (J) some days, or ten (days or a dekad ; on question of txt. v. Di). b. of long time, BJtf HJ iX D-DJ HJ 1 S 2 9 3 these days or tliese years; D^ IX bin iK D^D ; IS Nu 9 K (P) whether two days or a month or days (an indefinitely long period); B*?! D'DJ niany day* Gn 2 1 34 (JE) 37 s4 (J) + ; '131 D'Ojn 0TJ3 Gn 38 12 (J)and <Ae days weremulti2>lied( = time passed) and Judah's wife died, 1 S 7 2 ; COjn DB> i^ OT«  Gn 26 s (J)the days werelong to him there=hehad been there a long time; Can CD} . . . fjjjn tpsna Nu 9 19 (P) when the cloud 'prolonged many days (remained a long time) upon the tabern. — Vid. also 6 infr. c. days of old, former or ancient times (esp. of early period of Isr. hist.) : (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Dt 327 (poem); (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Mi 51 7 14 Is 63 911 ; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Mi 720; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ψ 776 1435; cf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ec 710; coming days (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ec

2 16 ; coming time pinx Di' Pr3i 25 ; esp. rnnK(n) D'Djn v. p. 31 supr.; ?&? y^b Dn 12 13 . . Di , =<tJ«e; a. vividly in gen. sense (v. also 5 supr.) : time of harvest Pr 25 13 ; usu. 'C Gn 30' 4 (J), Jos 3 15 Nu 1 3 20 - 20 (alI JE), Ju 1 5 1 2 S 2 1 9 ; jrroper time for paying wages Dt24 15 cf. Jb 14 6 ; time of parturition Tnbb n"D; «bpjlGn 25 24 . b. appos. to other expr. of time (Dr' 192a, Da 8j1 "' t 2 *") : D'OJ Vhp a month of time Gn 29 14 (J; lit. a month, time), Nun 2021 (JE); =D , p; FHJ Dt2i 13 2 K 15 13 ; WW nyanx D^p> J u i 9 2 time, four TOon</i*(siveral.,v. 1S27 7 ); tD , 'P' OTl3B'(}'j3t Gn 4 1 ' (E) too year* (0/) ii'me, 2 S 1 3 s3 1 4 s8 Je

3.n . D , D , q^ r^ Dn iq2 .3 </tree wgafcs ( jj 

time. c. pi. in specific sense, appar. =year, lit. B*95 1 S 27 7 Lv 25 M (H); D^ Ju 17 10 ; H3J Q'ojn j s i 21 2 19 20 6 ; cenn njanw B^ 2 7 7 = a year and four months (cf. Ju 19 2 supr. b); np , DJ awn=from year to year, yearly Ex 13' (JE), Jun^cf. vb), 2i 19 1 s i 3 2 19 ; any f$o D"0^ 2 S 14 26 ; D'DjiS B>7.h is D?p' Nu 9 s2 (P); distrib. Nu I4 MJ *(P), EZ4 66 ; D^D'O B^jjl W B3f> D'p;i) i-i?n n«y npi a Ch 21 "and t/e^M to ^)a** at days from days ( = after some days) even about the time of the outgoing of the end of two (series of) days (i.e. prob. years, v. Be). . Phrases, without prep, and with, are: a. (1) Qi*n= to-day Gn4 14 3 i 43 - 48 Exi3 4 (JE) + oft. ; opp. ?ion yesterday Ex 5 14 1 S 20 27 ; opp.ino