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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/433

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409 n-fao Ju 18 29 2S 3 "2i a) - 22 1 Ch i" Je 20 16 ; sq. ? before grandmother's name Eu 4 17 cf. U> Is 9 s ; sq. i> of purpose, destiny, "fy* 70»i» DIN Jb 5'; Vl£ flpii -513-by Gn 50 23 (E ; Sam. 1' V9, cit. Di) denoting recognition of children as his; no prep. Je2o" 22 26 , cf. Ju i3 8 (v.supr.); fig. of foreigners incorporated in spiritual Zion ^87 4S '; of production of mountains ty 90 2 . Hiph. Pf 1^*1 Gn 1 1 27 + ; l|rtn Nu 26 s8 ; ifo 1 Ch 2 36 + ; sf. PIT.bini consec. Is 55 10 ; «^n Gn 48", etc.; /mp/ 1^ Gn 1 7 20 Ec 6 3 ; "7$ Gn 5 s + ; 2 ms. T$*l Dt 4 a 4- 4 t. ; T^iK Is 66 9 ; Imv. *$ln Je 2 9 6 ; /w/.afa.T.^n L359 4 ; C s«r. sf. iT^in Gn 5 4 + i6t.;i > <.TbtoIs66»; 0^0 Jei6 3 ;— l.%e< (a father a child) Gn5 3 - 4 - 4 + 56 t. in Gn., Lv 25 45 Nu 26 29 - ss (all these P, v. sub Qal)+ Dt 4 s5 28 41 (v. Di), 1 Ch 2'»" ,I1 "+ 84 t. Chr.; Eu 4 ' 8 + 8 t., Ju ii l 2 K2o lfi =Is39 7 , Je 2 9 6 Ez 18 1014 47 s2 Ec 5 13 6 3 , cf. Is 45 10 ; also Je 16 3 DnM«3n Dnias DniK, cf. fieq. As syr. abu banua, e.g. VE I 8 ; fig. of producing dewdrops Jb 38 s8 ; of causing the earth to bear grain IS55 10 ; causingZion to bring forth 66 9 . 2.6ear,onlyfig.59 4 (||nn),of wicked, bringing forth iniquity (this favoured by con- text ; others, beget), t Hoph. Inf. ITlVn Gn 40 20 Ez 1 6 s ; rrr?Vl Ez 16 4 (Co as foregoing); only TlK 'n DV Gn 40 s0 Ez 1 6 45 day of one's being born = birthday. tHithp. Impf. «fol»j Nu i 18 denom. fr. TTT)V declared their pedigree (v. Di). T"T7T n.xn. offspring, child, only TO px ^JGn/i 30 ^); siveral.=Ar.3Jj; Eth.OJiVJj-: (with orig. 1); — in 2 S6 23 , where some edd. have t!>1 Kt, "l£ Qr, Baer and van d. H give 1^ T Kt. t ~hl " n.m. Gn a - 8 child, son, boy, youth ;— 1^ abs. Gn 4 s3 + ; cstr. Je 3 1 20 ; "lj» Gn 2 1 16 + ; pi- D ^: 33'+ ; cstr. np: Ex 2 6 + 2 1.; -n^ Is 57 4 ; sf. "~b] Gn 30 26 2 K 4 1 ; DnHp! Jb 21"; fplfl Gn33 2 4-4 t., etc.; — a. child=son, boy, Gn 2 1 8141516 37 30 42** (all E), 3 2 23 (Dinah not included), cf. 30 26 33 >- 2 - 2 "M'3.H 4 ^o ( all j) . Ex ,17.18 (|| j3 v i 6)) 2 s.....;.s.....io( all £), 2 1 4 (E ; app. = sons + daughters, but |[ '33 v 5 ) ; pi. = offspring 2 1 24 (E ; Hex, only Gn & Ex, JE); also Eu i 5 4 16

g I2 15.1 8 .l 8 . 18 .18.19.mi.21.22.2!l j K ^ (tf y -n^ ^ 


K 4 1 (cf. v 5 ) v 1! 

Is8' 8 9 5 (||!?), Jo 4 3 (opp. 'Tip'), Zc 8 5 (id.) ; of young of raven Jb38 4 '; of wild goats and hinds 39 s ; of cow and bear Is 1 1 7 . b. (little) child, children 1 S l 2 ' 2 2 S 6 :3 Ezr io 1 Ne 12 43 Jb 21" (|| fi'^jj), Ho I 2 La 4 10 Is 5 7 c. descendants Is 2 9°, tma J njj (cf. |3) 2 6 . d. youth Gn 4 a (J), 1 K 1 2 81014 = 2 Ch io 810 -' 4 , Dn !*»■«•".» c f. 2 K 2 24 (|| Dnyj D'le? v 23 ), Ec 4 1315 . e. fig. of apostate Israelites ^"V". Is 57' (II T# STSl); cf., in good sense, DWJjt? lb' Je 3 1 20 of Ephraim (pj?! ?3). tiTT^ n.f. girl, damsel ;—abe. rn?: Gn34 4 Jo 4 3 ; TtrfFl Zc 8 5 ; — marriageable girl: of Dinah, daughter of Jacob Gn 34 4 ; opp. lb" 1 Zc8 6 J04 3 . tfiVHP n.f. childhood.youth; — abs.rVnf>: Ec Il*t||WnqS')j ^r.ni>: n 9 ; = young men ^ infj'^iio 3 . • TWJ adj. born (irreg. punctuation for "I*;, Dr 2S 5 14 )— 11^ Exi 22 2Si2 14 ; DH^ J os 5 5 2 S5 14 ; WW! Je 16 3 ; $»n jan Ex i 22 (E), 2 S 12" ( + l{>); "Onsa '^n Djn Jos 5 5 (D); njn Dips? DHi^n nton-^yi D'Jsrrvy Je 16 3 ; 6 DT&5J 2 S 5 14 . t[T7^] adj. born, only aifr.T^ Gni7 12 + 4 t.; pi. *?{»; i 4 14 4-6t.; h!>'3 2 S 21 18 ;— born, esp. of slave 1V3 "PT born in (one's) house (opp. purchased by money) Gn i7 121327 Lv 22" (all P), cf. Je 2 14 where denied of Israel ; Hy* n?3 ti. Gn 14 14 ; pi. elsewh. subst. = children, sons nsnn *7< 2 S 21 1618 cf. D'Nain ^ 1 Ch 20 4 ; p3Vn 4" Nu 13 2228 Jos 15 14 (ali JE). trfTTIE n.f. kindred, birth, offspring; — 'D cstr.'Lvi8 911 ; sf.'nn.^O Gn24 4 + 3 t.,etc; pi. sf. TOi-lpto Ezi6 4 ; ^n'lpta v 3;_l. kindred Gn 12 1 (IhriN, T3K n*3), 2 4 4 (||ps), Nu io 30 (||rd.), Gn 3 1 3 (|| T nUK p«), 43 7 (all J); || Dy Est2 10 - 20 8 6 ; esp.'D p« land of one's kindred Gnn 28 24 7 (bothJ),3i 13 (E), Je22 ,0 46' 6 Ez23 li Eu 2 11 . 2. pi. circumstances of birth, birth (fig. of origin of Jerus.) W?? H?9 ' K!| ^O'*? Ez 1 6 3 , cf. v 4 . 3. (female) offspring, one born Lvi8 99 , begotten v" (all H); coll.=i'«#Me, off- spring nn^in fte innbto Gn 4 8 6 (P). tmTlO, n"17!b n.pr.loc. town in Simeon , TT ' TT " '?iD Jos i9 2 =iCh4 2s ; inhabited after exile Ne 1 1 26 ; name occurs also Jos 1 5 26 (where prob. interpol. from Ne 1 1 26 v. Di); © MwXaSa, etc.; identified by Eob" 11 "- 201 Guerin Jod4< ""' aMff - with Tel Milh, 4 hours E. from Beersheba=MaXa6a Jog A n t.xviu.«.2 ; MoXo^^ Jfalatha Lag 0nom ■ 2,4 • 2M ' 87 - 119 , v. also Di.