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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/435

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)tp ii" + oft.; also D|H Exi 4 2 - 29 Is 51 1010 63" + ; prob. also D*!Xp-D* n 15 ; 'Red Sea' named or referred to c. 66 t.; 1WD; clearly of iElanitic Gulf 1 K 28 (cf. 2 Ch 8 17 ). 3. Dead Sea, D*. fty sea of salt Gn 14 3 Nu 34 312 Dt 3" Jos 3 16 12 3 15" 18"; BfJJjn D*. Dt 3 17 4 49 Jos 3 16 12 3 2 K 14 25 ; 'liypl *n Ez 47 18 Zc 14 8 Jo 2 20 (v. supr.); simply 0} Is 16 8 Je48 32 ; — in "Vtjr D* Je 48 s2 D* is text, error, del. c. Gf Gr CheGie! 4. Sea of Galilee JV133 D* Nu 34" Jos 13 27 ; ni-133 D*. i 2 s ; simply D*. Dt 33 23 . 5. more gen. sea, opp. earth and (or) sky Gn I 26 - 28 9 2 (P), Ex20 11 (E),Hg2 6 + oft.Jb^Is 2 etc.;Am6 ,2 rd. D*. 1533 for anpa (v.l|?3); ««« as under earth + 2 4 2 (cf. Gn i 10 6" Ex 20 5 =Dt 5 s ); fig. otflood of invaders, DJn bs^y nSj? Je 51 42 . 6. of a mighty river, the Nile Na 3 s - 8 Is I9 6 (|P0?); cf. DJJ "1B»S PHRJ 27 1 and Wg» D*:UFI3 Ez 32^ (sim. of Pharaoh); of Euphrates Is 21 1 Je 51 36 (ace. to Che Gf al. ; Is 2 1 l perhaps better of Persian Gulf, v. Di). 7. the great basin in temple- court, called the sea: DWD D'rrnK 'e>y>1 1 K7 23 = 2 Ch 4 2 ; nsynan n* 2 k 25 13 1 Ch 18 8 Je 52"; D|nalonerK7 2426 +iot.KCh- r Je52 20 . 8. combinations are : a. shore of sea, sea-shore DVi ng$> Jos 1 1 4 1 K 5 9 , and in sim. Gn 22 17 Ju

12 1 S 13 5 ; "n *pn Jos 9" Ez 25 16 ; D*p: cjin Gn 
13 Ju 5 17 ; cf. DJn ?3n Zp 2 s restore by the sea; 

so v 6 but dub., v. 1. ?3n 3. b. san< 2 o/<Ae sea (shore) DVI &I (in sim.) Gn 32 13 41 49 Ho 2 1 Is io 22 ^- oft. (v. Hn) ; d£ M| ^in Je s 22 . c. |tt$ DJn tongue (arm or gulf) of sea Jos 15 5 18 19 Is 1 1 15 . d. Dpy Dn? Am 8 12 Zc 9 10 + 7 2 8 , cf. Mi 7 12 Zc 1 4 8 8 Jo 2 20 - Dn 1 1 45 . 9. = west, west- ward (orig. sea-ward, fr. position of Mediterr. with ref. to Palestine, and this sense still often perceptible): with other three pointsof compass Gn 13 14 28" (J), Nu 2" 35 5 (P), Dt 3 s7 1 K 7 2S 1 Ch 9 24 2 Ch 4 4 Ez 4 2 19 + 6 t. Ez, Zc 14 4 Dn 8 4 + 107 3 (D»D* (iBSO 3ipW n-JJQO; but rd. perh. IPJ01 from the south, Hu Pe Bi Che); opp. east Jos 1 1 2 16 6 + 16 t. EZ48; west aloneGni2 8 (J); D*. O^" 1 Ez io 19 (J) west wind; b DJO westward Jos8 91213 -f; "TO*, westward, oft, of tabernacle Ex 2 6 22 - 27 Nu 3 s3 + (all P), and of land Jos 5 1 1 5 810 etc, + oft. Ez ; D>n ^^ westward Ez 4 1 12 ; D* 7^35 western border Nu 34 s ' 6 Jos 15 2 ; D*T18<!a west side Ex 27 12 38 12 Nu 35 s Jos 18"; "pi 1KB DW1 Ez 4 1 12 (v. further ntffl). T C Q"' n. [m.] appar. pi., meaning dub. ; only in IflBS Dp»rrn« KXD -»B»K njy N1H Gn 36 24 that is the 'Ana that found the DO*_ in the wilderness when he was pasturing the asses of Sib'on his father; perh. hot springs, $5 aquae ealidae; so Thes MV Dechent zpv ' ,u • ,884 • 17,, al. ; yet no suitable V HD* (or DO*) known ; v. further Di Buhl Ed0lnitM46 |U (v of foil.; found in deriv. in all cogn., but orig. mng. dubious; Thes al. comp. JDK con- firm, whence right hand as the stronger; others fr. use of right hand in confirming by an oath). I. pSi* n.f. E ' 15 ^ (Pr 27" no exc, v. Now Str) right hand (NH id. ; SI 3 ;B*D on the right ; Aram. K 5*0-> JioLI ; Ar. ^^> right, right side, right hand, south; Eth. ?°Y"}: right hand, jByli right side; Sab. JD* right hand, flJO* south, are also quoted ; As. irnnu, right, right side, on the right, D1 HWB307 )— abs. ?*0* r Gn 13 9 + 40t.; cstr. f*o; iS23 24 +i 9 t.; sf.*?*?* Je 22 w + 6 t.,etc; always sg.: — 1. righthand: a. lit. of man, oft. opp. Skd'B> Gn 48 1314 (cf. v 18 ), Dn 12 7 ; WD$> U*p*-p3 VT J0114 11 distinguish between one's right hand and one's left ; pD* rb'ff Ju5 M (||T); as holding the lot Ez 2 i 27 ; also of right hand as skilful ^ 1 37 s ; as receiving bribes 2 6 10 (||D*T); used in false swearing PP* D3*p* TJP 144 8 " their right liand is a right hand of falsehood; oft. also c. V, iJ*p*-T Gn48 17 (E) hand of his right = his right hand Ju 7 20 2 S 20 8 ; fangfp: 1BK J u 3 15 20 16 bound as to one's right hand, i.e. left-handed. b. fig., of right hand as held by '* Is 4 1 13 45'; so *J*0*"T ^ 7 3 23 . c. right hand of '*, as instr. of delivering Israel Exi5 6612 +, cf. »*p* J»ff« flbCJJI ^zo 7 ; nw fttyf po* 77", ||ynt 9 8>; as 'acquiring the temple-site 78 s4 ; as holding his servant 18 36 (lineom.in||2S22 36 ),cf.63 9 &*i?"]Spp*3Is4i 10 ; as finding, lighting upon (NVO) his enemies ^ 2i'(l|T); as full of p"1V 48"; as dispensing blessings 1 6" "p*D*3 n*.D*y3 (cf. Pr 3" of wisdom, personified); used in divine oath Is 62 s fllyi" 1!). 2. of situation on, or direction toward, the right: a. of situation, c. P?, D^ND^BI DJ*p*0 Ex 1 4 22,29 a wall on t/teir right hand and on their left hand ; similarly 2 S 1 6 6 1 K 7 M ' 49 = 2 Ch 3 17 4 6 , iK22 ,9 (=2Chi8 ,8 c. by), 2Ch 4 78 ^ 9I 7 (II^SO); for protection 16 8 ; b pe*D 2X23" Ez 10 s ; c. ), i3*P*i* 2fn 1 K 2 19 , so fno 1 45 10 109 31 ; c. 'by Zc 3 1 1 Ch 6 M 2 Ch 18 18 (= 1 K 22 19 c. ;»), Ne 8 4 Jb 30 12 ^ io 9 6 cf. 110 s ; without prep. l*yn pp* 2 S 2 4 5 Jb 23 s . b. of direction toward, lit. pb* ntM Nu20 17 2 2 26 (both