Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/452

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(Symbol missingHebrew characters)

occurrence (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 3726M =2 K 1926; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) I have planned, I will also do it 4611; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 1811; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) devised it to establish it 3322 .. Niph. Pf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ls 4310 6e/ore m« a (700" was not formed (created). Pu. P/. TW B'DJ <fotys (that) were pre-ordained (in the divine purpose) jr 139 16 (cf. Qal, 2 b). Hoph. 7n^/ r£fl «i> -]^V "W ^3"b Is 54" aray weapon that is formed against thee will not prosper. < fl.^!pn.m. U26S form,i>aming,purpose; — '■>Gn6 s +5t.; VW Dt3i 21 Hb2 18 ; «n£ ^103"; — 1. pottery, formed by the potter Is 2 9 16 . 2. form of a graven image Hb 2 18 . 3. form of man as made of the dust jr 103". 4. of what is framed in the mind (<rf."'R 1 C, 2 b), imagi- nation, device, purpose : (3)3? J"l(l)ae>nD "15P Gn 65 (J), 1 Ch2 918;(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 282; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Gn 821(J); (Symbol missingHebrew characters) alone Dt 3121 (J); (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 263 a stedfast purpose (or frame of mind). (In NH (Symbol missingHebrew characters) is common in sense of impulse: (Symbol missingHebrew characters) and (Symbol missingHebrew characters) of good and bad tendency in man.)

II. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) son of Naphtali Gn 4624 = 1 Ch713, V Nu 2648 (P). T * , ~1^^ a. chief of one of the Levitical choirs of singers 1CI125 11 . b. adj. gent, of 11. "i£, c. art. = subst. coll. Nu 26 49 (P). I [□ v ^" 1 ] 11. m. pi. sf. '~Y" my forms, mem- bers of my body Jb 17 7 . t [J")^] vb. kindle, bum (intr.) (NH id. (rare))— Qal Impf. 3 fs. nsfrn I s 9 >? ; W 33 12 Jesi^Kb'- 431 ); 3fpl.n3nxri Je 4 9 2 ;— kindle, intr., fig. of wickedness, Is 9 17 ; sq. etaa be kindled with fire ( = set on fire), of thorns (in sim.) 33 12 , Je 49 2 (of dependent towns and vil- lages of Rabbah, under fig. of daughters), 5 1 58 (of gates of Bab} Ion). Niph. Pf. nriSJ 2 K 2 2 13 Je9 1I -|-2 ls Kt(Qr! iriV3); finSHI consec. 2K22" Je 4 6' 9 ; VIM Ne i 3 + 2 t. + Je 2 16 Qr(cf. supr.); — be kindled, fig. of wrath of 2 K 22 1317 ; be burned, of gates of Jerusalem, sq. etaa, Ne I 3 2 17 ; = desolated Je 2 15 (of cities of Israel), cf. 46'°, 9' (of mountains and pastures); of land 9 11 (|| rnajj). Hiph. Pf. rvyri j e 1 1 16 ; 1 s. Vtpj consec. Je i^^+s t. ; TNVtm 2 S 14 s0 Kt; (<Qr ijWJfril I mv . y Ges 571 Kb' 431 ); Wxn v 31 Je 51 30 ; WfTrj consec. 32"; Impf. TlS'l La 4"; nvvra i s 2 f ( r d. narvwt Ko' c - Ges lc ); W!P1 Jos8 19 + 2 t. ; WSn v 8 ; Imv. npva

S 14 30 Qr, cf. supr.; Pt. TfTfQ Ez 81*;— kindle, 

set on fire, sq. ace, "Vy + etaa Jos 8 819 (JE), Je 32 29 ( + spfe>); field of corn, + t^3 jSm""; dwellings (no Etaa) Jesi 30 , cf. also Ju 9 49 ; also sq. ace. eta -f prep. b]l, Je u 16 (of Jerusalem under fig. of olive-tree); elsewh. + 3, Am 1", '3 Eta TlVm (hence Je 17 27 21 14 43 12 49 s7 50 32 ) La4 n Ez2i 3 . P C 4 * °* ^°^ , > com P- Ar. JJu oe suw/c, depressed; »_<Jj hollow, cavity). ' 3J3J n.m. Pr310 wine- vat (a trough or hol- low excavated (axn Is 5 2 ) in the rock for receiving the juice trodden out in the 05 : Benz 212f ), sometimes also wine-press (the trough in which the grapes were trodden out); — abs. 3 £ Is 5 2 + 4 t.; 3j£ T Nu 18 30 ; cstr. apf Ju 7 B ; sf. »|g£ Dtis 14 16"; pi. D^» Jb24 u + 4 t.; ^p> Zc 14 10 ; ^ Pr 3 10 ;— wine-«a<, Is5 2 Hg2 16 Jo 4 13 (|| 715), Pr 31° ; oft. || r& Nu 1 8 2730 Dt 1 5 14 16 13 2 K 6* Ho 9 2 Jo 2 24 ; appar. of the wine- press Jb 24" ISTJ D 1 ^, Is 1 6 10 (hence Je 48 s3 ). Designating particular localities, Ju y 25 as] 3PJ, Zc 14 10 ^fn <ap? (near Jerusalem). bMJOj* [v. sub pp.* tflp" 1 ] vb. be kindled, burn (Aram. ~lp : , fSl, burn, intrans.; Ar. jjj, id.) — Qal Impf.

ms. ~IPZ Is io 16 ; 3 fs. 1pm Dt 32^; Pt. act. f. 

rnp' Is 65 5 ; pass. "lip; 30 14 ;— 6e kindled, fig. of judgment, eta Tp>3 Tp; -^J Isio 16 ; so burn, Dt 32 s2 afire hath been kindled (nrnp T ) in «iy wrath, PiKE'-lS! " 1 P ,r ?! aW t'< burneth unto She' 61; fig. of people displeasing to ^XS ]fv H|N Di>n-b nnp* 5?S Is6 5 5 ; pt.^ kindled, as subst. n^pjD Eta Hiring 3 o u to take fire from that vAich is kindled, i.e. from the hearth (Lg BN6 °). Hoph. Impf. 3 fs. "Ipin Lv 6 266 ; "I^W Je 15 14 1 7 4 ; — 6e burning, burn, of (perpetual) altar-fire Lv6 2 - 6 - 6 (P); fig. of Vs judgment, "SNa nnip^m IpFl hvby Je 15 14 , similarly 17 4 (cf. Dt'32 22 supr., as prob. source of both). TTij3* n.[m.] a burning (properly Inf. cstr. of 1p^) — only Is io 16 , abs. and cstr., fig. of '^'s judgment, v. [15J] supr. T 1jp"iO n.[m.J a burning mass; — abs. , " 1 ™ IBtof *Ota$P V' io 2 4 my bones are scorched through like a burning mass; pi. cstr., fig. of Vs judgment, D^iV "Ip'lD Is 33" (|| n^aiN Eta).