Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/454

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Wip of costly building-stones i K5 31 7 91011 cf. ri39 "JEflO "IMD FTS* Is 28 16 a costly corner{-stone) of a foundation,— on cstr. v. Da S],0, -> a8 - BS - e ; "Ig {"inco^ytoeai^Pn 13 ^ 27 ; D'VJpp^ t" 24 1 . b. precious, highly valued ; ffl^J B*D| Pr 6" 6 precious life; opp. Wt Je 1 5 19 (of choice elements of character); VTDnb nniBH "> »y}» T£ f 1 16 15 ; D"3BO N^n rn^ Pr 3 15 s/i« (wisdom) is more precious than rubies (v. also c); prized, of ' 1QU ^36 8 ; = 8ubst.T£' n i?' 3 D'ablp ni3a ^4 5 I0 X;m(/'«  daughters are among thy precious ( = dear) ones. c. iTip» |2X coll. precious stones, jewels 2 S 1 2 OT = 1 Ch 20V 1 K io mn = 2 Ch 9 1910 , 1 Ch 2 9 s 2 Ch 3" 3 2 27 Ez 2 7" 2 8 13 (list of precious stones follows), Dn n 38 ; so also La 4 2 , read fMf '23* Dn^n (for MT 131 'J3), see VB ; Tg Dnfc* Jb 28 16 (v. also Pr 3 16 sub b). 2. rare, 1 S 3 1 (cf. v Hiph. Is 1 3 12 ). 3. glorious, splendid (cf. Aram.), of the moon Jb3i 26 ; as subst.= glory, the wicked perish, D^"}3 ~p3 i/r 37 20 Zz'&e the glory oftlie pastures(i. e. like gay, but short- lived, flowers). 4. (late and Aram.) weighty, influential, i"ID3nt3 IjJJ Ec 10 1 weightier than wisdom and honour is a little folly. — In Pr 1 7 27 read Kt DVT"p1 and one cool of spirit (see VB); in Zc 1 4 6 read jiKEpl Mhgl liK rW t6 there shall not be light but cold and congelation (see id. and Vrss.); v., however, also Addenda.

1p s 11. m. preciousness, price, honour 

(late: cf. BASl?), jjW glory);— abOi£ Zc n 13 + 5 1.; Ig^etaf 49 ,r + 3 t-; cstr.1^ Est i 4 ; sf. i">p/3 6 6 +4 t.; WJ53 Je 20 s ;— 1. precious- ness : a..=precious {costly) things (coll.) Je 20 5 (om. ®), 1^1 JDh Ez 22 25 ; li?;-b Jb 28 10 . b. ~) V? Pr 20 15 a jewel of preciousness = precious jewel (U 3TB, ffMI). 2. jwtee Zc n 13 , v. J 2. 3. honour, ^r^ n21 ; elsewhere only Est: taWia nn.Ksrn^ Est i 4 (|| tawbo "fas); ? "*^ ^3)T v 20 all wives jri've honour to their lords ; ^Web nWiM "H* ntarnp 6 3 , c. b n'B>j> also v 6 ; ^•"i jt^fen nnpcn rnWnn

b^vro 8 16 ; B'Wn) 

hp T "3 }»Qn 7]JQ-1 "1S>$ «fo> wiara in whose honour the king ddighteth 6 MJ * U . T"Y*jp^ adj. intrans. very precious, dear; only O^SK >J> I^T |3H Je 31 20 w Ephraim a very precious son unto me ? (|| D'JJIB'JJE' "'J.' 1 .). t [Wpl] ▼*>■ lay a bait or lure (v. tfgto), then gen. lay snares (v. also $pJ, B*ip) — Qal Pf. ^frk Je 50 24 ; «#* V 141 9 ; Ft. ph wpi (

2 4 7 ; — Zay snares, fig. of devices of wicked 141" 

(c. acc. cogn.); of י׳ 's plan to destroy Babylon Je 50 24 flvhi 031 "]b Tltrp* ; Ft. as subst. bait- layers, fowlers yfr 1 24 r (cf. 1 4 1 9 ) sirn. Niph. Pf. Plf pi3 Pr6 2 ; W^JfJ consec. Is8 15 28 13 ; Impf. 2 ms. P8JI? Dt 7 25 ; be caught by a bait, ensnared, in business entanglements Pr 6 2 ; in disastrous consequences of idolatry Dt7 25 (||l3P3); of those ensnared by Vg plans (sq. nsbjl) Is 8 1B 28 13 . Pu. PL n^'P T V (for tflflfa, unless this should be read: Ges i52B6 ; Sta' ,22 °): entrapped, in circumstances of life Ec 9'*. tttftp' n. [m.] bait-layer, fowler, B^SJ na Ho 9 s the snare of a fowler. tuftp^ a.[m.] id.; Bftpj na ^ 9 i 3 ; liass ^P: 11«? Pr 6 5 ; pi. D^ Je 5 26 (in sim.) TttJpjiQ n.m. rrI2,13 prop, a bait or lure in a fowler's net ; then fig. snare — abs. B'pjo Ex io 7 + 15 t.; cstr. Pr 18 7 20 25 ; pi. D'B>piD ^6 4 6 Jb 4 o 24 ; D^pb ^i 4 o 6 ; cstr. ^B i8 6 + 3 t.; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 S 226; f. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ψ 1419; bait or lure, in a net for birds Am 35; will not pierce nostril of hippopotamus Jb 4024; elsewhere fig. of what allures and entraps any one to disaster or ruin ; Moses a snare to Egyptians Ex io 7 (J); DV ^pio Jb34 30 , of men who are the ruin of their people; idolsand idol-worship a pernicious lure to Israel Ex 23 s3 (JE), Dt 7 16 Ju 2 3 8 27 f 106 36 ; so alli- ances with Cauaanites Ex34 12 (JE), J0S23 13 (D); Michal, to David 1 S 18 21 ; of '« as cause of ruin to evildoers Is 8 14 ; of plots of wicked ^6 4 6 140 6 (vb. IVf; || na, D»ban, nan), i 4 i» (|| na); a lure or snare for wicked in their transgressions Pr 29* fr 69 s3 (|| na) ; consisting in transgressions of lips Pr 12 13 , cf. 18' 2o 2S ; in wrathfulness 22 25 ; in fear of man 29 s5 ; fllO'D V' i8 6 =2 S 2 2 6 (|| b<M? ^3n), Pri 3 14 14 27 .'

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) son of Abraham and Keturah Gn 252.3= 1 Ch 132.32;G (Symbol missingGreek characters), GL Gn 252.3 (Symbol missingGreek characters)

t^MIV (ace. to 01» OTk - s W is Impf. from a -v/fllp, meaning dubious ; poss.= btfJW, q-v.; see Wetzst in De 1 ' 3 ' 70 ")— 1. in the Shephelah of Judah Jos 15 38 , site unknown; © laKapcrjK A lcndat), ©L Ie^5ai/X. 2. name given to V?D ( = Petra) by King Amaziah, its captor 2 K 1 4"; © Ka6orj • A UKdor/X.