Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/472

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Iffii Ezr 8", © Qn-aia, etc. 4. a Benjamite Ne 1 1 7 , © Ucrux, etc. t ytfin (salvation ; on form, of. T9#3, ^fltefj; on pronunciation v. Hpt ZAUMl ADm - J Jager BA8I " 4S ) — 1. orig. name of Joshua ace. to Nu 13 816 (P), © Avar,, cf. Dt 32" (J ; prob. err., v. Dr), © Iijo-ovr, v. JRZ'irP p. 221 supr. 2. last king of Israel 2 K 15 30 1 f iAi i8'- 910 , ®Q<rrj ( . 3. the prophet Hosea Ho I 1 **, © Qn-ijf. 4. an Ephraimite chief under David 1 Ch 2j K , © Q<r(j(t). 5. a chief under Nehemiah Ne io 24 , © Qa>]6a, Qcnjf. Tn^yCTin (Yah has saved) — 1, a prince of Judah Ne 1 2 s2 , © Qaaia. 2. father of Azariah or Jezaniah, a chief in time of Jere- miah Je 42 1 43 2 , © Mauo-((r)mor, etc. jniiirr, SflttT, see p. 221. t [nytDiO] n.f. only pi. niyeno saving acts f 68 21 . T t I'ttTQ (deliverance) — Mesha, king of Moab 2 K 3 4 =y<5>0 MI 1 ; © Mara. — v. Sm and So™ 1 - 1S36 Dr 8m,m ' ft T VCTO (deliverance) — son of Caleb I Ch 2 42 , © Maptiaa, <SL Movcra. tnyi^n (tnVB'ri 2 S 1 9 3 ) n.f. deliverance, salvation = njftB^ (formed by false anal., as if from V yie>, in sense of ye" ; most assign it to yiB*, but no sufficient evidence for existence of such a V; cf. Kb"'* )— abs.'n 1 S n 9 + 19 t.; cstr. Je 3 s3 + 5 t.; sf. tq**l Is 46 13 -M t. ; irjjHtfn ^ 40 11 + 2 t.; ^ywn v 17 71 15 ;— 1. de- liverance, usually by God, through human agency, esp. from oppression 1 S 1 I 9 , and in battle iChi9 ,2 (yt5nnin || c. ),= victory J u 15 18 (1J1 T3 'n rinj), 2 K 5', "• 'n ne-y iSn" '* ■wrought a great victory, so 19 6 2 S 19 3 23 1012 1 Ch 1 i 14 (asacc.cogn.after j)iE'in),Pr2i 31 ^33 17 (yBhi in || v 16 ); D-3^ Tl frfan I44 i°; so in phr. mn^ 'rrpn 2 K 1 3", D"1K3 '070 v 17 ; of national deliverance, from exile, D'oVlV 71 *?$■&) V&0 Is 45 17 (Da 8 '"'!"), 46 13 (|| njrix), v 13 (c. jna; II ITJSDTI) ; in gen. of national success and prosperity Je 3 a Pr n 14 =24 6 ; of deliverance fr. personal trouble ^ 37 s9 La 3 26 ('" njntMl), r of national deliverance underfig. of personal^ 40" (|nn;«2K) j v 17 71" (||ni5-JX), so »*#•($ *• 38"; contrasted with י׳ 's deliverance is(Symbol missingHebrew characters) deliverance of (through) man ^6o l3 = 108 13 , cf. 1 46'. 2. more exclusively spiritual in sense, —salvation, appear to be '•riy^n v£>k ^5i 16 ,

19 41 (|| Tioq), v 81 , and 'n *ta^ spana 2 ch 6 41 

(from V$l B"3^N (WTO y, 132 16 ). TriniT^ n.[m.] jasper (loan-word fr. Pers. _. Lj; so Ar. ,_■ .«"< Lane 2978 , also (and on forms iJLLj, pS) Frey ; perh. As. aspA D1 HA36 ' IIWB 147 )_nsB;;i Britf) e*Bhn Ex 28 20 39 13 (both P) beryl and onyx and jasper (v. Di) ; Wffi ( + tcZ.) Ez 28 13 (v. «m). HE^ v. sub net}' ; }2tt.^ v. sub JSE'. |"")t^^ vb. be smooth, straight, right (N H id., and deriv. ; Ar. IJLj 6e gentle, tractable, easy, 11. ma&a ea«y; tlo manageable, easy; but Sab.nfii, nfiin, piV bw Os ZMO1865 - 270 CIS"' 2, - a ; As. isdru, be or #0 straight, right, meseru, jus- tice, meSeriii, righteously, D1 HWB31 °) — Qal Pf. "& Jei8 4 +2t,; 3 f.rnt£jui4 8 Hb2 4 ; 3 mpl. ri^ iK 9 ' 2 ; 7m;j/l^'Nu23 27 -r2t.; *$) 1 S I8 20 - 26 ; 3fs."irnjui 4 7 ; 3 fpl. n5-l^iS6 12 (Ges »«.**in)_l. 5,0 straight, ?|Tn3 M <Ae way 1 S 6 12 . 2. fig., 6e pleasing, agreeable, right OrPJ? 3 ?'»i the eyes of) ; said of a woman Ju 1 4 3 '; a man Je27 5 ; of matters andthings ("13-311)1 S l8 IM, flS 17 4 1Q113 4 2Ch3o 4 ; of cities 1K9 12 ; a place IW#fS5 W? Nu 2 3 27 (E); with TBfcB J e 18 4 . 3. in ethical sense, straigJuforward, upright; 13 it?S3 ffjf^tft Hb 2 4 his soul is not upright in him (opp. fVBV swollen). Pi. Pf. 1 Vffc + 1 1 9 128 (n^ Jb 37 3 , 3 m. sf. Thes; but< Ew Di Hi De Da, Impf. fr. TTf); Impf. If* Pr 3 6. -,^ : , i5 ji. gf q^Hj ^ Mag< abbrev ; tn^l) 2Ch' 3 2 , °; 3 fs. ir.nprn 4 ; 1 s.l^K Is 45 13 ; "Hf^j v 2 Qr (Kt Hiph.nB'iN Ges 570 - 2 ' doubtless copyist's error); Imv. pi. Wf*. 40 3 ; Pt. pi. Q'lE'ID Pr 9 15 ; — 1. wia&e smooth, straight, ace. r&ptp Is 4 o 3 ; D^iq 45 2 ; fig., with ^, jna^e smooth or straight, i.e. free from obstacles, successful v 13 Pr n 6 , fns 3 6 ; in ethical sense, DriirriK DH^IOn 9 15 those making straight their paths, going straightforward on their paths ; ri3 ?""^fj 1 5 21 maketh straight his going, goeth straightforwards. 2. lead straight along, direct, waters of an aqueduct 2 Ch 32 80 ; (of the thunder Jb 37 s ace. to some; but v. rather rot?). 3. esteem right, approve ^ 1 1 9 128 (rd. VWf; "b "plpB i>3). Pn. Pt.t&Q 3HJ ni3nBn - ?y 1 K 6 35 gold made level, laid smoothly out, upon the graven work. Hiph. Impf.

pi- "?.?5 ^r 1 , ?5??^ Pr 4 a Ze< ^ l '"« «y«'»* 

look straight before thee ; Imv.^^Pi^."^^ make thy way even + 5" Qr (Kt "^in ;' v. Ges 70 '*)-