Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/480

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2N3 like ? • • • |> t^58 1(l ; and answered by fi Is 26 17 . — ^5 88b I^WMV 1D3, as it were is against usage of 1D3 (with a vb.), and yields a lame sense : read perh. 1* p^J] 1D3 (Lag Che) ; f 73" if I said, i»3 rHBDK, the text is un- translateable, the rendering thus for 1D3 being indefensible : prob. n|n has dropped out before the following nsn ; for H3H iD3 the like of these things, cf. Jb 23" '"l|0 3 , and i2 3 supr. b. conj. = X i t<3: (a) of time, once, tGni9 ls -Wn TV)} 1D3 when the dawn arose ; (£) of mode, according as, tZc io 8 '3"l IDS U"J1 Pr 23' (answered by J3). — For 2 (before sfs.), see 3. t^N3 vb. be in pain (Aram. 3K3, 0)0 U.,' Ar. tZ^iSbe sorrowful, sad; As. in deriv., ikkibu, pain Zim BP67 , kebtu, ruin Hpt in KAT 2 °'°» ')_ Qal Imp/. "3K^ Pr 14"; 31*3* Jbi 4 K ; P<. 3K13 ,/, 69 30 ; B»3K3 Gn 34 s5 ;— 1. & t» paw, physical Gn 34 s5 (J, as result of circumcision); Jbi4 M (subj. IB'S; poet, of body in grave H^Nri WDJ). 2. of mmta^ pain Pr 14" (subj. 3.b) • prob. also + 69 30 (|| *?$). Hiph. /»/. 1 s. sf. vrnton Ez 13 s2 ; 2 fpl. JJlojon v 22 ©S Co (MT niton v. nN3) ; 7^/ jmno; Jb 5 19 ; tofon 2 K 3"; Pt. 3K3D Ez 2 8 24 ;— pain, mar; 1. of enemies of Isr. under fig. of thorn causing pain (no object expr.) '3D J*ip Ez 28" (||pVD TKDD); of T5>, no obj. expr., Jb 5 18 (opp. BOH, || TOD). 2. of wewtoZ patw, obj. 3^, Ez 13 s (subj. false prophetesses, v. supr.); cf. v 22 (subj. י׳ ). 3. (si vera 1.) of marring good land with stones 2 K 3", © dxpttuerc™ (Klo *"!3K)]l). tntO

pain; — '3 abs. Jb 2 13 Is 1 7"; 

cstr. 65"; sf. ^SO Jb i6 6 + 2 t.; — pain, mental and physical Jb 2 13 1 6 s perh. also j/ 39'; ; CW3X '3 (in disappointment and disaster) Is 1 7 11 (|| HPn? from nbrt); mental, aJH> Is 65" (||nr> 130) soJei 5 19 (||n3pfig.) ta^HSQ n-m/ 34 10 pain;— 'd abs. Ec i I8 + 2 t.; cstr. ^ 69 s7 ; sfaiNSD ('3K3D) ^38 ,8 + 3 t., etc.; pi. trriiSOO ,/, 32 10 Ec 2 a ; ni3N3D Is 53 s ; sf. 1'3k3D Ex 3 7 ; Wfrsg Is 53*;— 1. pam, physical, Ex 3 7 (|| W; cf>Ml »JBD in context); 2 Ch 6 s (|| 1»3); Jb 33". 2. of mental pain, yfr 3 2 10 (of troubles of wicked), of Babylon Je 5 1 8 ; ψ 3818 6927 (as result of sin; of י׳ 's servant); in '>'b word to Baruch Je 45 s (|| [ty, flPUK), c f.


of Israel in distress Je 30 18 (||"I3B'), of Jerus. La i 121218 , Ec i 18 ('3D »prt' Ojn T*DV) ; 2 a (‖(Symbol missingHebrew characters)); partic. of suffering servant of י׳ Is 533.4 (both ‖(Symbol missingHebrew characters)).

I" [ ("7N31 vb.Niph. be disheartened, oow- T i-S- ed (cf. Ar. L5 Li draw back timidly, *Li abstain through timidity) — Tfiph. Pf HK331 consec. Dn ii 80 then sliall he be cowed; Pt. 33? nS33 ^io 9 16 downliearted (||^3«1 iy). Hiph. Inf. cstr. P»B 3> niton E« 13"; but ©5: Co |n3N3il v. 3K3. t[nM3] adj. cowed, + io 10 Qr tttra i>n ; ^o«i 0/ cowed ones, but rd. Kt D'tO^n ; v. p. 3 1 9. [1M3] v. II. -10. "»N3 Am 8 8 , v. "itO. T : D (-/of foil., cf. Sta SU8 ' 3 ; meaning not wholly clear ; Ar. JUi is roll threads into a ball, sJIS ball of thread, but also troop of horses, band of men, etc.; Eth. hflfl: is in orbem circum- sistere, hO-fl: ilO-fl: orbis, circulus, etc.; hence perh. star, as round, or as collected in bands, clusters, constellations; As. kabdbu = bum ; kabdbe, shields, is written kabdbe by D1 HWBCT8 ). tnDiS n.m. Qn15 ' 5 star (NH id.; Aram. N3313, NT133i3, jtaaoo, Jjv^acio, fem.form speci- fically of planet Venus, v. also We SkkMn "'• "• ""j Ar. £_S°S gen. of single stars and prob. Aram. loan-word,We 6ktaml "- m ; Eth.MWl:; prob. for

  • 3333 v. Mahri kubkob, kobkib, etc., Maltzan

2M<JM3 ' 227 and As. kakkabu D1 UWBSM ; Pun. KaKafHovy. (Dioscorides), name of a plant, prob. from shape of seed-cup, Blau 2 " "" 1 ' 1873 ' 529 ; on formation cf. No M * 109 Ba NB s 138 - ')— '3 abs. Nu 24 17 ; cstr. 33i3 Ams 26 ; pi. D'33i3 Gn I 18 + 19t.; cstr. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)) Gn 2217 +13 t.; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ez 327 ;— sg. only (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Am 526 (where, however, '3 is prob. a gloss, so GFM Dec. 19, 1890, and now We; v. further P?), and 3'P5?!P '3 Nu 24" (JE; H^NTO D3B*. metaph. of future ruler); elsewhere pi. stars, || sun and moon (cf. also infr.) Gn i 16 (P) ty 136 9 (to rule the night, cf. Gn 1 16 ), Je 3 1 85 Gn 3 f (E), Joseph's dream ('3 1B>y inx=rii brethren); Dt 4 19 obj. of idol, worship (cf. infr.); observed in augury '33 D'lhn Is 4 7 13 (of Babylon); Ec 12 2 (|| (also) light; fig. of brightness of youth); ||sunJb9 7 ; ||moon^8 4 ; sign of evening Ne 4 15 ('3n riNS ny nne'n n^j>p) cf. istw *?3ta jb 3'