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tfO abs. D^Pfn naboij t*?*l rffejjb Je 7 18 ; «*¥$ +L Di3 n.f. L * 4 ' a cup (-/unknown; perh. kindred with D"3, q.v.; NH id.; Ph. nD3 ; Aram. D3, .ms; Ar. JJjfis Aram, loan- wd. ace. torra 17, ,butseeDHM VOJlw )— '3abs.Gn40"+; D'3 Pr23 31 ; cstr. Gn 40" + ; sf. *Cta ^ 16 5 2 3 5 etc.; pi. abs. niD3 Je 35 s ;— cup 2 S 1 2 3 ; for wine Gn 40 »»»^» (allE), Pr 23 31 Je 35 s ; OtSTTty 1 K 7 M 2 Ch 4 6 ; D'tSinan '3 Je 1 6 7 the cup offered to mourners ; fig. (wine-) cup of judgment of

from which the nations, or Isr., must drink 

Je 49 13 La 4 21 + 75 9 ; toon '3 Is S i*>*>; RHJ '3 norm j e 2 5 16 , of. v 17 - 28 ; nVjnnn '3 is 5 i»* ; '3 nocfi nBB'Ez 23 s3 , cfv 31 - 32 - 33 ; A P?) '3 Hb 2 16 ; by bold metaph. Babylon is such a cup 3HT '3

  • T3 J e 5 1 7 ; bo of wicked persons, fire, brim-

stone, and burning wind are DpiBTUD 1/^n 6 tlie portion of their cup; '3 in good sense, cup of blessing f 23 s (overflowing) ; *?toj "i?^n rutp * f 16 5 ; niW^'3 f 116 13 . fn. Di3 n.[m.] a kind of owl (ace. toVrss.; v. Kn*Di Lv 11 17 ; wd. perh. onomatop.) — un- clean bird Lvii 17 Dti4 16 , dwelling in ruins ni3-in '3 ^ 102 7 I. TO (-/of foil.; perh. be or ma&e round, hence furnace, pot, basin, fr. shape ; Ar. Jli wind about (e.g. a turban) ,*j>turn or ta«s< (of turban), ]S blacksmith's fire-place, hornets' or bees' nest, *ij£ bundle ; > Thes comp. Syr. iaoir incaluit (Lexx. aestuavit, calefactus est)). |i. ["13] n.[m.] loasket-saddle, ??|CP3? Gn3i M in the camel-basket, i.e. the basket- saddle of the camel, a sort of palankeen bound upon the saddle proper (cf. Kn in Di and reff). n. 13 v. in alphabetical order. t"V)3 n.[m.] smelting-pot or furnace (Ar. } Jr, NH id.; Aram, id., »oa ; Eth. VD-C)— pot or furnace for smelting metals, but alw. in metaph. or sim. of human sufferings in punish- ment or discipline : iron (fig. of Egypt as place of bondage) bpzn '213 Dt 4 20 Je 1 i 4 , '3? ' 3 tf»? 1 K 8"; gold 3$ '3 Pr i 7 3 = 2 f ' (|| *fTfSf) various metals Ez 2 2 18 - 20 - 22 ; once *# 1«3 Is 48 in a smelting-pot of affliction. lUjy'"rt! n.pr.loc. v. )f<) "fa supr. p. 02 b , "7> '10 tf^S] n.[m.] cooking-furnace (Mishn. nn»3) — frangible, only du. ff|Y? Lv 11 s5 (c. "1«PI), perh. as supporting two pots (Hi); ® XVrpoTioftfs. iS% "Yi*3 n.m. 1K7S8 pot, basin (NH "rt'3 wash-basin, so Aram. tCl*?)— abs. "I s ? iK7 30 + 8t.; 1 < i»3iS2 14 4-5t.; cstr.ii 1 ? Ex 3 o 18 + 2 t.; pi. abs. nil*? 1K7 40 (but v. infr.), 2Ch4 14 ; rh s 3 1 K 7 43 ; Wft} 2 Ch 4 6 ; cstr. nn s 3 1 K. 7 38 ;— 1. ^>o« for cooking 1 S 2 14 (||"«1, nr&3, "1V1B). 2. >•«-;«« CN -li>3 Zc 12 6 (|| B>* T£&; fig. of chiefs of Judah). 3. basin of bronze for washing, laver; set on a bronze support a. before tabernacle Ex 30 1828 31 9 35 16 3 8 8 39 39 4o 7.n.30 Lv g" (all P). b. 10 in number, 5 at each front comer of temple 1 K 7 »-»J«-»-« = 2 Ch 4 14 , 2 Ch 4 6 (1 K 7 40 rd. nh"Dn as v 46 and II 2 Ch 4 1116 , so Heb. Codd. ® 33 Th Ke Sta Klo al.) 4. platform or stage of bronze (prob. round, bowl-like in shape) on which, ace. to Chr, Solomon stood and kneeled 2 Ch 6 13 . j-II. [1^3] vb. mng. dub., perh. bore, or dig, or hew (Dl Pr<,lm comp. As. kdru, fell trees (D1 HWBS24 ))— only Qal Pf. 3 pi. n»3s=!**tt for 113 iff 22 17 (MT »T!|?i v. *T$) <Aey We bored (digged, hewn) my hands and my feet (si vera L; cf. Vrss De Pe Che Bae al. ; some, however, deriving from i"t"0 in this sense); hence per- haps following. t[mbp, rTVOp] n.f. origin (i.e. place of digging out?)— sg. sf. DrnttO ftX Ez 29 14 ; of a people, persons: pi. sf. TCfrDD YJft 21 s6 (||n«7.33 -b>« Dipt??); of Jerus., ^rnj'bi ^rnbt? »J$»Bn fif$ 16 3 . t [rVO£!] »■[*•] prob. the name of a weapon, only pi. sf. bsrrfOD DDn 'O? Gn 49 B weapons of violence are their 'o (other conjectures v. in Di). "funis and (Ezr i 12 ) Chi n.pr.m. Cyrus (Pers. K'ur'u(s), Spieg APK216 '; Bab. KuraSCOT on Ezr 1', DI in Baer Dnpx )— king of (Anzan = Susiana, Tiele Bab - AMyrGrach - 469 , and) Persia, conqueror of Babylon (Tiele 1 "- 468 *), restorer of Jews to Palestine Is 44 28 45 I Ezr I? >' called ^? DIB 2 Ch 36 22 - 12 - 23 Ezr i 112 , also Ezr i 8 4 s6 Dn io 1 ; simply ^Bn Dn i 2 '. ti. tt^S n.pr.pers.m., gent, et terr. (Egypt. Koi, Steindorff^ 81 - 693 , As. KHsu, Id lb - D1 p.26i. xasi in Tel Amarna tablets, vid. Wkl